Monday 16 April 2018

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Uma História: a Palavra do Ano do Dicionário.
Palavra do ano.
Nossa escolha de Palavra do Ano serve como um símbolo dos eventos mais significativos de cada ano e das tendências de pesquisa. É uma oportunidade para refletirmos sobre a linguagem e as ideias que representam a cada ano. Então, dê um passeio pela estrada da memória para lembrar de todas as nossas seleções anteriores da Palavra do Ano.
Não foi moda, engraçado, nem foi cunhado no Twitter, mas achamos que a mudança contou uma história real sobre como nossos usuários definiram 2010. Ao contrário de 2008, a mudança não era mais um slogan de campanha. Mas o termo ainda tinha muito peso. Aqui está um trecho do nosso anúncio da Palavra do Ano em 2010:
O debate nacional pode ser resumido pela pergunta: Nos últimos dois anos, houve mudanças suficientes? Tem havido muito? Enquanto isso, muitos americanos continuam enfrentando mudanças em suas casas, contas bancárias e empregos. Só o tempo dirá se a última onda de mudanças pela qual os americanos votaram nas eleições intermediárias resultará em um resultado negativo ou positivo.
Esta palavra rara foi escolhida para representar 2011 porque descreveu muito do mundo ao nosso redor. Tergiversar significa "mudar repetidamente a atitude ou opiniões de uma pessoa em relação a uma causa, assunto, etc." Os editores do dicionário viram o mercado de ações, os grupos políticos e a opinião pública passarem por uma montanha-russa de mudanças ao longo de 2011. E assim, nomeamos tergiversar a Palavra do Ano de 2011.
Em um ano conhecido pelo movimento Occupy e o que ficou conhecido como a Primavera Árabe, nossos lexicógrafos escolheram a tag como sua Palavra do Ano de 2012. Aqui está um trecho do nosso lançamento que dá uma boa explicação para a nossa escolha:
2012 viu as campanhas políticas mais caras e alguns dos eventos climáticos mais extremos da história da humanidade, desde enchentes na Austrália a ciclones na China, ao furacão Sandy e muitos outros.
Ficamos sérios em 2013. A privacidade de todos estava naquele ano, desde a revelação de Edward Snowden do Project PRISM até a chegada do Google Glass. Aqui está um trecho do nosso anúncio em 2013:
Muitos de nós abraçamos as mídias sociais, optando por oferecer informações íntimas e fotografias pessoais no Facebook, Twitter e Instagram; Esta participação robusta ecoa uma observação de Mark Zuckerberg em 2010 de que o nível de conforto do público em compartilhar informações pessoais on-line é uma “norma social” que “evoluiu com o tempo”. Mesmo assim, uma pesquisa recente da Harris Poll mostra que os jovens estão agora monitorando e alterando suas configurações de privacidade mais do que nunca, um desenvolvimento que o USA Today apelidou de “efeito de Edward Snowden”.
Alerta de spoiler: As coisas não ficaram menos sérias em 2014. Nossa Palavra do Ano foi a exposição, que destacou o surto do vírus Ebola no ano, chocantes atos de violência tanto no exterior quanto nos EUA e o roubo generalizado de informações pessoais. Aqui está o que nós tivemos a dizer sobre a exposição em 2014:
Do senso de vulnerabilidade que permeia o Ebola à visibilidade de atos de crime ou má conduta que provocaram conversas críticas sobre raça, gênero e violência, vários sentidos de exposição foram expostos ao público este ano.
A fluidez da identidade foi um grande tema em 2015. A linguagem em torno do gênero e da identidade sexual se ampliou, tornando-se mais inclusiva, com acréscimos ao dicionário, como gênero fluido, bem como o prefixo neutro de gênero Mx. A identidade racial também teve muito debate em 2015, depois que Rachel Dolezal, uma mulher branca se apresentando como uma mulher negra, disse que se identificou como biracial ou transracial. Nossa Palavra do Ano em 2015 refletiu as muitas facetas da identidade que surgiram naquele ano.
Em 2016, selecionamos a xenofobia como nossa Palavra do Ano. O medo do "outro" foi um tema enorme em 2016, do Brexit à retórica de campanha do presidente Donald Trump. Em nosso anúncio, pedimos aos nossos leitores que refletissem sobre este termo em vez de celebrá-lo:
Apesar de ser escolhida como a Palavra do Ano de 2016, a xenofobia não deve ser celebrada. Pelo contrário, é uma palavra para refletir profundamente à luz dos acontecimentos do passado recente.
A palavra cúmplice surgiu em conversas em 2017 sobre aqueles que se manifestaram contra figuras e instituições poderosas e sobre aqueles que permaneceram em silêncio. Foi um ano de verdadeiro despertar para a cumplicidade em vários setores da sociedade, da política à cultura pop. De nosso anúncio de Palavra do Ano de 2017:
Nossa escolha para Palavra do Ano é tanto sobre o que é visível quanto sobre o que não é. É uma palavra que nos lembra que até a inação é um tipo de ação. A aceitação silenciosa do erro é como chegamos a esse ponto. Não devemos deixar que isso continue a ser a norma. Se fizermos isso, então somos todos cúmplices.

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10:27 por Metro Manila Direções & # 183; 58 comentários.
1. Primeiro cinema IMAX nas Filipinas (outro é encontrado na SM Norte)
2. San Miguel By the Bay - altamente recomendado para os amantes e amigos que estão com orçamento apertado.
3. Science Discovery Center - um ótimo centro de aprendizado / local de viagem de campo para crianças.
4. SMX Convention Center - um grande local de eventos onde se pode assistir a concertos, encontros especiais, exposições e conferências.
5. SM MOA Concert Grounds - ótimo local para artistas estrangeiros e locais participarem de concertos. Está localizado fora do IMAX Theatre, entre a Sunset Avenue e a Palm Coast Avenue.
6. SM MOA Arena - A SM MOA Arena será a nova sede da UAAP e da NCAA em 2012.
7. Serviço de balsa para Cavite.
8. Fogos de Artifício às 7 da noite todos os sábados e domingos e os Jogos Olímpicos do Mundo de Pirolympicos, realizados anualmente, e agora o 1º Concurso Pyromusical Internacional das Filipinas.
9. O Globo que acende todas as noites.
10. SM Mall of Asia Norte e Sul Terminals que abriga jipes, FX, vans e multicabs que trazem passageiros para diferentes partes da região metropolitana de Manila.
11. Rinque de patinação olímpica - os velhos e os jovens reúnem esta enorme pista de patinação (com um pano de fundo do Monte Everest) para experimentar o Natal e fugir do calor do verão.
* Lembre-se que o SM Mall of Asia está no final da EDSA. Então tudo o que você tem que focar é chegar à EDSA e ir ao seu extremo sul. A estação LRT / MRT mais próxima é a EDSA-Taft Avenue.
Opção 1. A maneira mais rápida de se locomover é percorrendo a Linha Azul do Metrô Rail Transit (MRT) em direção ao sul. Você pode descer na estação Taft Avenue e, em seguida, pegar um ônibus com destino a SM Mall of Asia ou Baclaran ou pegar um jeepney com destino ao SM Mall of Asia no cruzamento abaixo do terminal.
* Tome nota de que há um jeepney especial que passa por Pasong Tamo, particularmente Waltermart e Don Bosco, depois segue para Osmena (Super Rodovia do Sul), e depois se dirige para a EDSA para ir ao MOA. Estas são viagens especiais que você pode encontrar.
Se você estiver vindo de Alabang ou de qualquer área do sul, você pode pegar o jeepney indo para Pasay Rotonda e depois pegar o jeepney ou o ônibus sob a estação de Taft Avenue MRT.
Receba as últimas atualizações através da nossa página no Facebook!
obrigado! isso é muito útil.
você tem direções indo para Mckinley Hill também?
obrigado. É muito útil! poderia muito bem adicionar a rota dos ônibus e jipes que temos que tomar, é muito mais fácil assim, então só temos que olhar para as placas de sinalização,
Hi Idiot Box - as rotas estão na verdade nas direções já. Quando mencionamos pegar um ônibus ou jeepney indo para MOA, nós realmente queríamos procurar um ônibus ou jeepney com uma tabuleta dizendo MOA. Se o ônibus ou o jeepney estiver vinculado a algum outro lugar e apenas passar pelo destino pretendido, mencionaremos explicitamente o caminho exato a seguir. :)
Obrigado pelas instruções! Eu sou um viajante de cor. ri muito. Isso tem sido muito útil.
Lizzie, sim! Feliz por ajudar :)
Oi, apenas um FYI: Eu não sei sobre fins de semana * ainda * mas ônibus EDSA não tem permissão para ir diretamente para o MOA já (por 2 semanas e contando). me bate porque MMDA decidiu isso. :(
oh! é por causa dos shows? irá verificar com o MMDA. Obrigado pela informação! vai te atualizar!
Obrigado! Informações muito úteis. Eu não gosto de dirigir na área de Pasay / Manila (coz da polícia de trânsito). Então eu prefiro viajar se eu precisar ir até lá. Então, obrigada!
Oi! Eu e um amigo estaremos visitando manila em breve e esperamos conferir o MOA enquanto estiver lá. Só quero perguntar se depois de ir ao MOA e queremos voltar para a MRT Taft Avenue, há jeepneys disponíveis indo para a MRT Taft Avenue? Obrigado.
Olá Chunsa: Existem :) MOA tem um terminal enorme, com certeza você vai encontrar o jipe ​​:)
Oi! Gostaria de perguntar como ir para o MOA vindo de Star City? Existe um jipe ​​indo para lá? Temos que caminhar até a Roxas Blvd ou Macapagal Avenue?
Oi, como eu posso ir para MOA e im de bulacan qual ônibus eu posso ir.
haie :) quanta feira você tem que pagar se você estiver no terminal naia 4 indo para sm mall of asia arena? há um jipe ​​indo lá ou um ônibus.
que tal a partir do terminal NAIA 4 para SM MOA quais são o modo de transporte.
Uma dica .. se você é da área de caloocan / manila, montar o trem LRT 1 e ir até a estação de Gil Puyat e desça para as escadas do sul. Quando você descer, vire à direita e depois do terminal de ônibus há multicabs que também vai para o MOA / Mall of Asia.
Veja no mapa o Centro Conventual SMX da estação Giluy Puyat? pwede po ba ung multicabs na frente para o terminal do forro de jac e mcdo?
Foram de angono rizal e nós gostaríamos de visitar o centro comercial da Ásia poderia você por favor me ajude com as direções e o que montar menos táxi: 3.
Um grande local de eventos onde se pode assistir a concertos, encontros especiais, exposições e conferências. เท & # 3637; & # 3656; ย ว เม & # 3639; อง ไทย.
الكشف عن تسربات المياه من اصعب الامور والمهام بالنسبه للعميل او فني اصلاح التسربات لان الخطأ في التقدير يكلف الكثير من الاموال والخراب بالجدران والمواسير سواء كانت بالحمام او المطبح ومن اجل اهمية الامر تقوم شركة زهرة العلا افضل كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام بالدمام باختيار اكفأ الفنيين المتخصصين وعمل اختبارات وفخوصات علي اعلي مستوي علمي لتحديد قدراتهم ومستوي زكائهم وبعد تلك المرحلة نقوم بعمل كورسات مستمرة لهم لتنميه افكارهم ومدهم بالجديد في مجال تسربات المياه واصلاحها باسرع واقل تكاليف دون اللجوء الي الهدم والخراب كما تفعلة باقي المؤسسات العا ملة بالمجال.
Quer saber a programação da Euro Cup 2016 e também obter as últimas atualizações, basta verificar Euro Cup Live Schedule para saber tudo sobre Euro Cup 2016, resultados ao vivo, transmissão ao vivo, agenda e todas as notícias detalhadas. O euro deve começar no dia 10 de junho na França, com 24 equipes. Ficar atualizado.
Temos algumas idéias que tornariam o Sims 5 uma melhoria sólida em relação ao seu antecessor.
Faça logon nessas páginas para obter informações úteis para manter sua saúde.
Você recebe melhores citações Happy Valentines Day 2017 e deseja aqui.
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شركة المنزل هى شركة تخزين عفش بالطائف لدينا الستودعات المجهزة والخالية من الحشرات والقوارض والمؤمنة من السرقات والحرائق ونحن لدينا العمالة المدربة التى تقوم بخدمات تخزين العفش بالطائف كما ان مستودعاتنا تضم ​​الاوناش والروافع الحديثة التى تساعد عمالتنا على مهام تخزين العفش والاثاث باطائف كما ان مستودعاتنا مقامة على مساحات كبيرة ونتبع احدث الطرقالمتبعةعالميافىخدماتتفزينالعفش, والاثاث, فنحننتبعاحدثطرقالترقيمونقدم, خدماتتخزينالاثاثبالطائفبأرخصالاسعار.
Obrigado pelo seu post! Através da sua caneta eu achei o problema interessante! Eu acredito que há muitas outras pessoas que estão interessadas nelas como eu! Obrigado seu compartilhado. Espero que você continue a ter postagens semelhantes para compartilhar com todos! Eu acredito que muitas pessoas ficarão surpresas ao ler este artigo!
Este blog é muito legal para mim. Eu continuarei a vir aqui de novo e de novo. Visite meu link também. Boa sorte.
Prestadores de serviços de terceiros. Nenhum conteúdo da web ilegal Kodi APK software com a capacidade de reproduzir vários formatos.
نقل الاثاث مع الفكوالتركيب والتغليف بجدة وشراء الاثاث المستعمل بجدة.
عندك اثاث مستعمل تريد بيعة عندكاثاثك قديم وتريدتجديد اثاث البيت محتار وتبغى.
شركة شراء اثاث مستعمل متخصصة فى شراءالاثاث المستعمل بالمدينة المنورة.
واعطائك افضلالاسعار فىاثاثكالمستخدملماذالتقوى.
مجال شراء الاثاث المستعمل بالمدينة المنورة.
Todos nós entendemos que os gigantes podem aparecer em qualquer lugar. musicalmente. io quando foi a última vez no entanto não suporta nenhuma das marcas da tecnologia.
أعزائنا العملاء & # 1548; من خلال متخصصين بشراء الاثاث المستعمل & # 1548; حيث نحن قادرين على شراء الاثاث المستعمل لديكم بأعلى الأسعار الممكنة فلدينا خبرة في شراء الاثاث المستعمل تمتد لدى أكثر من عشرون عاما في مجال المتاجرة بالاثاث المستعمل وإعادة تدويره مره أخري بعد صيانته وتنظيفه وإصلاح كافة عيوبه & # 1548; كلامنايحتاجفيبعضالأوقاتإإلىتغييرالديكورالخاصببيتهليسفقطلديكورالمنزلمنحيثالشكلوإنماأيضانحتاجإإلىتغيير ديكورالاثاثلديمنازلنا & # 1548; وهنا يقع صميم عملنا حيث نقوم نحن بعض التواصل مع أحد مندوبينا بمعاينة الاثاث لديك والتواصل معك لأعلى سعر ممكن لبيعه ثم نقوم باصلح كافة العيوب المتواجدة بالاثاث وإعادة عرضه مرة أخرى لدينا في محلات شراء الاثاث المستعمل بالرياض وخصيصا بالحراج.

Vida mais brilhante Filipinas.
Viver. Brilho. Prosperar.
Como os fundos mútuos me transformaram em um milionário em 5 anos.
Por Mylene Daez-Lopa, Brighterlife. ph.
Compartilhar isso:
Eu tinha 30 anos e trabalhava no mundo corporativo há 9 anos quando um amigo meu me perguntou se eu tinha alguma poupança. Eu disse a ele que eu tinha uma conta de poupança e um depósito a prazo que não chegava a mais que 30.000.000 em conjunto. Ele ficou surpreso ao ouvir que, depois de passar 9 anos no mundo corporativo, um gerente de nível médio como eu, sem dependentes, teria apenas essa quantia de dinheiro. E então ele começou a me dar uma palestra sobre a necessidade de investir. Este meu amigo era apenas alguns anos mais velho do que eu, mas ele me disse que acumulara milhões ao longo dos anos em que investiu em ações.
Isso me fez pensar. Eu queria começar a investir naquele momento, mas não entendia as ações e tinha medo dos riscos associados à negociação de ações. Lembrei-me de ouvir alguém me falar sobre esse investimento chamado fundos mútuos e como para um mínimo de PHP 5.000, pode-se comprar ações desse fundo que investe em uma variedade de instrumentos financeiros como ações e títulos e que podem dar retornos muito maiores do que produtos bancários tradicionais.
Em poucos dias, eu havia aberto uma conta de investimentos na Sun Life, pois eles eram uma das poucas empresas que eu conhecia que ofereciam fundos mútuos. O conselheiro com quem falei me disse que a melhor maneira de acumular é investir regularmente, como em todos os meses. Então, tendo resolvido ganhar meu primeiro milhão como meu amigo, segui o conselho. Eu transferi 150.000 php da minha conta de depósito a prazo para o fundo mútuo e me comprometi a investir php10.000 por mês no fundo que escolhi. Isso não foi fácil no começo, já que isso era perto de 20% da minha receita mensal paga em casa naquele momento. Mas eu era solteiro e morava com meus pais, então eu não tinha muitas despesas para cuidar de qualquer maneira. Significava reduzir minhas compras de impulso.
Após os primeiros 3 meses, já era um hábito. Eu não sentia mais falta do dinheiro que costumava gastar com meus caprichos. Eu estava orgulhoso que o dinheiro que eu gastava em coisas desnecessárias estava agora investido e fiquei muito animada em vê-lo crescer. Continuei com minhas contribuições mensais durante os anos seguintes e até aumentei sempre que recebia aumentos salariais. Eu também adicionaria ao meu investimento uma parte dos meus bônus de 13 e 14 meses, depois, é claro, recompensando-me com um pequeno presente ou algo em primeiro lugar.
Cinco anos depois, recebi meu último extrato de conta com a Sun Life e estou feliz em compartilhar que meu investimento já vale P1.078.363,50 *! Nunca imaginei há 5 anos que eu poderia acumular um milhão de pesos em tão pouco tempo apenas separando diligentemente uma parte do meu salário mensal. Agora sou convertido e sou fã de fundos mútuos. Eu ainda mantenho uma conta poupança, mas apenas para as minhas necessidades de emergência e do dia-a-dia. Na verdade, recentemente solicitei meu visto nos EUA e, quando solicitado a apresentar comprovação de status financeiro, eu só recebi minha certificação da Sun Life para meu investimento em fundos mútuos, já que o dinheiro que tenho lá é cerca de 4 vezes maior do que o meu. conta bancária.
Eu sou agora um investidor orgulhoso e um orgulhoso milionário. Sou um defensor dos fundos mútuos e pretendo investir nele até me aposentar. Não só me deu confiança, deu-me riqueza e a oportunidade de concretizar os meus objectivos a longo prazo.
Para saber mais sobre fundos mútuos, observe isso…
* Investido no Fundo Sun Life Prosperity Balanced Fund de 30 de maio de 2009 a 30 de maio de 2014 com investimento inicial de P150.000,00 e investimento mensal regular de P10.000,00.
** Isso é baseado em uma história real, mas os valores foram alterados para proteger a privacidade do autor.
Mylene Daez & # 8211; Lopa é a diretora de marketing da Sun Life Financial Philippines.
Quer começar a investir hoje para um futuro melhor? Um consultor financeiro pode ajudá-lo. Envie-nos um email para editor@brighterlife. ph.
Imagem usada sob Creative Commons de Simon Cunningham.
Compartilhar isso:
Uau, inspirador! O tempo é nosso amigo talaga.
Replymike zamora em 03 de julho de 2014 às 15:23.
Bom e intelectualmente inspirador. Apenas uma pergunta, se necessário, um investidor pode levar algum valor de sua conta a qualquer momento?
Olá Mike! Um investidor pode retirar investimentos a qualquer momento, mas, como qualquer instrumento de investimento, os fundos mútuos são mais bem mantidos no longo prazo, especialmente para fundos mútuos que têm objetivos de investimento de crescimento de capital, como fundos de ações. Temos uma ficha técnica do fundo em sunlifefunds que você pode consultar para ver o desempenho histórico do fundo. Espero que isto ajude. Obrigado 🙂
Responder demelyn em 21 de setembro de 2015 às 03:02.
oi é possível ter duas contas diferentes? meu Sunsure10 será concluído no próximo ano ..
Oi Demelyn Sim, você pode consultar seu consultor financeiro sobre como fazê-lo.
Oi eu estou interessado em investir em fundos mútuos, você pode por favor me diga idéias sobre por onde começar. Sou funcionário de Petróleo e Gás Offshore e atualmente estou conectado na SBM Offshore Inc.
Oi Jaime! Por favor envie-nos sua localização e detalhes de contato via editor@brighterlife. ph para que possamos encaminhá-lo para um consultor financeiro para consulta gratuita.
Oi pastor randell & # 8230; longo prazo po ba ito? Você pode ganhar dinheiro de yung após 5 anos? Im um ofw e d naman po kasi ako tatagal din disse & # 8230; pode me endossar a um consultor financeiro? Obrigado po .. Deus abençoe.
Oi Rona, por favor envie-nos um e-mail sua localização e detalhes de contato para editor@brighterlife. ph para que possamos ter um conselheiro para ajudá-lo. Obrigado!
Pode haver dois investidores em uma conta do Bond Fund?
Oi Fé, você pode optar por ter um co-investidor.
Os co-investidores do Bond Fund precisam estar relacionados?
Sim, co-investidores podem ser cônjuges, irmãos, pais ou filhos.
750.000 pesos por 5 anos e só rendem 350.000? Hmmmm propriedade real ainda é o caminho a percorrer para mim.
Responder potchi em 4 de julho de 2014 às 8:00 am.
o retorno anual real é, na verdade, de cerca de 11%. O investimento inicial não é 750k então você tem que fatorar isso. Imóveis é um grande investimento, mas eu não posso dizer se isso é melhor do que ações / títulos. Tendo ambos os investimentos para diversificação? provavelmente uma boa ideia. agora você também pode investir em REITs se realmente gosta de imóveis. Apenas meus dois centavos e não, eu não trabalho com a Sun.
Resposta reniz em 31 de março de 2015 às 8:12 am.
Forex trading ainda é a melhor maneira de investir. Você pode ganhar 10-15% dos retornos por mês. Negociação de ações é apenas segundo.
Além disso, precisamos considerar a liquidez de ambos os instrumentos.
Porque está em um fundo equilibrado. Se fosse patrimônio, os retornos devem ter sido muito maiores.
Responder Pete em 6 de julho de 2014 às 14:38.
Eu atualmente sou um OFW aqui nos estados. Eu só quero saber se posso abrir uma conta MF através da Sunlife enquanto estiver no exterior ou se precisar estar fisicamente nas Filipinas.
@Pete Para Sunlife Mutual Fund, você só pode investir quando estiver aqui nas Filipinas.
Responder Krista em 7 de julho de 2014 às 11:57.
ReplyCalix Hernandez em 9 de julho de 2014 às 11h30.
Posso incluir um beneficiário, mesmo que ele não seja menor de idade? se não, em caso de morte do investidor inicial, o que acontecerá com os investimentos? se eu tiver um co-investidor, ele / ela pode retirar todos os investimentos automaticamente? Que tal em caso de morte do investidor inicial e co, o que acontecerá com meus investimentos?
Oi Calix, ITF ou In Trust For é apenas para o menor filho e beneficiário do Fundo Mútuo é diferente dos planos de seguro de vida. Em caso de morte em uma conta conjunta, todas as ações serão divididas igualmente entre os investidores. As ações do investidor falecido serão suspensas e já estarão sujeitas ao imposto sobre imóveis. Eles terão que apresentar os requisitos de declaração de morte apropriados. As ações do investidor sobrevivente são resgatáveis ​​a qualquer momento. Se todos os investidores morrerem, a conta ficará suspensa e sujeita à apresentação dos requisitos de alegação de morte. Se você quiser saber mais sobre os fundos mútuos da Sun Life, podemos designar um consultor financeiro para orientá-lo. Obrigado!
Resposta Anok em 29 de março de 2015 às 22:48.
Pode um testamento cobrir o investimento de modo que ele vá para membros da família em caso de morte do investidor principal?
Oi! A Última Vontade e Testamento é uma declaração legal que fornece informações sobre a distribuição do patrimônio do dono e ativos após a morte. Então, sim, até mesmo os investimentos são cobertos se forem declarados na vontade.
Qual é o menor valor que posso investir mensalmente em fundos mútuos? Eu sou apenas um funcionário no nível de supervisão e não estou ganhando muito.
Oi Kristian! O valor mínimo para o investimento subsequente é de Php1.000. 🙂
Responder robert em 4 de junho de 2015 às 11:58 am.
Olá, ok ba ang lumpsum investimento como 500k sa fundos mútuos, em seguida, esperar por 5 anos antes de resgatar mag? Salamat.
Oi Robert, sim, tudo bem. Você pode nos visitar em qualquer Sun Life Customer Cente ou falar com um de nossos consultores financeiros quando estiver pronto para investir. 🙂
Oi! Esse vídeo é tão inspirador .. Esp para pessoas solteiras como nós .. Eu estou interessado em investir em fundos mútuos, onde posso obter detalhes completos de como funciona o fundo de balanço de prosperidade?
Oi João, nosso site sobre fundos mútuos fornece uma explicação simples sobre como funcionam os fundos mútuos. Aqui está o link: sunlifefunds. Se você preferir discutir sobre como investir com nosso consultor financeiro, basta nos enviar um email para editor@brighterlife. ph. Obrigado e tenha um dia brilhante!
Responder erwin francisco em 21 de julho de 2014 às 16:06.
Eu assisti o vídeo e achei interessante e também li a história inspiradora de como em cinco anos ela ganhou seu primeiro milhão.
Eu tenho duas políticas de seguro variável com Sunlife pagável em dez anos, que eu obtive apenas em dezembro último 2013. Eu concordei em colocá-lo em seu Fundo Equilibrado. Tenho pago meus prêmios trimestrais e semestrais para antecipar a data de vencimento. Agora eu observei que grande parte dos meus pagamentos para os prêmios de seguro, porque o meu valor atual do fundo é muito abaixo do que eu já paguei. Minha pergunta é se meu investimento realmente crescerá com o tempo - quando muito do que estou pagando vai para os prêmios de seguro. gentilmente me ilumine.
Oi Erwin, o vídeo e o artigo discutem os Fundos Mútuos, que é diferente do VUL. VUL ou Variable Universal Life é um plano de seguro com componente de investimento. Você pode consultar o nosso artigo sobre a VUL aqui: brighterlife. ph/2014/07/07/3-benefits-of-a-vul-insurance-plan/?category-ref=personal-finance. Na VUL, uma grande parte dos prêmios é paga para a cobertura de seguro de vida nos primeiros anos. Depois de um certo número de anos, as acusações serão mínimas. É melhor consultar a proposta fornecida pelo seu consultor financeiro para verificar o valor do fundo projetado por um determinado período. Espero que isto ajude. Obrigado 🙂
Responder Erwin Francisco, em 29 de agosto de 2014 às 19:48.
Obrigado, eu tenho uma pergunta de acompanhamento é uma VUL com um pagamento fixo de uma vez melhor do que um VUL pago em parcelas? Eu tenho outro VUL com esse tipo de inteligência.
Eu assisti ao vídeo e estou muito interessado no MF, mas sou apenas um estudante. Ainda posso ter um MF?
ReplyMary on August 1, 2014 at 2:25 pm.
Qual é o investimento mínimo? Sou apenas um empregado e não posso pagar alto investimento.
Oi Mary, investimento inicial mínimo para fundos mútuos é Php 5.000 apenas. Caso tenha interesse, você pode nos visitar em qualquer Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente da Sun Life perto de você ou podemos encaminhá-lo a um de nossos consultores financeiros. 🙂
Responda Maria em 7 de outubro de 2014 às 8:13.
e quanto será o investimento mensal?
Investimento subseqüente mínimo é P1, 000.
quanto vai ser daqui a 5 anos?
As devoluções variam de acordo com o tipo de fundo que você escolheu (ou seja, Bond, Equilibrado, Patrimônio Líquido, etc.) Você pode consultar a nossa Ficha Técnica do Fundo em sunlifefunds para ver o desempenho histórico de cada fundo. 🙂
Kung mag investimento inicial ng Php 10.000,00 e investimento mensal é Php 2.500,00, quanto possível aumento em 5 anos? Obrigado.
Responder Rodel em 31 de agosto de 2014 às 13:29.
Oi Rhona, como computou seu investimento total em 5 anos será 157.500 e assumindo que MF ganhou 8% / ano o valor do fundo no quinto ano será 201,097 que lhe dão 43, 597 ganhos enquanto se ganhou 12% seu salário será em torno de 70K Note que o investimento não deu retorno garantido, a projeção é baseada apenas no desempenho passado.
Responda dennis em 04 de fevereiro de 2015 às 15:22.
Rodel em 31 de agosto de 2014 às 13:29.
Oi Rhona, como computou seu investimento total em 5 anos será 157.500 e assumindo que MF ganhou 8% / ano o valor do fundo no quinto ano será 201,097 que lhe dão 43, 597 ganhos enquanto se ganhou 12% seu salário será em torno de 70K Note que o investimento não deu retorno garantido, a projeção é baseada apenas no desempenho passado.
Como você chegou a P201.097 no 5º ano, se a taxa anual é de 8%?
1º ano é P37,500 @ 8% =
O total do 2º ano é P67,500 @ 8% =
5º ano P157,500 @ 8%
questão! Se alguma vez o retorno rendeu a um valor negativo (pior vem a pior), será que o montante do meu dinheiro investido será menor, bem depois de 5 anos? digamos que eu investi um total de 250k, vai voltar para mim como 200k uma vez que eu decidi acabar com isso depois de 5 anos? ou você tem algum tipo de seguro como os dos PDICs? obrigado!
Oi Caillux! Com base no desempenho real, os Fundos de Prosperidade Vida do Sol mostraram um retorno positivo para qualquer período de 5 anos desde o início. Com fundos mútuos, não há retorno garantido, pois depende do desempenho do mercado. Há risco envolvido, mas você também colhe as recompensas a longo prazo. Ele é projetado para um compromisso de longo prazo (de preferência 5 anos). Por outro lado, os depósitos bancários tradicionais não têm risco de perda e são segurados pelo PDIC, mas você recebe apenas 0,5-1% de juros sobre suas economias. Além disso, a inflação que é o aumento no preço geral de bens e serviços corrói o valor do seu dinheiro sem que você perceba. Se a inflação é de 3%, então você está realmente perdendo 2% a cada ano, se todo o seu dinheiro é em poupança tradicional.
Eu sou uma filipina, mas canadense residente, pergunte ao banco de dados sobre as filipinas.
ReplyGlo Silarde em 18 de setembro de 2014 às 14:55.
Oi Daloi Sim, você pode investir não apenas no Fundo Mútuo aqui nas Filipinas, uma vez que você está aqui, mas também em Fundos de Link de Unidade Variável. Se você precisar de ajuda para iniciar qualquer um dos seus fundos aqui nas Filipinas com o Sun Life, podemos entrar em contato por e-mail agora ou entrar em contato comigo a qualquer momento.
Responder Mhie Javier em 10 de novembro de 2014 às 18:48.
oi .. posso abrir fundos em empresa de fundo mútuo diferente? ex. fundo de ações de uma empresa, fundo de balanço de empresas.
Responder Glo Silarde em 13 de novembro de 2014 às 22:36.
Oi Mhie Sim, você pode abrir fundos mútuos em qualquer empresa que ofereça fundos mútuos como a Sun Life e outros. Fundos mútuos da Sun Life, o fundo de ações, fundo equilibrado, fundo de obrigações, etc.
Nós podemos ajudá-lo da melhor maneira possível para um melhor crescimento do seu fundo para suas metas de vida específicas. Eu adoraria sentar com você e estar de serviço para você em breve.
[& # 8230;] trabalhe mais para você. Escolha uma opção que possa vencer a inflação: você pode investir no mercado de ações, fundos mútuos ou mesmo vinculado a investimentos [& # 8230;]
ReplyIra em 24 de novembro de 2014 às 11:37 am.
Saudações! Já enviei um email para o endereço que você deu. Espero ouvir seus comentários em breve. Obrigado!
Responder Mika em 24 de novembro de 2014 às 11:52.
H Ira! Sim, já respondemos ao seu email. Por favor, verifique sua caixa de entrada. 🙂
Recentemente perguntei à Sun Life Financial sobre os diferentes tipos de investimento que eles oferecem. Eu tenho 21 anos e estou realmente curioso sobre investir porque eu tenho guardado desde que eu estava na escola e eu quero aprender como eu posso lucrar com minhas economias, porque colocá-lo no banco não dá lucro. em absoluto. O consultor financeiro que me explicou sobre o investimento foi informativo, mas estou procurando mais razões e explicações por que eu deveria realmente começar a investir ou não. Eu não sei que tipo de investimento é adequado para mim, estou me perguntando se você poderia me ajudar porque eu realmente quero saber mais sobre investimentos. Obrigado!
É bom que você esteja interessado em investir em uma idade jovem. Escolhendo o investimento certo para você dependerá de sua personalidade de dinheiro e objetivos financeiros. O que você quer alcançar e quando você precisa? Nós temos um Questionário de Investimentabilidade que pode ajudá-lo a determinar que tipo de investimento é adequado para você, você pode testá-lo na página do Facebook da Sun Life aqui: on. fb. me/1vK5hea. Caso tenha mais dúvidas, não hesite em nos contactar em editor@brighterlife. ph.
ReplyIra em 25 de novembro de 2014 às 15:28.
Nós temos a mesma situação.
Resposta Carlos Alberto em 30 de dezembro de 2014 às 17:34.
Devo optar por ter meu investimento inicial em P10.000 e investimento mensal em P1.500 por mês. Quanto (aproximadamente) você acha que vai se resumir depois de 5 anos? Obrigado.
Oi Carlos, as devoluções variam de acordo com o tipo de fundo que você escolheu (ou seja, Bond, Equilibrado, Patrimônio Líquido, etc.) Você pode consultar a nossa Ficha Técnica do Fundo em sunlifefunds para ver o desempenho histórico de cada fundo. Para lhe dar uma idéia sobre os retornos, você também pode querer ler The Journey to Investing, uma história sobre como dois amigos investiram seu dinheiro em fundos mútuos. Os valores baseiam-se no desempenho histórico do Sun Life Prosperity Fund. Aqui está o link bit. ly/1voI6oL.
Responder Emy em 12 de janeiro de 2015 às 12:15.
Pls. discutir o processo como retirar os retornos .. Obrigado.
Oi Emy, você precisará preencher o Bilhete do Pedido de Resgate, em seguida, enviá-lo para a nossa sede no BGC ou você pode seguir os passos através dos Fundos Mútuos Online aqui.
Responder Cherrie em 28 de janeiro de 2015 às 13:50.
Você disse que, para investir em seus MFs, tenho que estar lá no Phils. Isso significa que eu tenho que residir fisicamente lá ou está tudo bem, mesmo que eu não seja residente, desde que eu abra a conta quando for lá para uma visita?
Oi Cherrie, você pode investir quando você está no país para uma visita ou férias. 🙂
Responder janet arellano em 4 de fevereiro de 2015 às 21:06.
qualquer escritório da sunlife aqui na cidade de tuguegarao ... só quer saber mais sobre como investir em fundos mútuos.
Oi Janet, você pode visitar nosso Tuguegarao Customer Center em:
2F Chowking Bldg, Balzain Caminho,
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500.
Tel. No. (078) 844-0075.
Responder Jackie em 10 de fevereiro de 2015 às 11:46 am.
você está aberto durante o sábado? se sim. até que horas? obrigado.
Oi Jackie, nossos escritórios estão abertos apenas durante a semana, das 9h às 17h. Também podemos encaminhá-lo para uma consulta gratuita com um dos nossos consultores financeiros, caso prefira encontrar-se no horário e local de sua preferência. Basta nos enviar um email para editro@brighterlife. ph com sua localização e detalhes de contato. Obrigado e tenha um dia brilhante! 🙂
Quais são os requisitos necessários se eu vou aproveitar o fundo de balanço? Obrigado.
Você precisará apresentar um documento de identidade emitido pelo governo (por exemplo, a carteira de motorista, passaporte, SSS, etc.) e enviar um Questionário de Perfil do Investidor devidamente preenchido (este será fornecido em qualquer Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente Sun Life ou em seu departamento financeiro). orientador). Obrigado.
se eu abrir uma conta no fundo mútuo vale php5000 e mantenho php1000 todos os meses e eu escolho capital / crescimento .. quanto seria o retorno depois de 5 anos?
Oi Erwin! Retorna depende do desempenho do mercado. Você pode consultar nossa Folha de informações do fundo em sunlifefunds para ver o desempenho histórico de cada fundo. Para lhe dar uma idéia sobre os retornos, você também pode querer ler The Journey to Investing, uma história sobre como dois amigos investiram seu dinheiro em fundos mútuos. Os valores baseiam-se no desempenho histórico do Sun Life Prosperity Fund. Você pode lê-lo aqui: bit. ly/1voI6oL.
Responder Lucy em 25 de fevereiro de 2015 às 09:40.
Oi Ma, eu realmente me senti inspirado por este blog, então decidi me inscrever pessoalmente no Sun Life I interessado no produto apresentado na história (Sun Life Prosperity Balanced Fund), mas eles me oferecem VUL. Qual é a diferença entre os dois? Existe um pagamento único de 100k (Flexi Link) ou 500k. Não estou muito interessado em seguros de vida porque já estou satisfeito com o meu SSS e outro plano. Eu quero saber como posso crescer minhas pequenas economias. Pls me esclarece.
ReplyRose em 09 de março de 2015 às 07:33.
Estou planejando investir 1 milhão de pesos em fundos mútuos. Quanto vai ser o retorno depois de 10 anos? É aconselhável colocá-lo em um instrumento de investimento?
Obrigado pela resposta & # 8230;
Oi Rose, os retornos variam dependendo dos fundos escolhidos e do desempenho do mercado. Você pode verificar os Fundos de Prosperidade da Vida do Sol & # 8217; folha de fatos do fundo para o desempenho histórico. Aqui está o link: sunlifefunds. Onde você coloca seus investimentos depende de você, mas recomenda-se diversificar os ativos para reduzir os riscos. Sempre que você estiver pronto para investir, podemos designar um dos conselheiros do Fundo Mútuo para ajudar você a começar de graça. Basta nos enviar um email para editor@brighterlife. ph com seus dados de contato e localização para que possamos nos encaminhar. Tenha um dia brilhante!
Resposta Aden em 9 de março de 2015 às 14:27.
46 anos de idade e aposentado, gusto kong investir taxa de aposentadoria ko sa MF 1.Million pesos mais 25k por mês quanto po em 5 anos.
ReplyAdem em 09 de março de 2015 às 14:50.
Quero dizer mais 8k por mês em 5 anos, todos juntos total de 1,5mil. em pesos. Quanto po em 5 anos?
Oi Aden, retorna varia dependendo do desempenho do mercado e seu fundo escolhido. Você pode verificar a nossa ficha informativa do Fundo em sunlifefunds para ver o desempenho real dos fundos nos últimos 3 a 5 anos. Você também pode conferir o artigo Journey to Investing para ter uma ideia do desempenho do Sun Life Prosperity Funds. Aqui está o link: bit. ly/1voI6oL.
Responder Mitch em 23 de março de 2015 às 12:08.
Qual a diferença entre investir exclusivamente em fundo de capital de risco versus investir em fundo de capital com seguro de vida eu quero saber qual a maior chance de maior retorno aqui?
Replyjose em 26 de março de 2015 às 17h13.
oi, quanto os pagamentos mensais serão para uma cobertura de vida de 5 milhões de pesos? e quantos meses para pagar? com poupança / aposentadoria? detalhes Masculino, 24 anos, solteiro & # 8211; obrigado.
Oi Jose! Por gentileza, envie-nos um email para editor@brighterlife. ph para que possamos lhe designar um consultor financeiro que lhe forneça um cálculo e discuta com você os detalhes. Obrigado 🙂
Resposta Melquiades E. Moraga on 29 de março de 2015 às 21:12.
Eu estou interessado em fundo mútuo da vida do sol ..
Olá! Obrigado pelo seu interesse! Por gentileza, envie-nos um e-mail para editor@brighterlife. ph para podermos designar um consultor financeiro para ajudá-lo a começar. 🙂
Resposta WESLEY em 29 de março de 2015, às 21:50.
os pls encontram o tempo para educar-me mais sobre fundos mútuos… obrigado.
Oi Wesley! Um dos nossos representantes de fundos mútuos pode ajudá-lo. Por favor, envie-nos um email com a sua localização e detalhes de contato para que possamos encaminhá-lo para consulta gratuita. Obrigado 🙂
Responder Jean Rocafort em 30 de março de 2015 às 14:54.
artigo legal! Obrigado por compartilhar 🙂 alguém aqui po kung possível maging sunlife advisor se no exterior? Os treinamentos são conduzidos no escritório de manila? Eu abri o MF e o UITF e também gostaria de compartilhar com meus amigos que investir em idade precoce é melhor. Adoro ler artigos / blogs / livros sobre alfabetização financeira e adoro ser um consultor de RFP / financeiro. Espero que alguém possa me ajudar. Muito obrigado 🙂
Oi Jean! Ficamos felizes em saber que você está interessado em conhecimentos financeiros e em compartilhá-los com outras pessoas também. Nossos consultores financeiros só podem vender em solo filipino. Exames de treinamento e licenciamento também são realizados aqui. Quando você decidir voltar para casa, poderá nos visitar em qualquer centro de atendimento ao cliente, caso deseje tornar-se um de nossos consultores inteligentes. 🙂
Responder linda em 30 de março de 2015 às 14:57.
Existe algum escritório de vida solar aqui na cidade de Quezon? Eu estou muito interessado sobre isso e estou ansioso para saber mais .. 🙂 tnx.
Oi linda. Nós temos um na Quezon Avenue e em Fairview. Veja abaixo endereços e números de contato:
Loja Financeira da Sun Life.
Edifício G / F Orcel II.
1611 Quezon Ave, Quezon City.
Tel. No. (632) 448-6515.
Fairview Customer Center.
2F BDI Center, Lote 33, Blk 114, Avenida Regalado, Greater Lagro, Novaliches, Q. C.
Tel. Nº: (02) 376-9529.
Estou interessado, como começar?
Oi Elena, o primeiro passo é uma consulta gratuita com um conselheiro. Por favor, envie-nos sua localização e detalhes de contato para editor@brighterlife. ph para que possamos nos referir a você. Obrigado.
Responder Josel Punsalan on 11 de abril de 2015 às 3:17 am.
Olá po mam pedir ko po sana kung meu ramo vida solar po b kyo s cidade tuguegarao? Gusto ko po mgopen ng fundos mútuos paguwi ko ng pinas talvez no próximo mês eu estou atualmente aqui no exterior. Alguma sugestão pode ser feita em uma conta? Obrigado e mais poder.
Oi Josel! Obrigado pelo seu interesse. Você pode nos visitar em nosso Tuguegarao Customer Center localizado em 2F Chowking Bldg, Balzain High-way, Cidade Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Tel. No. (078) 844-0075.
Reply may on April 12, 2015 at 6:55 am.
Quais são os requisitos e como investir?
Oi maio, além do investimento inicial mínimo de P5, 000, os requisitos documentais são válidos emitidos pelo governo IDs (passaporte, carteira de motorista, SSS, etc.) e um devidamente preenchido Investor Perfil Questionário que você pode obter de qualquer Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente Sun Life ou através de seu orientador.
Existe um melhor momento para fazer um investimento subsequente? está tudo bem se eu fizer um investimento subsequente agora ou devo esperar amanhã ou no dia seguinte?
Replyjerome em 15 de abril de 2015 às 16h45.
Eu estou interessado em financiamento mútuo, você pode me dar uma situação onde meus investimentos vão degenerar?
Oi Jerome, investindo em fundos mútuos, os retornos não são garantidos e estes são baseados no desempenho do mercado. Por exemplo, o Equity Fund é composto por ações, portanto, se o mercado de ações cair desde o momento em que você comprou ações do Equity Fund, é possível que o valor de suas ações também caia. Mas o que é importante é permanecer investido a longo prazo. Apesar das flutuações de curto prazo, o fundo de ações (e outros fundos mútuos em geral) mostrou melhores retornos em comparação com a poupança tradicional. Confira nossas fichas informativas sobre fundos em sunlifefunds para mais informações. Obrigado.
Responder Arvin em 19 de abril de 2015 às 13:23.
Oi, eu sou um OFW trabalhando em Cingapura, pode uma pessoa como eu investir em fundos mútuos? Também quero saber como isso funciona. Obrigado!
Replyfen em 21 de abril de 2015 às 16h20.
Oi .. boa tarde .. para fundos mútuos .. qual é a melhor técnica para fazer para investimento a longo prazo. digamos que, a longo prazo, esse dinheiro é bom o suficiente para financiar sua família ... é abrir várias contas de fundos mútuos ou manter uma conta de fundo mútuo. ?? atualmente temos fundos públicos e mútuos .. mas eu quero ter certeza de que estamos fazendo certo .. muito obrigado!
Replyjeff em 5 de maio de 2015 às 15:57.
Olá eu sou jeff, quais são os requisitos para este fundo mútuo & # 8230; e onde é o escritório mais próximo da vida do sol .. im de pangasinan meu e-mail é elguitarisma @ yahoo. obrigado.
Oi Jeff! Além do investimento inicial mínimo de P5, 000, os requisitos são um documento de identidade válido emitido pelo governo e um Questionário do Investidor devidamente preenchido, que você pode obter em qualquer centro de atendimento ao cliente ou consultor financeiro da Sun Life. Você pode nos visitar em nosso Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente Dagupan na East Gate Plaza 2 / F, 231 AB Fernandez Avenue, Cidade de Dagupan, Pangasinan. Contato via tel. No. (075) 522-4132. Espero que isto ajude. 🙂
Responder reigh em 6 de maio de 2015 às 14:02.
Eu sou um ofw e gostaria de investir em fundos mútuos. posso saber como me inscrever e quais documentos eu preciso preparar? obrigado! 🙂
Oi Reigh! Os requisitos documentais são códigos de conduta válidos e preenchidos o Questionário do perfil do investidor. Por gentileza, envie-nos seu nome e local em editor@brighterlife. ph.
Oi, eu sou agora Um passo à esquerda para abrir uma conta com você. Atualmente, tenho investimentos no mercado de ações e o COL agora oferece fundos mútuos.
1.) Qual é o valor do seu Manager?
2.) SUN LIFE PENSION PLUS PLAN tem dividendos anuais certo? Em caso de emergência, posso retirar alguns dos meus fundos? Você tem contratos?
3.) A pensão mais fundo aceita uma prestação mensal de 1.000?
Desde já, obrigado.
Oi JC! Recebemos um e-mail para responder às suas perguntas. Por favor, verifique sua caixa de entrada. Obrigado 🙂
Resposta CEB on August 8, 2016 at 9:01 am.
Oi, eu tenho as mesmas perguntas que o JC. Eu apreciaria se você também pudesse enviar para o meu e-mail as respostas. Eu tenho investimentos em ações e fundos mútuos através do COL. Agora, estou procurando um plano de aposentadoria, como o plano de pensão da Sunlife. Obrigado.
Oi! Te mandei um email. Por favor, verifique sua caixa de entrada. Obrigado.
Também poderia ser possível para os estudantes investirem em fundos mútuos? se sim, por favor envie-me os requisitos .. Agradeço antecipadamente.
Estudantes de idade legal (18 anos e acima) podem investir. Por gentileza, envie-nos um e-mail para editor@brighterlife. ph para que possamos encaminhá-lo a um consultor para consulta gratuita.
Responder linda em 13 de maio de 2015 às 14:10.
Ma, eu posso ter o número de contato da sua empresa?
A linha direta da Sun Life é (02) 849-9888. 🙂
[& # 8230;] Trabalhamos duro todos os dias para ganhar dinheiro. Não seria melhor se nosso dinheiro também trabalhasse duro para nós? Investir em ações ou fundos mútuos pode fazer isso acontecer. E quando finalmente chegarmos, podemos gerar mais renda para economizar para o nosso [& # 8230;
ReplyAnnabelle Tan em 7 de junho de 2015 às 12:12.
Oi eu quero investir em fundos mútuos, por favor me ajude. Obrigado.
Responder Mika on June 8, 2015 at 8:55 am.
Oi Annabelle, por favor envie-nos um e-mail com o seu nome, localização e detalhes de contato para que possamos designar um consultor para ajudá-lo a começar a investir em fundos mútuos. Obrigado.
Responder vicky em 8 de junho de 2015 às 21:51.
é de 5 anos. o período mínimo de investimento? E se eu precisar do dinheiro depois de um ano? obrigado.
Responder Mika on June 9, 2015 at 10:02 am.
Oi Vicky, você pode resgatar seus investimentos a qualquer momento, mas nós incentivamos altamente a investir a longo prazo para realizar plenamente o crescimento do seu dinheiro.
Responder Arvin em 10 de junho de 2015 às 15:53.
Graças à MF da SunLife, pessoas pequenas como eu podem investir nosso dinheiro suado com confiança e orgulho porque a empresa é estável e segura. MF fará acontecer e fará nosso dinheiro crescer. Deus abençoe!
Responder Jean Rocafort on June 13, 2015 at 9:55 am.
Mg aberto po sana ako ng fundo mútuo sa Sunlife. Yung kausap kong agente é VUL lng daw po oferta nya kya po Im planejando ir diretamente ao seu escritório em vez disso. Ao colocar o dinheiro, o número da apólice makukuha ko din po ba no mesmo dia? Endereço exato da Sun? Desde já, obrigado! 🙂
Oi Jean, podemos saber sua localização para que possamos recomendar um ramo que você pode ir?
Eu quero me inscrever nos fundos de investimento financeiro da sunlife.
Oi Rolando Obrigado pelo seu interesse! Você pode nos visitar em qualquer Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente da Sun Life perto de você ou ter um consultor financeiro para ajudá-lo a começar uma consulta gratuita. Basta nos enviar seus dados de contato e localização via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Resposta Amor em 13 de junho de 2015 às 06:53.
Oi estou interessado, eu quero aprender mais e investir também. Obrigado.
ReplyAmor em 13 de junho de 2015 às 06:55.
Posso saber o endereço de e-mail para onde posso enviar minhas informações?
Responder carolina brillante em 24 de junho de 2015 às 19:00.
Basta ler no anúncio de notícias que você está oferecendo o 5-módulo de cuidados on-line de brighterlife. ph, mas parece que você ainda não está pronto para nos registrar para this. pls. me avise quando puder oferecer = cbb.
Responder lorna magtibay on June 25, 2015 em 5:47 pm.
Pls me enviar os detalhes de 10k por mês de investimento em fundos mútuos.
Oi Lorna! Enviamos um e-mail para você. Por favor, verifique sua caixa de entrada. Obrigado!
Bom dia Maam Mika, você pode investir em uma empresa inyong, para diversão mutante, plano de 17 milhões de pesos por ano. Atenciosamente randy.
Oi, Randy! Returns vary depending on the type of fund you choose and market’s current performance. To give you an idea, Sun Life Prosperity Funds’ Fund Fact Sheet shows the historical performance of each fund, you may view it via sunlifefunds. Obrigado!
Reply arlyn on June 30, 2015 at 2:35 am.
please send me the detail of Pension plan plus.
Hi Arlyn! Kindly email us your contact details and location via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you to a financial advisor for free consultation. Obrigado.
Reply rey on July 1, 2015 at 10:22 am.
Hi ma’am ask ko lng po kung my free seminar po ba about mutual fund? tns po in advance..
ReplyVerna on July 2, 2015 at 3:24 pm.
Dia bom! Do you have office and financial advisor here in Iloilo? want to know more about mutual fund and how can I start with it. Obrigado.
Hi Verna, you can visit us at our Iloilo Customer Center at G/F Platinum Square Building, Gen. Luna Street, Iloilo City. Here’s our contact number: (033) 3378918. We can also refer you to a financial advisor, just email us your contact details via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply michael on July 5, 2015 at 2:05 pm.
Hey, im from iloilo too. Do we really need a financial advisor to apply for a sunlife mutual fund or can i just come to your office and ask to apply for a mutual fund?
Hi Michael, yes you would need a financial advisor to help you get started. You can find an advisor through our referral or at any Sun Life Customer Center.
Reply michael on July 7, 2015 at 1:40 pm.
Oh i thought i can just apply on my own.. So you mean that there is already a financial advisor when i go to their customer center? Cause i just realized that their customer center is just a couple of minutes walk away from work..
Yes, that’s correct. You may visit us at the nearest Sun Life Customer center.
Hi Ms. Mika. I want to apply for the Phil Equity Fund. I already downloaded all the necessary forms for the mutual fund. I’m from Quezon City. What are the other steps that I need to do after I fill out the forms?
Please proceed to the nearest Sun Life Customer Center in your area so that an advisor can help you get started.
Reply Jepoy on July 7, 2015 at 12:08 pm.
Hello Ms. Mika, I want to apply a mutual Fund using the Phil Equity Fund. Forms are already downloaded & ready for submission. II’m OFW here in KSA & I don’t know the next step. Your assistance & advise is highly appreciated.
Hi Jepoy, please send us an email via editor@brighterlife. ph. Obrigado!
Reply michael on July 9, 2015 at 2:19 pm.
Olá de novo. I’ve seen the order ticket for subsequent deposits. Is it true that every additional deposits, sales load is still there? Cause i thought sales load are only asked upon opening. And is it true that every subsequent payments require the signature of a mutual fund advisor?
Hi Michael, subsequent investments have corresponding sales load. If you course it through MF online, no need for the signature of your advisor. If via order ticket form, you need signature of advisor or branch/Customer Center staff.
Reply Richard on July 13, 2015 at 8:40 pm.
Oi! What if don’t put money every month would that be fine? And is it ok if I just start w/ 5k as initial investment?
Hi Richard, subsequent investment is not required but we encourage to invest regularly to fully enjoy your money grow. And yes, you can start investing with just P5,000. When you’re ready you may visit any Sun Life Customer Center in your area to talk to an advisor or you can email us via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you.
Hi Ms. Mika. I am quite confused on how the process exactly works in “withdrawing” Fund Value. So, if my “Policy” is P3k a Month, and I intend to “withdraw” the “fund value” every 5 years, would that equal to 3k x 12 Month x 5 years + interest (granted that it is invested in Mutual Funds)?
And granted that the Policy is set for a High Risk (Mutual Fund), would it be possible that after 5 years, the “Fund Value” would be lower than the accumulated amount invested in 5-years (e. g. 3k x 12Months x 5years = 180k)?
Eu aprecio sua ajuda. Agradeço antecipadamente.
Oi Jeff Fund value is dependent on market performance and is not guaranteed. Thus, the value may increase or decrease depending on the current market performance. You may check the status of your MF account via Sunlink Online to monitor your earnings or you can refer to your financial advisor.
Thank you for the link and for the speedy prompt response.
Oi. I was wondering can college students invest here as well? I’m already of legal age.
Yes, student of legal age can already start to invest. You can visit any Sun Life Customer Center to consult with an advisor or we can refer you. Just email us your contact details and location via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Jay-Ar Madeo on July 22, 2015 at 10:13 am.
Oi po! Pwede po bang mag-invest ng amount lower than 10K? Let say for example P5,000.00 at maghuhulog po every month ng P2,500.00?
Hi Jay-Ar. Yes, minimum initial investment is P5,000 only. For subsequent investments, minimum is P1,000.
Reply Jay-Ar Madeo on July 22, 2015 at 11:59 am.
Do you have office located in BGC? I reside in Taguig kasi.
Yes, you can visit us at Sun Life Centre, 5th Avenue corner Rizal Drive in BGC.
Yes Jay-Ar Madeo. You can start with Mutual Fund with P5,000 and a monthly additional investment with your P2,500.
Reply armand on July 23, 2015 at 2:29 am.
Hello… I’m an ofw, just want to ask. Can I invest even if I’m here abroad.. or I need to go home first? So much interested with sun life, really…
Hi Armand! Please send us an email via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Francis James on July 27, 2015 at 6:45 pm.
Hi po, I just wanted to ask if it is really easy to invest and is it worth it? I am very interested in investing but at the same time I’m having second thoughts because I have no idea how it really works and afraid of the risks that I would be taking. I’m a working college student btw, and savings is not really a problem but I really wanted to plan ahead for my future. Hoping for your kind response, thank you! 🙂
Hi Francis! You can invest in mutual funds by visiting and Sun Life Customer center in your area or consult a financial advisor. Bring a valid gov’t-issued ID and fill out the INvestor Profiel Questionnaire and you can already start investing. You can try learning more about how mutual funds work by watching our lessons at Brighter Life Institute for free. If you have further questions, just email us at editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Francis James on August 2, 2015 at 10:57 am.
I am currently residing po in Dasmarinas, where po ang nearest Sun Life branch in Cavite? And once po na pumunta doon ano pong sasabihin, interested po ba maginvest or sa mutual funds? And tinatanggap po ba ang college ID? I just turned 18 kasi 3 months ago and I still don’t have a gov’t-issued ID. Hindi rin naman kailangan sa work since I’m also working in the same university. Thank you po in response! 🙂
Hi Francis, you can go to our Dasmarinas Customer Center, here’s the address and contact number:
2/F Annie’s Plaza, San Agustin.
Tel. No. (046) 484-0452.
There will be a financial advisor there who will help you get started. We accept government-issued IDs, you can present your birth certificate or passport. 🙂
Hi , kumuha ako ng mutual fund sa sunlife , bago pa, bale payable for 10 yrs and kinuha ko, I’m married, ngaun pag Namatay ba ako na hindi nabayaran ng full , let’s say 2 yrs Lang Namatay na ako . How much money my beneficiary will get ?
And makukuha ba nia ung amount Lang na binayaran ko for 2 yrs ?
Hi Rowena, are you referring to a VUL from Sun Life instead of a mutual fund? Please note that the Brighter Life Team does not have access to the private information such as policy details of our clients. We can forward your policy-related inquiry to our Customer Service to assist you. Kindly email us via editor@brighterlife. ph with your policy number and contact details. Obrigado.
Reply rea on August 12, 2015 at 2:01 pm.
Hi po, anu po ang magandang plan for a beginner? Obrigado.
Hi Rea, it depends on your goals and needs. A financial advisor can best help you assess the best investment that will fit you through a free consultation. You can email us via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can assign an advisor for you. 🙂
Reply Mr. Unforgiven on August 18, 2015 at 1:29 pm.
Hi Mika. I like to know if Sunlife has a Customer Center located here in Baguio City. I am really keen on putting my savings on investments, withdrawing the funds from my bank accounts that don’t even earn enough interest to help me recoup from inflationary losses. Based on my reading, historically Sunlife’s Mutual Fund has been one of the top performing mutual funds in the country so I think Sunlife is one of the better options available.
Please let me know the address so I can have a chat with them soon.
Olá! You may visit us at our Baguio Customer Center. Here’s the address and contact details:
RM 701-702 7/F National Life Building.
110 Session Road, Baguio City.
Tel. No. (074) 446-9301.
Fax No. (074) 446-9305.
Reply Jr monte on August 19, 2015 at 8:49 pm.
How can i start investing eventhough iam here abroad?
Kelan niyo po makukuha yung ininvest mo? Anytime? Obrigado.
Hi AJ, you can redeem your funds any time.
Reply Russel S. Acain on August 25, 2015 at 10:10 am.
Hi Mika, I am interested to invest. I have some few questions like, if I invested an initial of 5,000, is it okay if I failed to invest monthly like 1,000? Is it mandatory to have a monthly investment for mutual fund? I am a private employee and wish to take part a portion of my salary in MF investment and sometimes there are expenses need to be settled first. Please give some advise. Obrigado.
Hi Russel, glad to know you’re interested to invest for a brighter life. 🙂 Subsequent investments are not required. You can choose to add more on your investment whenever you want. But of course, we encourage to invest regularly and for the long-term to fully realize gains.
Reply Gene on August 30, 2015 at 11:49 pm.
Good day Mika! How can I become a financial advisor? Can I do it on a part time basis?
Reply Mika on September 1, 2015 at 12:02 pm.
Hi Gene! Yes, you can be a financial advisor either for full-time or part-time. You may go ahead and send your CV to jmben@sunlife. Obrigado 🙂
Reply Amie on September 2, 2015 at 4:45 pm.
Kung may lumpsum money akong P300,000 okey bang i-invest sa PhilEquity Fund for 3 to 5 years.
Hi Amie! The Prosperity Equity Fund was designed for the investor with the long term in mind (7 years and beyond) to generate his/her investment’s maximum capacity to earn. A financial advisor can best discuss with you details of investing in the Equity Fund. When you’re ready, we can always refer yo to an advisor, just email us via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply jonalie barrozo on September 8, 2015 at 9:19 pm.
I’m interested to invest but I need to learn more about it.
i want to know how long/maximum time is one mutual fund investment should take?
and how much is the minimum investment?
Reply Mika on September 16, 2015 at 9:48 am.
Hi Jonalie. Minimum initial investment is P5,000 only. Like any other investment instrument, mutual funds are best held long-term especially for mutual funds that have investment objectives of capital growth.
Reply Myca on September 11, 2015 at 10:33 am.
Oi! I’m turning 23 this year and I’m interested to invest. My income is not big since I just started working. Does it mean that I can still invest the minimum investment which is 5,000 php and monthly investment of 1,000 php? And is it okay not to have monthly investment (let’s just say I will have to give 1,000 php every 3months)? Is it allowed? And lastly, and where do I go or contact if I need further knowledge regarding this. I’m from Batangas City.
Reply Mika on September 15, 2015 at 5:17 pm.
Hi Myca. Yes, you can start investing with P5,000. Monthly investments are not required but we encourage investing regularly to fully enjoy your money’s growth. You can go to our Customer Center in Batangas, here’s the address and contact details:
Batangas Customer Center.
3F JR Business Complex.
JP Laurel Highway , Mataas na Lupa, Lipa City.
Telefax No. (043) 757-5336.
Reply Myca on September 18, 2015 at 9:19 am.
Can I ask another question? I just found this a while ago in sunlife’s fb page that there is branch in brgy. balagtas, batangas city: facebook/sunlifeph/photos/a.170501923013821.45301.169895029741177/794561070607900/
Is there any contact number available to contact them? I wanted to call them first to inquire before going there.
Hi Myca, here’s the contact number for our Balagtas, Batangas branch: (043) 741-0257.
Hi Ms. Mika I want to ask any location around Davao city. Plan ko kasi mag open ng mutual fund pagkauwi ko ng pinas next year. Thank you more power.
Reply Mika on September 16, 2015 at 9:09 am.
Here you go, Cris.
Davao Customer Center.
G/F Plaza de Luisa Building.
Ramon Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City 8000.
Tel. No. (082) 227-7635, (082) 221-1589.
Fax No. (082) 221-5946.
Reply cris on September 16, 2015 at 11:39 am.
Being diligent with saving in his mutual fund it gave this person more or less 250,000 over 5 years. Não é ruim.
ReplyMike on October 7, 2015 at 9:26 pm.
Oi. I was investing in my Sunlife but some things happened and I think my fund value ran out. Can I continue it? Or my money is gone forever and I need to start a new account?
Hi Mike! The Brighter Life team does not have access to our clients’ private information. We can forward your inquiry to our Customer Service to assist you. Please email editor@brighterlife. ph with your name, contact details and policy/account details. Obrigado.
Reply Joey on October 12, 2015 at 10:47 am.
Oi ! Ask ko lang po kung pwede ba mismo magpunta sa sunlife branch para kumausap ng advisor, may nababasa kasi ako na nakikipag-meet ung iba sa advisor.. tingin ko kasi mas safe kung sa mismong branch na mag usap.. I’m from pasay po may malapit po ba kayong branch dito? Obrigado!
Nearest Sun Life branch is in Makati. You can check the list here: bit. ly/sunlifephbranches Maaari din kaming mag assign ng financial advisor para sayo. Just email us via editor@brighterlife. ph. Salamat po!
Reply Helen F. Bansiloy on October 24, 2015 at 7:53 am.
Im interested to invest in mutual fund. Can I withdraw portion of my investment anytime?
Yes, you can redeem funds anytime. Whenever you’re ready, we can refer you to a financial advisor who can help you get started. Email us at editor@brighterlife. ph. Obrigado!
Reply Ruther Martin on November 11, 2015 at 5:36 pm.
I am interested to transfer my wealth to a certain mutual fund. Please tell how much will be the initial investment and monthly contributions.
Hi Ruther, minimum initial investment is P5,000 only. A financial advisor can best help you get started on investing. You may send us an email via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can assign an advisor for you.
Reply Marieza on November 18, 2015 at 6:11 pm.
I am an OFW’S for quite sometimes now. I’m also interested to buy a share in a bond fund. But, since I am not in the Philippines now, would it be a good idea to ask someone to buy the share under the trusted name? It’s just a waste of time to put money in a bank.
Hi Marieza, it’s possible to have a co-investor who will invest in your behalf. You may send us an email at editor@brighterlife. ph so we can have a financial advisor get in touch with you soonest. 🙂
Reply Mary Ann on November 29, 2015 at 1:52 pm.
Much interested of the MF. Do you have branch in Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
Hi Mary Ann, here’s the address and contact number for our office in Palawan:
2/F Eastville City Walk along National Highway.
Brgy. San Pedro, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.
Tel. No: (048) 434-1420.
Fax No: (048) 434-1419.
Is Sun Life Growth Plus Fund is a mutual fund?
or VUL? Whats the difference?
Hi Hayan, Sun Life Growth Plus Fund is a fund option exclusively available to investment-linked insurance products or VUL. Should you be interested, you can email us at editor@brighterlife. ph. so we can assign a financial advisor to provide you a free consultation.
Reply Hann on December 4, 2015 at 3:38 pm.
Do you have an office in Davao City?
Yes, here’s the address and contact details:
G/F Plaza de Luisa Building.
Ramon Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City 8000.
Tel. No. (082) 227-7635, (082) 221-1589.
Fax No. (082) 221-5946.
Reply Mhae on December 7, 2015 at 9:22 am.
Hi Ms. Mika., im Mhae from Caloocan, am ask ko lang po since first timer po ako and gusto ko po mag invest, base po kasi sa mga nabasa ko minimum initial investment is P5,000 only., and monthly deposit is 1,000…
kapag nakapag deposit na po ba ng 5,000. the next month start na po ung 1,000 deposit? ilang years naman po bago po namin makita na tumataas po ung amount na nainvest po namin?
may malapit po ba na Sun Life with in Caloocan??
You can choose to add subsequent investments of P1,000 any time you want. We recommend investing regularly to fully realize gains. Returns will vary depending on your chosen type of fund and market performance. Your financial advisor can help you assess what type of fund will suit your goals and needs.
You can go proceed to our Caloocan Customer Center, here’s the address and contact details:
3/F HGL Building, 554 EDSA corner Biglang Awa St, Caloocan City.
Tel. não. (632) 365-3180.
Fax no: (632) 365-3179.
Reply Mhae on December 9, 2015 at 3:53 pm.
Hi Ms. Mika,. Noted on this. Obrigado! God bless po.
hi ask ko lng if pwd mg invest 20k pero isang beses lang po i am still a student kc and pwd ba malugo yon or walang mabalik sakin na pera?
Hi Nina. Yes you can invest starting with 20k only. Growth of your money will depend on what type of investment you choose to invest in. You can read about it here: j. mp/174yGXG or consult with a financial advisor. You may also email us at editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Jaime Al-os on December 14, 2015 at 8:57 pm.
Hi , Can you please let me know of how to start in investing theMutual Funds. If I have a capital of a 100,000 how much Ican gain in a year. Best regards , Jaime M. Al-os.
Hi jaime. The first step is a free consultation with our financial advisor. Kindly send us an email with your location and contact number so we can refer you to an advisor.
Have a nice day can you help me how to start in mf my goal is.
longterm savings….godbless ang afford ko lng is,5k montly pwdi png bumaba, maybe 2k. So anong maisusyggest nyu skn… thnk u.
Hi Ricky! Kindly email us at editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you to a financial advisor for free consultation. Obrigado 🙂
Mi Ms Mica, I’d like to know if there is some stock certificate to be given when you invest for mutual fund? Or any proof that you really invest? You response would be much appreciated. Desde já, obrigado!
You will receive official receipt once you start investing. You can also monitor your investment via our online facility SunLink Online.
Reply Hekmatyar on January 5, 2016 at 8:03 am.
Ow I see. Salamat for the response Ms. Mica.
Oi! I am an OFW. Please guide me for I am a policyholder for Sunlife Flexi link. My financial advisor encouraged me to top up for my savings rather than sending money to the bank. She said further, this is a better investment in the later part. Please give me concise explanation for this. And what would you advise me if I can have my savings around 30-40k monthly. Obrigado.
Hi Generoso, we can refer you to our Customer Service so you can discuss with them your inquiry further as the Brighter Life team does not have access to clients’ policy details. Please email us via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can direct your inquiry to the right team. You may also email them directly via sunlink@sunlife. Obrigado.
Hi po.. Tanong q lng.. I hav a current VUL, kaso i projected my investment to 10 years, with 10% annual rerurn. Bakit parang total investment q same amount parin sya after 10 years.. Ganun bah tlaga kmahal ang premuims ng VUL?
Oi! The Brighter Life Team does not have access to our clients’ private information such as policy details. We can forward your query to our Customer Service for faster transaction. Kindly email us your policy number, full name and contact details via editor@brighterlife. ph. Obrigado.
Do foreigners have the right to invest also?
I’m a young foreigner with a pension and living in Philippines permanently. Are there options available for me? I live in Cebu.
Yes, you can invest in Sun Life’s mutual funds. You can visit our Cebu Customer Center. Here’s the address:
3F Innove Plaza Building Panay Rd. cor. Samar Loop.
Parque empresarial de Cebu, cidade de Cebu 6000.
Tel/fax number : (032) 4158566.
Reply michael on December 31, 2015 at 7:31 pm.
Hi.. If i would open an account today. Then a few months later someone decided to join me. Is it possible to add a co-investor months after i opened a personal account?
Yes, as long as both you and your co-investor are present here in the Philippines to sign.
I’m very interested to try mutual funds and start with 5k. Is there a financial adviser you can suggest here in Cebu? Obrigado 🙂
Hi Sahara. Yes, we can refer you to one, just email us your contact number via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Generoso Ferrer Jr on January 2, 2016 at 12:16 am.
I am a policy holder of Sunlife flexi link. I want to know more about topping up and the benefits of this. Please guide me to where I must further invest my salary besides from topping up monthly. I am an RN working overseas with compensation of Php +/- 90 thousand monthly. Thank you.
Olá! Please note that the Brighter Life Team does not have access to private information such as our clients’ policy details. You may consult with your financial advisor or we can forward your inquiry to our Customer Service team. Please email us your policy number and full name via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can verify with them. Obrigado.
Reply Mutya on January 7, 2016 at 3:08 am.
Hi Mika. I am very interested to invest on mf. However, I have few questions. Let say I started with 5000 min investment, what documents will I be receiving because compared to banks, they provide a certificate. Next is, let say I would like to add 1000 on top of my 5000, will I receive any proof or documentation that I have deposited 1000? Sorry for asking these questions, I’m still new on these things. Anyway, thanks in advance for your reply. Feliz Ano Novo.
Hi Mutya, yes you will receive acknowledgement receipts (email and SMS) for every investment. We also have an online facility where you can monitor your investment anytime, anywhere.
Reply Paul on January 14, 2016 at 1:37 pm.
Oi! Question gano katgal bako ka kumita pag MF?
ReplyJenny Lou on January 14, 2016 at 3:44 pm.
which is better? invest in stock market like blue chip or mutual fund?
ReplyPaul on January 15, 2016 at 3:10 pm.
can you monitor on how much you earn on your investments?
Hi Paul! Yes, you can monitor your investments through our online facility Sunlink Online.
Reply Paul on January 16, 2016 at 10:54 am.
Thank you, as I am planning to invest as early as now.
Whats the minimum amount for this investment or mutual fund?
Estou interessado.
Hi Vans! Minimum initial investment is P5,000 only. To start investing, you can proceed to any Sun Life Customer in your area or consult with a financial advisor. Should you prefer to be referred to an advisor, please email your location and contact number at editor@brighterlife. ph. 🙂
Reply Brent Carillo on January 17, 2016 at 9:13 am.
Hi im interested in mutual fund pls teach me how to do?
Hi Brent! A financial advisor can best guide you on how to get started. Kindly email us your location and contact details via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you for free consultation.
Reply jejeboi on January 22, 2016 at 8:48 pm.
Very inspiring article po. Gusto ko po sana mag invest din, I’m planning to initially invest 200K and a monthly investment of 5K. Can you briefly explain to me how much will I gain in 5 years? Desde já, obrigado.
Happy to know you’re interested to invest! Note that mutual funds are best held long-term (5 years and above) especially for funds that have investment objectives of capital growth like equity fund. We have a Fund Fact Sheet at sunlifefunds which you may look into to see the fund’s historical performance. When you’re ready to invest, you may proceed to any Sun Life Customer Center or consult with a financial advisor.
Reply Mark on January 22, 2016 at 9:53 pm.
Hi im interested in mutual fund. san po meron sa las pinas ? and weekdays lang po ba pede ? and ok ba maginvest ngayon kahit mababa ang halaga ng peso ? tanong lang po. 🙂 thanks.
Olá Mark! The nearest Sun Life branch from your area is at our Alabang Customer Center, here’s the address and contact numbers:
G/F Unit 102-103 ALPAP II Bldg, Trade St corner Investment Drive, Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City.
Tel. No. (632) 807-0491, (632)807-0592 and (632) 807-0947.
Please note that office hours are from Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
wala po bang location na may weekend ? 😦 gusto ko po sana mag invest kaya lang busy po sa work pag weekdays. sana po meron.
Hi Mark, you can invest through a financial advisor who can meet you at your preferred time and place. We can refer you to one, just provide your contact number via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Oi! Kindly email us your location and contact details at editor@brighterlife. ph. Obrigado!
Reply ariel on February 5, 2016 at 2:00 pm.
mam, dito sa toledo city cebu province meron ba kayong branch?
Hi Ariel. Here’s the address and contact details of our Cebu Customer Center:
3F Innove Plaza Building Panay Rd. cor. Samar Loop.
Parque empresarial de Cebu, cidade de Cebu 6000.
Tel/fax number : (032) 4158566.
Wow.. amazing.. Inspired me.
ReplyClifford on February 7, 2016 at 1:41 pm.
Hello, san po pwd sa bohol kung meron, intetested po ako. maraming salamat.
Hi Clifford, you can go to ou Tagbilaran Customer Center. Here’s the address and contact details:
2/F SLAO Building.
C. P. Garcia corner Tamblot Streets, Tagbilaran City, Bohol.
Diga não. (038) 411 2035.
Telefax No. (038) 5019995.
Reply buena on February 10, 2016 at 12:45 pm.
hi i am really interested to know more about ml, however can you enlighten me about what is better to save 5,000.00 monthly in the bank or invest it to ml? hope to hear from you soonest TIA.(this will actually help me decide where to put or save my extra 5k a month)
Hi Buena! Happy to know you’re interested on investing in mutual funds. Ideally, saving and investing should go hand in hand. It also depends on your financial goals, both short terma and long term. You might want to refer to this infographic as guide: brighterlife. ph/2014/05/23/lets-do-a-financial-check-up/?category-ref=personal-finance.
30 and living with your parents. Cool story 🙂
ReplyPaul on February 17, 2016 at 1:27 pm.
I just started my investment early this month for my balanced fund. I just have a few questions to forgot to ask to my advisor, sa balanced fund ba ang “bond” is kikita after a year palang? how long will it take to earn.
Reply Patricia say on February 20, 2016 at 8:13 pm.
is prosperity investment fund still a good investment as of 2016?
ReplyFah on February 22, 2016 at 12:20 pm.
Is a Fund value, the interest you have gained?
How about the Cash Surrender value, is this the money you can withdraw?
Hi Fah! Fund Value is the total value of shares you own. Cash surrender value is the sum of money you can withdraw.
Reply carver on February 23, 2016 at 12:20 pm.
ma”am meron po kayo branch dito sa cabanatuan city nueva ecija? para makapag open po ako ng mutual fund.
Reply Mika on February 24, 2016 at 10:23 am.
Olá. You can visit us here: Cabanatuan Customer Center.
2nd Floor PCG Building, Km. 112,
Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija 3100.
Tel. No. (044) 463-0450.
Telefax No. (044) 600-2867.
Reply Adrian on March 16, 2016 at 11:18 am.
can you switch your current investment from other mutual funds instruments?
ReplyMaja Jade N. Perez on April 18, 2016 at 9:52 pm.
hello! Would it be possible to transfer from my life insurance payment to this mutual fund? I am from Iloilo..
Hi Maja! You can open a mutual fund with P5,000 only via your financial advisor or you can visit sunlifeprosperity. ph.
Reply Joana mary on April 30, 2016 at 3:04 am.
How to join in sun life invest money dis is a true investment.
Hi Joana! There are several ways to start investing with Sun Life:
uma. Consult with a financial advisor for free.
b. Visit any Sun Life Customer Center.
c. Purchase the Sun Life Prosperity Card via sunlifeprosperity. ph.
Should you want to meet with a financial advisor, kindly email us your location and contact number at editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you for free consultation.
Reply Armando Camagong on May 2, 2016 at 1:38 am.
I am interested in opening an investment fund for my kids and am interested to have options to choose from.
Hi Armando! Glad to know you’re interested. You may start investing for your kids by having a free consultation with our financial advisor. Kindly email us your location and contact number at editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you to an advisor soonest.
Reply Joan on May 11, 2016 at 12:06 pm.
Oi po I want to ask if pwede po ako maginvest ng Php 5,000.00 and maghulog ako monthly ng Php 1,000.00. Magkano po kaya ang magiging balik nun for 5 years? If ever po ba pwede ko pong makuha ung pera na yun after 5 years?
Yes, initial investment is P5,000 only and minimum subsequent investment is at P1,000. Returns vary depending on the type of fund you want to invest in. We recommend investing for the long-term to fully experience your money grow. There are several ways you can start investing in Sun Life Prosperity Funds or mutual funds:
uma. Visit any Sun Life Customer Center.
b. Purchase the Prosperity Card via sunlifeprosperity. ph.
c. Consult with a financial advisor.
Reply maielle on May 13, 2016 at 11:03 am.
i want to invest in mutual funds, i just want to clarify something before investing.
& # 8211; when i’ve already invested my money lets say in mutual funds, do i need to monitor it every quarter or annually?
& # 8211; also, if i invested it to long term, i understand that it will not guarantee me to have a higher return, but does my money i save from 5 years (if it does not give me higher return) will it gives me a lesser money from the amount that i save?
& # 8211; also, i’m from pampanga where can i reach a sun life financial advisor, and does that advisor requires professional fee?
i have amount of money in my hand but eveytime i tried investing, i just pull out because of i don’t know, honestly i don’t care if i need to save/keep it 5 years or longer, as long as it does guarantee me to have a higher interest versus from a regular savings account, and i don’t need to monitor it every now and then. that’s my dilemma in investing really.
Hi Maielle, when investing it’s important to know what your goals are so you will know how long you will keep it invested. A financial advisor can best help you map out your goals and recommend the type of investment you will need that will fit your needs and goals. We can refer you for a free consultation, just email us your full name and contact number via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply john christopher dalo on May 22, 2016 at 5:29 pm.
yearly po ba ang pag ininvest or monthly.
It depends on how often you want to invest but we recommend investing regularly to fully see your money grow.
Reply Sally. dela Fuente on June 1, 2016 at 2:21 pm.
Hi I’d like to know how to invest properly but I could not find any sunlife advisor. Care to direct me to them? I am based in Cebu. Appreciate if they can email me soon. obrigado. Sally.
Hi Sally, thank you for the interest. May we know your location and contact number please so we can assign a financial advisor to contact you? Kindly email us via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Lynn on June 6, 2016 at 11:39 am.
I just sent an email but can someone contact us? My fiance and I would like to know more about Mutual Funds. I hope to hear from you.
Hi Lynn! We replied to your email. Kindly check your inbox. Obrigado!
Reply alvin banzon on June 9, 2016 at 12:13 pm.
can a 16 yrs. old kid can invest in mutual funds?
Hi Alvin! You may place investments in the Sun Life Prosperity Funds under your name in trust for your child if he is not yet 18 years old. Simply fill-out and indicate in the application form that the account is “in trust for” (ITF) the name of the child and accomplish a Confirmation of Trust agreement, available upon request from our Investor Services Department. Make sure that you provide a photocopy of your child’s birth certificate when placing investments under an ITF account. However, please note that the investment will not automatically be placed under the name of the child, when he/she reaches the age of majority (18 years old). A written request must come from you in order for the transfer to take effect.
Reply Myla Aurelio on June 20, 2016 at 10:29 am.
hi.. follow up question lng po if a child is below 18years of age and u already signed up an ITF… and the person who is the trustee died before 18years old…who will sign the written request so transfer will take effect to the child.. tnx.. (planning to get MF for my 7 years old daughter…)
Hi Myla , the surviving parent will be the one to sign the written request.
Can you help to start investing in MF?
Hi Dexter! We replied to your email. Kindly check your inbox please. Obrigado!
Reply Mary jane b mamaradlo on July 8, 2016 at 3:53 pm.
Replyanabel on July 28, 2016 at 1:10 pm.
Kailangan po bang may savngs account ako bago po mag open ng mutual fund sa sun..Ano rin po ang mga requirements..Kailangan po ban may work para sa tin..Kailangan po ba na tin?
Hi Anabel. First step po ay free consultation with a financial advisor. We can refer you to an advisor just email us your location and contact number via editor@brighterlife. ph. Ang mga requirements po ay gov’t-issued IDs (passport, TIN, SSS, driver’s license, voter’s ID, etc.) at investor profile questionnaire.
Reply Tony on August 2, 2016 at 4:54 am.
Is it okey to invest even if I am abroad.
Hi Tony, you may email us via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you for online consultation with our financial advisor. Obrigado.
Reply mvirola on August 9, 2016 at 10:37 pm.
Hello Ma’am, I’m interested in investing po. I am turning 24 this year, female and single. Ano po bang marerecommend niyo for me? May nakausap po akong adviser VUL po ang inaalok niya sakin. May difference po ang ang MF at VUL? Ano po bang mas better? Obrigado po.
Oi! The financial product for you will depend on several factors such as your priorities and financial goals. We suggest discussing your goals to your financial advisor so he or she can recommend the best product that can help you reach your goals.
im ineteresting this investments tanong kulang po pwede ba dalawang acounts ko dito? at saka paano po ba mag register or mag join? my branch po ba kayo sa cagayan de oro city.
Hi Bryan, you can invest in multiple funds under one account. You may visit sunlifeprosperity. ph to buy and activate the Sun Life Prosperity card or you can visit our branch at Cagayan De Oro City, here’s the address and contact details:
2/F Philippine First Insurance Building.
President Aguinaldo corner Borja Streets, Cagayan de Oro City 9000.
Tel. No. (088) 725-242.
Telefax No. (088) 857-4702.
Reply Des on August 21, 2016 at 4:29 pm.
Oi. I’m just curious how much is the interest rate exactly?
Hi Des, rates vary depending on the type of fund you choose and the overall market performance. You may check our Fun Fact Sheets for each fund at sunlifefunds to see the hsitorical performance.
Reply Alicia M. Advincula on August 24, 2016 at 4:00 pm.
I am 62 years old and I am interested in opening an account for my grand daughter who is only 8 years old. She is with her parents overseas who are OFWs. Can I open an account in her name?
Hi Ms Alicia, yes you may open an account for your grand daughter. You may do this by consulting with a financial advisor or visiting any of our customer centers.
are we gonna earn every month??
ReplyHomer on September 29, 2016 at 4:28 pm.
Reply Mika on September 30, 2016 at 1:31 pm.
There are several ways you can open a Sun Life Prosperity Fund or mutual fund account with us:
uma. Consult with a financial advisor ( We can refer you for free consultation, just email your location and contact number to editor@brighterlife. ph)
b. Go to sunlifeprosperity. ph and purchase the Prosperity Card.
c. Visit any Sun Life Customer Center near you.
uma. Valid government issued IDs (TIN, SSS, Driver’s license, etc.)
b. Duly-filled out Investor Profile Questionnaire.
Reply edwin oban on October 20, 2016 at 8:39 am.
im interested to invest next because im on board seaman 2017 my finish contact live in novaliches i would to visit sun life customer center do you have customer center near novaliches.
Hi Edwin. You can visit us at our Fairview Customer Center:
2F BDI Center, Lot 33, Blk 114, Regalado Ave, Greater Lagro, Novaliches, Q. C.
Tel No: (02) 376-9529.
Reply chona on October 23, 2016 at 2:48 am.
what kind of mutual funds it is balance, equity, stable…please share with us.
Hi Chona, as stated in the article, the computation reflects money invested in Sun Life Prosperity Balanced Fund. Should you be interested, you may email us via editor@brighterlife. ph with your location and contact number so we can refer you to a financial advisor for free consultation. Obrigado. 🙂
Reply Nerissa on December 3, 2016 at 6:46 pm.
Oi! Im a college student and 18 yrs old. Napakainteresting po talaga nito tanong ko lang po maganda po ba talagang mag invest sa ganito kahit student palang? Tsaka san maganda maginvest na katulad kong student pa lang. Im taking BS Accountancy pero di ko alam kung saan magandang maginvest ng pera since di ko pa naman naeexperience 🙂
Hi Nerissa, it’s good that at a young age you’re already thinking of investing. 🙂 Pwede ka na mag invest as long as 18 years old ka na. Choosing what to invest in will depend kung ano ang mga goals mo at kung kailan mo ito gusto maachieve. You can try this online tool para malaman mo ang investment na bagay sa iyo: moneyforlife. ph/. For more questions, you can always email us via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Felmer on January 19, 2017 at 3:22 pm.
Hello po, how to apply for an acct. in mutual funds comp.(like sunlife)for an ofw like me..can i do it while i am here in abroad. thank u very much.
Hi Felmer. You may email us via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can assign a financial advisor to get in touch with you. Obrigado.
Reply Melanny ezebb on February 4, 2017 at 5:03 pm.
Hi ms. mika, im an ofw,.i just want to know how much yung annual premium ng healthcare investment sa sunlife, lets say yung pinaka standard na kinukuha ng mga clients nyo.,then how many years to pay kaya? And if ever si policyholder is in good health condition for that particular years at dumating na yung maturity date, may money back guaranteed kaya to sa mga nahulog ni policy holder.? And whats the nearest branch dito sa general trias, malapit kami sa sm dasma. Thank you and god bless!
Hi Melanny, a financial advisor can best guide you on your inquiries. We can refer you to one, just email us via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Here’s the address of the nearest Sun Life client service center in your area:
2/F Annie’s Plaza, San Agustin.
Tel. No. (046) 484-0452.
Reply Imelda Garcia on February 28, 2017 at 6:37 pm.
Hi good morning ! I just want to enquire how to join the mutual fund! Im interested thank you!
Obrigado por nos contactar. There are several ways you can open a Sun Life Prosperity Fund or mutual fund account with us:
uma. Consult with a financial advisor.
b. Go to sunlifeprosperity. ph and purchase the Prosperity Card.
c. Visit any Sun Life Client Center near you.
uma. Valid government issued IDs (TIN, SSS, Driver’s license, etc.)
b. Duly-filled out Investor Profile Questionnaire.
Reply Zandy Lumacang on March 18, 2017 at 9:34 pm.
Saudações! I would like to know how to get in touch with a financial advisor. I’m really interested in opening a mutual fund account. Obrigado!
You can visit any Sun Life Customer in your area or email us your location and contact number via editor@brighterlife. ph so we can refer you to an advisor for free consultation.
Hi Ma’am. I’m 21 years old and I want to choose equity fund. Minimum is 5,000 po diba then yung parang additional is 1,000 ang minimum. Maganda po ba ang equity, saka how will I pay po? Through bank or sa Sunlife branch mismo? Last question po, how can I monitor yung investments ko? May marereceive po ba akong statement of account quarterly or annually? Sensya na po. Obrigado.
Oi! Choosing the right fund will depend on your financial goals, a financial advisor can best guide you on that. Payment is via any Sun Life Client Center or through bank deposit. You can monitor investments online, we have an online facility to help you check your investments regularly. Should you be interested to invest, we can refer you to a financial advisor for free consultation. Just email is your location and contact details via editor@brighterlife. ph.
Reply Zyra on August 15, 2017 at 3:23 pm.
Hi mam. Kindly discuss me about Mutual Funds. Obrigado.
Hi Zyra, you may call us via our hotline 849-9888 or email our client care via sunlink@sunlife.
Reply Alvin David on August 15, 2017 at 4:59 pm.
Hello what is the difference between prosperity equity fund vs flexilink? I already have a flexilink plan.
Oi! Sun Life Prosperity Fund – Equity Fund is a mutual fund while Flexilink is a VUL or life insurance with investment component.
That’s a result of around 15% compounded annually. If you continued P10K, 8th year anniversary of your fund is around P2.2M na.
Thanks for sharing your success story!
ReplyHazel Hernandez on September 1, 2017 at 9:25 am.
hi, may i know what investment is that? gusto ko itanong sa adviser ko, 10k a month and after 5years would be million, ung current offer sakin, 10k a month for 10years saka pa lang mag million. insurance with vul yun..
Hi Hazel, it’s Sun Life Prosperity Funds or mutual funds.
Reply Annabele O. Reyes on September 9, 2017 at 7:11 pm.
helo i have already a sun life policy. but want to try the mutual fund was inspired by the video. in MF if i will start for 10000 should i invest monthly or every 3 months also .
Reply Mika on September 11, 2017 at 5:32 pm.
Hi Annabele! To invest, you may consult your Sun Life Financial Advisor or you can visit any Customer Center near your area.
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Note: Please be sure to read our commenting policy and terms and conditions for this site. We reserve the right to delete any comments that we view to be in violation of our policy. The name you provide will appear next to your comment. Obrigado!

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It has been a wild ride at TaskUs for Taleen Askejian - a ride few have ever undertaken, let alone mastered. However, since the day that she walked through the door in May 2013, she has proven one simple fact: if one works hard, has a passion for people and a work ethic second to none, one can accomplish extraordinary things in one’s career.
Taleen has done precisely that. She began her career at TaskUs as the vital Executive Assistant to the CEO. Anyone who has ever worked in the business world knows this: executive assistants run the show. They are the gatekeepers. The best ones – such as Taleen – run a tight ship - a ship that never seems to sink, no matter how choppy the waters might be. More so, they are the embodiment of the organization’s culture. Plus, let’s be honest, they are pretty amazing humans!
In June 2016, TaskUs promoted our beloved Taleen to Chief of Staff - a critical role on the Executive team. We could not be prouder! It could not have happened to a nicer, more talented nor more engaging colleague. Simply put: she is the best! Taleen is passionate about exceptional customer experiences, people-driven cultures, and it radiates through her!
2017 will be a massive year for our resident executive superstar! Over the coming months, Taleen's mission is to enable our CEO - in her capacities as his trusted counsel and Chief of Staff - to work effectively with internal and external stakeholders, so that he can fulfill his commitments to the company's employees, clients and the Board of Directors. Taleen will rely heavily on her insightful initiative and highly developed analytical and people skills to provide oversight and guidance for major projects and transitions that require executive management and thought leadership.
Taleen's role is strategic, flexible and facilitative. Since much of her work is "behind-the-scenes," her expertise and guiding hand may not always be obvious - yet, she is the high-octane oil that helps to keep the global TaskUs machine running smoothly! Primary projects this year include: creating an events/opportunities calendar to foster engagement, scaling the global team, streamlining travel administration and overhauling the HR and People Operations functional teams into best-in-class ones!
Taleen holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Santa Barbara (GO GAUCHOS). Additionally, she proudly holds a Master's degree in Social Work (Community Organizing, Planning and Administration concentration) from the University of Southern California (GO TROJANS).
She loves to travel – 12 countries and counting! If Taleen looks familiar, perhaps you watch a lot of television – she once was called down on The Price is Right . Alas, she overbid and lost. However, Taleen will always be a shining example that anything is possible at TaskUs!
Christian Parlade.
Director of Financial Planning & Analysis.
Christian Parlade.
Director of Financial Planning & Analysis.
Christian is bunny-centric, and an ex-operations, ex-stock market guy. But he is really a closet farmer as he takes care of various herbs in his garden. Being one with the soil, he can talk vermiculture with the best of them (look it up in Google images). He is also an avid pro-wrestling fan and imagines his presentations being prefaced with rock entrance music and pyro.
In his past stints at work, he is known as a strong cultural advocate and constantly badgers people to exercise, to live within their means, and to stop smoking. He has worn hats in Operations and Finance and a little bit of everything else. He would routinely read into numbers from reports, unearth related stories from his Q&A with stakeholders, and pursue simple but logical solutions.
As he strives to ensure campaign profitability, trust that he will reach out to you one of these days and know that it will be an interesting meeting. He takes his coffee with 3 cream, 1/2 brown sugar.
King Leung.
Sr. Client Services Manager.
King Leung.
Sr. Client Services Manager.
Since joining TaskUs in 2012, King’s colleagues have relied on him to consistently achieve fantastic results in client satisfaction across his expert care as our Sr. Client Services Manager.
King masterfully combines his hunger for excellence with his pristine attention to detail, his innate ability to understand his clients’ needs and unmatched ability to deliver result. Consequently, King consistently leads account teams that deliver best-in-class customer services across his entire client portfolio.
Prior to TaskUs, King served as the President of the National Society of Leadership and Success (Davis Chapter). His ability to recruit and train was immediately tested as he successfully led a membership growth and involvement initiative that rejuvenated the organization from 27 members to 120 active members by the conclusion of his one-year tenure.
During his tenure as Program Manager for Executive Coach International in Singapore, he was instrumental in creating seminars and workshops for professionals who are passionate about personal and career development. He also played an active role as a copywriter in the campaign team that broke Singapore’s national record at the Leap of Dreams event.
King earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Managerial Economics from the University of California, Davis.
He enjoys meditation, international travel, swimming and spending quality time with family and friends. As in his professional life at TaskUs, King doubles as the Energizer Bunny in his personal life as he pursues a relentless passion and drive for lifelong learning. The music industry may have had Elvis, but TaskUs has the King!
David Ford.
Director of Growth Initiatives.
David Ford.
Director of Growth Initiatives.
Director of Growth Initiatives David Ford joined TaskUs in April 2015. A native of California (and most recently Phoenix, Arizona), he relocated to the Philippines to help develop new locations for the business, while making our current locations even more ridiculously awesome.
Armed with a B. S. in Biology from the University of California of Irvine, David stumbled upon the outsourcing world when he took "a casual summer job" in 2003. He's not looked back since. Working his way through the call center ranks from agent to floor manager, he quickly fell in love with the industry and has played a diverse set of roles within multiple organizations. He specializes in helping companies navigate through rapid and aggressive expansion.
Before TaskUs, he worked at NJOY Electronic Cigarettes (Global Director of Customer Service). David has an intense passion for disruptive innovation and firmly believes that the outsourcing industry is long overdue for a transformation. He hopes to help TaskUs usher in that new era for the call center world by cultivating a truly employee-centric culture.
He is the proud father of two young daughters.
Angela Georgiades.
Senior Manager, Recruiting.
Angela Georgiades.
Senior Manager, Recruiting.
Angela joined TaskUs in 2017 as HQ’s Recruiter and is now our Senior Recruiting Manager. She’s conducted over 2,500 interviews (and counting!) over the span of her career and loves that getting to know people is one of her job requirements. Her favorite part of being a recruiter, you ask? Helping people land their dream job! Angela’s genuine passion for TaskUs makes it easy for her to represent the brand as she hunts for the next amazing addition to the team.
Angela has over 5 years of recruiting experience filling a variety of roles within numerous different industries. She started in the staffing world, essentially playing matchmaker to companies and job seekers in the Los Angeles market (fun fact: TaskUs was one of her former clients). After transitioning out of staffing, she became an in-house recruiter at Drybar where she focused on retail recruitment for shops nationwide. All roads led back to TaskUs as she continued to watch their successful growth, and now, she couldn’t be more excited to be a part of the team!
She received her Bachelor in Business Administration from the beautiful Loyola Marymount University.
Like any Southern California native, Angela loves being outside in the sunshine and you can often find her somewhere by the beach. She also considers herself to be an amateur foodie and loves trying new restaurants with anyone who will join her - just beware she always has to have a bite of your food. In addition to being in the sunshine and eating tons of food, her obsessions include dogs, coffee, traveling, anything/everything sweet, and the holiday season (in no particular order). She loves staying positive and always tries to see the bright side in any situation.
Emma Guevarra.
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Emma Guevarra.
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Emma Guevarra. The woman. The myth. The legend. That's no hyperbole; TaskUs honored her in July 2016 when she visited Los Angeles with our prestigious LizardBear Legend Award for her significant contributions to the success of our company! As a resident of Cavite, where TaskUs' first Philippine site calls home, she has introduced exciting employee engagement events and streamlined processes for HR tasks since her arrival!
How we feel about having had Emma on the team as our Director of Corporate Social Responsibility ? We're extraordinarily lucky to have this wonderful, thoughtful, and intelligent professional on our team since September 2014! Emma's belief that the workforce is the company's core aligns perfectly with TaskUs culture of employee first.
She brings to TaskUs her HR training and experience from the manufacturing, retail and outsourcing industries. Before TaskUs, she held key management HR roles at Schneider Electric Logistics and Teletech Customer Care Management, but we finally got her!
Emma has worked in HR for more than a decade now and is well-versed in compensation and benefits, labor and employee relations, organizational development and HR information system.
She never gets tired of shopping for clothes and trying out new restaurants. She's a fan of TV series shows from the likes of Grey's Anatomy to The Walking Dead . Outside of cherishing her husband and two charming little girls, she dreams of being a superhero, but questions the practicality of such a life. Instead, she aspires to be the best Super Mom that she can be, in addition to striving to build an all-star globally renown HR team!
Emma believes that she could eat pasta every day, although she's trying to eat healthier. Go on, Emma, live a little.
Steven Amaya.
Financial Controller of the Americas.
Steven Amaya.
Financial Controller of the Americas.
Since joining TaskUs in August of 2015, Steven has leaned on his experience in operational finance and accounting to help improve processes and gain efficiencies in the finance department. As Financial Controller, he manages the day-to-day finance and accounting operations for our Santa Monica, California headquarters and our San Antonio, Texas delivery center, as well as our financial reporting and analysis.
Previously, Steven worked as an accountant for an asset management firm and an equity trading company in New York before holding an Assistant Vice President (Finance) position at a commodities trading firm in Greenwich, Connecticut.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York.
Steven enjoys spending most of his free time with friends and is a passionate soccer fan.
Kawaljit Singh.
Vice President of Workforce.
Kawaljit Singh.
Vice President of Workforce.
Kawaljit Singh hails from the silicon valley of India (Bangalore). In a career spanning over 18 years, he has had many experiences. His first job was working as a transport supervisor in his father's company before moving on to a sales role with LancoNet Internet Service provider where Kawaljit focused on retail sales for dial-up internet & web hosting services. He currently serves TaskUs as its Vice President of Workforce.
His outsourcing career began with the captive center at AOL India. There he cherished his first BPO experience working as a Customer Care Consultant and quickly moved up the value chain within the same organization serving in various capacities including as a real-time specialist for AOL’s Command Center, Team Lead, and Sales Operations & Special Projects role with the Managing Director of the company.
In the last decade (2006 onwards), Kawaljit has specialized in standardizing/implementing WFM processes as well as restructuring and leading large WFM Shared Services functions in BPO’s like Aegis People Support (now Teleperformance) and Sutherland in the APAC region.
He is not a stranger to the Philippines and can speak a bit of the local dialect (Tagalog). In his free time, he loves to play cricket, basketball and enjoys participating in karaoke sessions. On weekends, he loves to plan and organize vacation tours in amazing holiday destinations across India and the Philippines for large groups. He lives with his family in India and is a proud father of a son whom he calls Rocket Singh (because he keeps flying all over). His motto is "Do your best & leave the rest.'
Sr. Director of Client Services.
Sr. Director of Client Services.
LaNae joined TaskUs in late 2015 to launch our second US-based office, located in San Francisco, California. LaNae oversees the management of TaskUs’ multi-million dollar portfolios in the Bay Area. She is passionate about working with fast-paced, dynamic companies and helping them to build, scale and operate their support teams.
LaNae brings a wealth of outsourcing and call center experience from her operational leadership roles at Sykes Enterprises (a global leader in customer contact management solutions), Homejoy and 42Floors (both Bay Area tech startups). She has led process optimization initiatives for Fortune 100 clients, in addition to having built customer support teams from the ground up.
LaNae holds a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business & Business Management from the University of Tampa.
LaNae grew up in Argentina and Nicaragua, is fluent in Spanish and studied international business management in the UK and Spain. When she's not traveling, you’ll find her swimming, biking or running. LaNae is a competitive triathlete and recently completed her first full-distance Ironman in Cozumel, Mexico.
Mark Sterling.
VP of Client Services & Implementation.
Mark Sterling.
VP of Client Services & Implementation.
Since joining TaskUs in March 2017, Mark has built on his 13 year career in the customer experience and outsourcing space through the development of the TaskUs' global Project Management Office (PMO). A certified PMP, Mark's chief focus is building a core skillset of Ridiculously Good Project Management for clients and internal initiatives. Mark is primarily based in our Lizard Bear Lair facility tucked away in Bonifacio Global City, Metro Manila Philippines.
Mark joins us from Sutherland Global Services where he spent 7 years in the Philippines handling implementations and running the APAC and EMEA project portfolios. Projects included implementations, site builds and new geo expansions. Prior to Sutherland, Mark spent 10 years in a captive contact center where he helped spearhead the company’s outsourcing initiative. Having worked as both client and vendor, Mark brings a holistic approach to the overall implementation experience.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)–obtaining his initial certification in December 2012.
Boy Bands and cheesy Pop music are Mark’s guilty pleasure. Few know this, but once while attending a New Kids on the Block/Backstreet Boys concert, Mark ran into a Senior Executive from his employer at the time. Despite an awesome effort to convince the other that they were dragged to the concert by their wives “against their will,” they both knew that wasn’t the case.
When he’s not in the office or working on his coordinated boy-band dance numbers, Mark loves spending time at home with his partner–Beth, his two dogs–Bleu and Hans Gruber, and (the true king of the castle) young daughter–Jhodilly. His recent training doing “shuttle sprints” throughout the house to keep his daughter from playing "splash splash" in any unguarded toilet/water dispenser, has re-ignited his passion for athletics and has him eyeing a potential run at the 2017 NFL Combine.
Paul Solomon.
Sr. Director Client Services.
Paul Solomon.
Sr. Director Client Services.
Paul Solomon started at TaskUs in 2017 as Client Partner, and as of November 2017, is now the Sr. Director Client Services of our San Francisco office, where he supports the growth needs of our clients in the Bay Area. He has been in the customer service industry for over 25 years–half of that time being grounded in highly customer-centric roles for Home Depot.
Before joining our sales team, Paul's most recent experience involved supporting large retail, logistics and consumer brands for Convergys and Xerox. In these roles, he developed solutions and supported programs on, near and offshore. During his time at Home Depot, he was the first team member assigned to help the company develop and execute a holistic contact center strategy. Paul’s accomplishments in these roles, coupled with his financial experience as a CPA, makes him well-versed in deepening relationships with our current clients and helping them prepare financial models that meet their budget requirements.
Paul graduated Magna Cum Laude from Centenary College of Louisiana, the oldest private college west of the Mississippi River. After earning his CPA and spending several years with the accounting and consulting firm of KPMG, he made the move into the customer service arena and never looked back.
When he isn't helping our clients develop their strategy, he loves playing tour guide in The City by the Bay and beyond. As someone who has spent a significant time of his career supporting operations across the globe, Paul enjoys the opportunity to showcase the Philippines to those who have never visited before. He has an eclectic taste in music and culture that fits nicely with all San Francisco has to offer.
China Polintan.
Senior Manager of Organizational Development.
China Polintan.
Senior Manager of Organizational Development.
China joined TaskUs in May 2016 and started off supporting the learning needs of Chateau Ridiculous and House Teamwork. In early 2017, she transitioned to leading the Organizational Development team and developing leadership and management courses for the organization. She and her team have definitely made their presence felt with the launch of Team Leader (TL) Academy; we can't wait to see the rest of the programs they plan to launch!
China spent 10 years in HSBC where she established her career as a Learning & Organizational Development practitioner. She was a Customer Service Representative who pursued her passion for teaching by moving to the L&D team, and it's been L&D for her ever since!
China holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from San Jose State University, where she majored in Special Education.
She's a domestic goddess who enjoys her wine. A great weekend entails spending the day in the kitchen cooking and baking for loved ones, while having “Lowrider Oldies” playing in the background.
Jason Porras.
Sr. Client Services Manager.
Jason Porras.
Sr. Client Services Manager.
Jason joined TaskUs in June of 2017 as a Senior Client Services Manager. With a client-focused background, he brings experience from working with a multinational BPO company where he serviced a fortune 15 client with multiple lines of business (Chat, Tech Support and Customer Care). His most recent assignment was directing the operations of a large call center in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic where he successfully secured the performance and productivity of the site, achieving the client’s Site of the Year for 2016. He is passionate about developing his people through effective processes and helping them achieve personal success, while delivering on company and client expectations for a Win-Win-Win!
Before moving into the BPO industry, Jason worked in business development in the mortgage industry for 7 years building relationships with brokers in California’s Central Valley. He spent the last 5 years at Alorica, where his ability to lead initiatives was instrumental in improving performance in a variety of leadership roles in Operations and Client Services, at multiple locations across the US and internationally.
Jason attended school at Western Governor’s University where he studied Business Management, while simultaneously building his career in the BPO industry. He earned his CompTia Project+ certification in 2014.
Jason enjoys snowboarding in the winter and hits the links for the occasional round of golf in the summer – when he’s not at the beach, that is. He’s a fan of the alt-rock genre, like Weezer and Foo Fighters, but he’s also been known to sing along to some Reggaeton in Spanish. Jason is excited to work in the Bay Area and to have one season to go to some Raiders NFL football games before they move (again!) to Las Vegas. He’s been a fan since they played in Los Angeles, and he grills a mean rack of ribs at the tailgates!
Rey Salazar.
Chief of Staff - Philippines.
Rey Salazar.
Chief of Staff - Philippines.
Rey joined TaskUs as its Chief of Staff in April 2016 to manage business critical strategic initiatives for the Philippine executive team. He also leads the Project Management team and the Brand, Environment, and Design team.
Prior to joining TaskUs, Rey held several positions in the Strategy and Execution group of Citibanks regional shared service center, before shifting to Corporate and Investment Banking as one of its coverage bankers.
He holds a Master of Liberal Arts degree in Management from Harvard University. Additionally, he graduated Magna cum Laude from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
On his spare time, Rey likes to do a bit of cycling and is a long-suffering Knicks fan. Go Knicks!
Nicole Sparks.
Events Marketing Manager.
Nicole Sparks.
Events Marketing Manager.
Nicole joined the TaskUs Marketing team in August 2017 as our Events Marketing Manager. With her background in sports and entertainment marketing, Nicole didn't require a lot of coaching in how to deliver an amazing event experience to our elite, world-class clients. She is genuinely passionate about creating All-Star experiences for each and every person who attends our events. She thrives under pressure and lives by the motto “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great!”
Nicole served as the Director of Marketing for a professional boxing promoter in Los Angeles for over five years. During her time there, she was responsible for advancing brand recognition and revenue through planning and managing special events, creating media and marketing plans, and selling corporate sponsorships.
Nicole attended Loyola Marymount University and graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications Studies. She was very fortunate to study abroad during her junior year in Florence, Italy, where she was immersed in the European culture and developed her zeal for travel.
On the weekends, you’ll find Nicole on a hike with her fiancé, Tyler, and their puppy, Olive, soaking up some Vitamin D at the beach or cruising down the Santa Monica boardwalk on their bikes. A self-proclaimed foodie, Nicole is continuously chasing her never-ending bucket list of LA eateries.
Trina Baranda.
Senior Client Services Manager.
Trina Baranda.
Senior Client Services Manager.
Trina Baranda recently joined TaskUs as Senior Client Services Manager. She manages multiple US-based clients based out of Cavite, Philippines.
Trina is a 14-year veteran (and counting) of the BPO industry. She started as an agent in 2003 and eventually moved up and joined the Training department. She has held various positions from Trainer to Vendor Manager for training on the client side, where she oversaw four vendors with seven sites in the Philippines. She traveled to Montego Bay, Jamaica; Bogota, Colombia; and Melbourne, Australia to lead and set up these international centers. Three years ago, she transitioned into a senior leadership position in Client Services and handled a mixture of Australian, US and local APAC accounts with headcounts ranging from 20 to 1,500 across diverse verticals (travel, telecommunications, food, technology, banking and customer service) for companies such as DISH and Teleperformance.
Trina holds a Bachelor's in Communication degree majoring in Media Productions from Assumption College in Makati City, Philippines. She earned her Six Sigma Certification in 2009 from the Ateneo Graduate School of Business Center for Continuing Education in Makati City, Philippines.
Outside of work, Trina enjoys watching an array of TV series, reading, playing pool, traveling and hitting the beach. She is passionate about being a mother to her 11-year-old daughter and preparing hearty meals for her loved ones. She makes a mean burrito!
Libby Loskota.
VP of Marketing.
Libby Loskota.
VP of Marketing.
As Senior Director of Marketing, Libby Loskota is responsible for the management of the Marketing Department and its strategic initiatives, including branding, digital and traditional advertising, public relations, communications, sales enablement, events, and content. It's safe to assume that if a project has had a marketing touchpoint, she's played a role in its execution. She was promoted to her current position in January 2017.
She joins the TaskUs team with extensive experience in strategic marketing and business development initiatives, and thrives in an environment that is focused keenly on employee welfare and customer satisfaction.
Before TaskUs, Libby was the Vice President of Marketing for a company that produces athletic events. In that role, she was responsible for branding, customer and sponsorship acquisition and managing the relationships with a wide array of participants, sponsors, charity and community partnerships.
Libby attended beautiful Pepperdine University in Malibu, California where she earned a Bachelor's of Science degree and a Master's of Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing.
When she is not working, you can find Libby traveling around the world with her husband, soaking up the sun at the beach or enjoying a vigorous hike.
Isabel Bernal.
Vice President of Culture - Philippines.
Isabel Bernal.
Vice President of Culture - Philippines.
Isabel Bernal joined TaskUs as the Vice President of Culture in June 2016. She is a senior HR executive with over ten years of experience in the management consulting industry and the outsourcing/shared services industry.
Before joining TaskUs, Isabel was the HR Director and concurrent Head of HR Shared Services of the Regus Global Service Centre, covering the whole spectrum of HR with both strategic and operational responsibility. Previously, she worked for top consulting firms, such as The Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey and Co., where she covered HR responsibilities for the Southeast Asia region. She has also served as a Mathematics lecturer at the University of the Philippines-Diliman and an Economics lecturer at the Ateneo de Manila University.
Isabel has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the Ateneo de Manila University.
In her spare time, Isabel enjoys taking road trips with her family and engaging in some "high will, low skill" karaoke. She is happily married and a proud mother to four beautiful children.
Now put aside what you know about Isabel, because here's the juicy bit: she used to be a member of a rock band during her college days! "We weren't good, or big, or anything like that, but we loved to play and had a great time!
It's OK to admit it - she's pretty amazing. We think so too!
Blake Hatcher.
Financial Controller.
Blake Hatcher.
Financial Controller.
Since joining TaskUs in 2015 as our Financial Controller at headquarters in Santa Monica, Blake has built a best-in-class Finance team. Among his many duties, he provides key financial data, analysis and reporting to assist in critical business decisions. Within his first year, Blake successfully managed the company’s first annual financial statement audit that validated our exponential growth during those 12 months!
Previously, Blake held several roles managing the financial accountability of organizations ranging from a real-estate start-up - where he led an enterprise-wide, fully scalable accounting and property management system implementation - to a television production company - where he developed and implemented stringent internal controls and processes to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements due to being acquired by a public company.
Blake holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Chico State University, California. He has been a California Certified Public Accountant in the state since 2005.
In addition to his professional duties, the local community benefits from his kind heart. He serves as Chairman at Partners for Potential – a non-profit that helps developmentally disabled adults to reach their full potential - and is currently entering his 10th year as a board member!
Don’t let his wizardry for numbers fool you. Blake is also a skateboard-riding adrenaline junkie, and loves going to live music shows in the punk rock and gangster rap genres! Additionally, he loves to travel around the world with his wife and son.
Vice President of Business Development - Philippines.
Vice President of Business Development - Philippines.
As Vice President of Business Development in the Philippines, Anna is expected to be the company's expert on the bidding/RFP (Request for Proposal) process, as well as the site visit process that includes development of comprehensive responses, closely coordinating with key departments and building competitive strategies to win business.
Additionally, Anna sets up and manages the Lead Generation team to help grow our sales pipeline and accelerate our revenue growth. She's pretty awesome!
Anna brings more than 14 years of BPO experience to TaskUs. She served in similar roles and functions with The Minacs Group, STARKEK and VXI Global Solutions, Inc.
Anna graduated from St. Paul Manila with a degree in Business Management. Impressively, she earned cum laude honors for her hard work. Following her undergraduate studies, she attended the University of the Philippines where she received her MBA. Additionally, she holds a post-graduate degree at JAIMS, located in Honolulu, Hawaii.
In her free time, Anna takes her smart and "highly opinionated" son to different places so they can enjoy the world together! She likes to collect beautiful things and read books, enjoys regular spa sessions and aspires to be a yogist someday.
Jaspar Weir.
Jaspar Weir.
Jaspar Weir is the co-founder and president of TaskUs. He focuses on leading the company's transformational growth and strategic initiatives so that it can provide its clients access to the people, the process, and the technology required to scale quickly, to excel operationally, and to increase the bottom line. He doesn't think small; he wants to help change how the business world works.
Before TaskUs, Jaspar co-founded two other companies with TaskUs CEO Bryce Maddock, including a social media marketing agency and an events production business that produced the largest all-age nightclub in Los Angeles for three years.
Jaspar spreads his entrepreneurial learnings to students in The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship and guest lectures at The University of Southern California.
He has been named to Inc's "30 under 30" and is a two-time finalist in the EY's Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication from the University of California.
It's believed that Jaspar doesn't swim for pleasure, but rather to eat the freshest fish directly from the ocean each morning at breakfast. Like a dolphin.
Joseph Patrick Javelona.
Gerente de Operações Sênior.
Joseph Patrick Javelona.
Gerente de Operações Sênior.
Since joining TaskUs in late 2015 as Senior Operations Manager, Joseph Patrick (or "JP" to those in the know) has leveraged his 15+ years of experience in BPO Operations to launch and scale successfully the two fastest growing campaigns in Cavite. He oversees the day-to-day operations of Lizzy's Nook in Cavite while managing the second largest and most profitable campaign of TaskUs.
JP started his career in the hotel and restaurant industries before he transitioned into telecommunications (customer service). From there, he joined the BPO industry during its earliest days with startups such as Customer Contact Center (C3) and Ambergris Solutions before working his way up the ladder to a senior leadership position at Telus International Philippines.
JP holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel and Restaurant Administration from the University of the Philippines.
He loves to travel and sightsee with his wife and son, and explore different cultures within the region. JP's a self-described "techno geek, gadget fanatic and audiophile" who owns several pairs of headphones that cater to different musical genres. He loves to watch movies and anime, and engages in racquet sports in his free time.
George Liang.
Business Analyst.
George Liang.
Business Analyst.
George’s formal title at TaskUs is Business Analyst. Informally, his teammates consider him an indispensable resource who is responsible for developing business intelligence and insight!
As part of the IT Team, George leads the integration of business applications and continually works to improve data quality at TaskUs. Besides that, he directly supports Client Services and Operations by delivering actionable analyses and implementing some of the highest levels of data solutions for our top campaigns that we’ve ever seen! Colleagues across Finance, Marketing, IT and the senior management ranks rely on and trust George for one very simple reason: he gets the job done! He has an unmatched passion for his work, an almost obsessive attention to detail and consistently strives to anticipate his colleagues’ needs across the organization. He lives and breathes SQL databases, Salesforce, and Excel.
Prior to TaskUs, George’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to an Internet startup that was focused on marketing. During his tenure, he led efforts in predictive analytics, business optimization, and report automation.
George grew up in beautiful San Francisco, California, where he spent his youth playing basketball and ping pong at local parks and recreation centers. He is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Policy.
Understandably, he has a love-hate relationship with Cal athletics (Go Bears!). In his free time, George is a ferocious reader, claiming to read up to 20 books each year! He likes to stay active, travels extensively throughout the United States, and has a love-love relationship with Malbec red wine. When he sleeps – when DOES he sleep? – he dreams about Tonkotsu ramen and his two miniature Schnauzers back home in the Bay Area.
Ryan Bobos.
Director of Workforce Management.
Ryan Bobos.
Director of Workforce Management.
Here's the thing about Ryan: he's amazing. Sure, he's been TaskUs' Director of Workforce Management since June 2015. Sure, he inspires his colleagues on a daily basis with his impressive insight, dedication to excellence, intellect and top-tier skills. And sure, he's a great guy that everyone values around the office.
No, what makes Ryan utterly amazing is that he's a fan of the DC Universe comic books - especially, the Justice League, Batman, Flash and the Green Lantern. So yes, Ryan is freaking amazing. Superheroes, like Ryan, simply can't be any other way but so!
Ryan provides strategic direction, tactical leadership and day-to-day responsibilities for the Workforce team. He ensures proper staffing and training to accomplish departmental goals and objectives. He collaborates key stakeholders to develop processes, procedures, and methodologies, which support the company's culture and goals. Ryan drives cost savings initiatives for operational efficiencies. He also assesses and quantifies near-term risk and opportunities, and the impact of business initiatives.
He began his TaskUs career as Team Leader in August 2011. By January 2014, he was promoted to Operations Manager. When January 2015 rolled around, our resident superhero was promoted again, this time to his current position as Director of Workforce Management.
Before TaskUs, he held roles at Stellar Global Solutions, ePerformax, eTelecare Global Solutions and ITEC Support Plus.
He holds a Bachelor degree in Electronics from the Technological University of the Philippines.
Daniel Gonzalez.
CX Consultant and Resident DJ.
Daniel Gonzalez.
CX Consultant and Resident DJ.
Daniel has been a member of the TaskUs team since 2013 when he was initially hired to serve as an Operations Manager. In that role, he oversaw the planning for and operations of our early partnerships. As the company’s needs evolved, Daniel was promoted onto the Client Services team where he managed key strategic partner relationships. Most recently, Daniel merged his expertise from Operations and Client Services, and led his insight to the creation of the Client Implementation team. In 2016, he served as Project Manager. In 2017, he took on a new role - CX Consultant.
Prior to TaskUs, Daniel worked at Airbnb where he pioneered customer service projects, such as founding the White Glove Customer Service team, streamlining “Love” and the “Giraffing” programs and handled Resolution disputes.
Daniel holds a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and Human Communications from California State University, Fullerton.
Daniel is an avid traveler and loves music. He believes lives should be lived passionately… and with patience. His favorite quote is, “You may have a million desires to be in other places, doing other things, but you are not there, you are here.” Powerful words to live by each day!
In July 2016, Daniel was granted the honorary title of “Resident DJ” for his impeccable tastes in music and for keeping the office sound system radiating with perfection.
Adolfo Conui.
Director of Information Technology.
Adolfo Conui.
Director of Information Technology.
A self-described "man of few words," Adolfo Conui proves that action speaks louder than words. Since joining TaskUs as its new Director of Information Technology in the Philippines, Adolfo has contributed to some of our biggest IT successes throughout his tenure. We're thrilled to have him on the team!
Before TaskUs, Adolfo successfully held leadership IT roles that included Solutions Architect at Dimension Data Philippines, Director of IT Operations and Director of IT Research and Development - both at TELUS International Philippines - and Senior Solutions Manager roles at Fujitsu Philippines and WeSolv Open Computing.
His skills are vast, to put it mildly. A small sampling of his expertise includes Cisco WAN switching, SUN servers, IP telephony products and Coral PABX.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the University of the East. Additionally, he sat for the Electronics and Communications Engineer Licensure Examination. He holds (or has held) certifications in Communications Network Associate (AVAYA), Cisco Certified Network Associate (CISCO), Cisco Certified Life Cycle Engineer (CISCO), Cisco Certified Field Engineer Express Foundation (CISCO) and Certified Associate (3Com). Further, he holds certifications in both PMP and Japanese Language (Nihongo).
Adolfo always strives for excellence and is dedicated to his craft (as his education and certifications certainly attest)! While "strong in personality," colleagues know that his gentleness, sincerity and light heart belay the serious exterior.
When not working, he finds time to travel, build memories with his wife and spend extra attention on his two daughters (who he calls "my princesses"). Adolfo is a fan of 1980's music - and that makes him amazing in our eyes.
Austin Ham.
Business Development Representative.
Austin Ham.
Business Development Representative.
Austin Ham joined TaskUs' Sales department in January of 2017 as its new Business Development Representative. His duties include helping the Sales team grow their pipeline by finding new opportunities to pursue and help grow the business. He has been a part of sales organizations for four years and is excited to do his part to help TaskUs grow.
Previously, Austin worked as a Sales Operational Analyst to support a sales team within the outsourcing industry that focused on facility maintenance work. Since then, he has gained experience with inside sales and business growth as a marketing consultant for the leader in digital publishing solutions for associations and digital marketing solutions for B2B marketers who connect the B2B world.
Austin holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources from the University of Texas at Dallas.
Austin enjoys spending time being around anything involving music. In his free time, he is either making music, going to shows or working with local musicians to help them achieve their goals. He plays the drums, guitar and many other instruments in his recording studio in Dallas, Texas.
Alexander Constantino.
Sr. Client Implementations Manager, PH.
Alexander Constantino.
Sr. Client Implementations Manager, PH.
Alex joins TaskUs with 11 years of BPO experience from the service delivery space, overseeing a variety of channels along with daily operations. His knowledge is both a good foundation on how we, internally, will be able to provide an excellent end-to-end client implementation experience, and a value-add for our client’s ability to learn how they can leverage TaskUs well beyond pilot, and into a long-term partnership.
Through the ranks and, eventually, leadership roles in service delivery, Alex introduced innovations that helped clients conduct better business. Alex has served as Sr. Service Delivery Manager for companies like Accenture, Teletech, and Sutherland Global Service.
Alex holds a degree in Instrumentations Technology from Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong Philippines. He’s also an expert on COPC and operational excellence.
Besides enjoying time with his wife, Lo, and daughter, Layne, Alex is quite the gearhead and enjoys getting greased up hunting for rare car parts, researching and applying mods, and building to era correct specifications. Alex regularly joins car meets and is a passionate admin of one of the elite car clubs in the Philippines. He has won car show competitions and occasional racing series in his free time. His immediate aspiration is to be able to see his daughter through university.
Ruben Jimenez.
Sr. Director Client Services.
Ruben Jimenez.
Sr. Director Client Services.
Ruben Jimenez joined TaskUs as a Sr. Director of Client Services in early 2017 and brought a variety of experience from the banking and BPO industries with him. He has implemented startup launches and grown programs to more than 300% of the original volume through fostering collaborative partnerships with clients and exceeding initial targets. After working for a large multi-national organization with over 100,000 employees, Ruben was eager to join TaskUs and participate in their phenomenal growth and ridiculously awesome culture.
Before joining the BPO industry, Ruben worked as a personal banker for Bank of America where client relationships were critical to attaining aggressive targets. Six years ago, he entered the BPO industry with Alorica as a team manager and proceeded to shake things up. His commitment to achieving targets and developing people and client relationships helped him to achieve numerous leadership positions, including Sr. Account Manager, Director of Operations and Site Director supporting a variety of lines of businesses. These LOBs included: customer service, sales outbound, and technical support.
Ruben holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology Exercise Science from the California State University, Fresno.
Ruben, his wife and their three children enjoy spending time together and are super excited about returning to California to be closer to family and friends and his all-time favorite NFL team, the Los Angeles Rams! He is a gadget nerd; you will likely find him talking about or trying out the latest and greatest technology, particularly anything to do with Apple. Over the last year, Ruben has embraced a healthier lifestyle. He found that exercise is the best stress reliever and allows him to listen to his eclectic Spotify music mix, which ranges anywhere from the Global Viral Top 50, Hot Rhythmic, Release Radar or the Best of Kanye West. Please withhold judgment - Ruben will not be deterred in his affliction for Kanye West.
Kaye Garcia.
Executive Logistics Manager.
Kaye Garcia.
Executive Logistics Manager.
Kaye joined TaskUs at the start of 2015 and has been working with the company's Country Manager for 3 years now. She is a seasoned events organizer and enjoys setting up activities for TaskUs employees. She feels that this passion perfectly suits the dynamic atmosphere and hip culture of TaskUs. Kaye always finds inner peace whenever she has a "staycation," and whenever she has manicure and pedicure treatments! Kaye was a former barista and used to play the keyboards for a church band.
Claudia Bazaldua.
Site Director, San Antonio.
Claudia Bazaldua.
Site Director, San Antonio.
With much excitement, Claudia Bazaldua joined the TaskUs team in November of 2016 as its San Antonio Site Director. She runs its day-to-day operations. Claudia has over 20 years of experience in call center, operations, client support, outsourcing, vendor management and much more. She immediately embraced the culture at TaskUs and is ready to put the San Antonio team and site on the map!
Before TaskUs, Claudia worked in the financial services industry in many and varied capacities, such as sales, fraud analytics, collections, servicing, forecasting and scheduling, alternative contact strategies, remote and virtual teams. Recently, she spent 6-years in the BPO arena with VMC where she was Site Director and oversaw its San Antonio site. Her engagement was a massive success, expanding the site from 60 employees to well over 1,200 before leaving. She is excited to bring her extensive experience to the TaskUs team to help create a differentiated culture to San Antonio and build an even stronger team!
Claudia has a variety of certifications in industry specific disciplines as well as leadership development programs. She gained her COPC certification back in 2012.
Claudia enjoys spending time with her family, especially her two boys. She is a fitness fanatic and loves all forms of exercise and eating clean. She once hiked the depth of the Grand Canyon and back in a single day, so she is not afraid of a challenge! She enjoys sports (football, basketball, baseball) and gets excited when she gets to plan a trip!
Sol Rellita.
Diretor de Operações.
Sol Rellita.
Diretor de Operações.
Sol joined TaskUs in January 2015 to oversee Cavite Operations which was composed of 70 campaigns across two sites (TaskHouse and ARC). He is the author of the TaskUs Operations Handbook (Lizzy's Playbook) and an active participant of TaskUs Clubs and Culture engagements.
He comes to TaskUs as a 13-year veteran of the outsourcing space, with extensive experiences in verticals such as telecommunications, insurance, background screening, graphic design, legal, shared services and SEO.
Sol holds a degree in Management from Republican College, as well as certifications in Six Sigma and ISO 9001:2008.
When not working, Sol enjoys traveling with his family and loves to pursue various physical activities, particularly in the water (surfing, wakeboarding, fly boarding and scuba diving).
TaskUs honored Sol in July 2016 with its prestigious LizardBear Legend Award for his significant contributions to the success of our company!
Tyler Rachal.
VP Business Development.
Tyler Rachal.
VP Business Development.
As one the longest tenured employees at TaskUs, Tyler has seen the company grow from a handful of people in Santa Monica, California to a team of over 8,000 located around the world. In January 2017, he was promoted to VP Business Development.
His early work at TaskUs focused on our critical marketing initiatives, like launching one of the first versions of our website, rebranding our logo and landing our first significant press articles.
Eventually, Tyler discovered his "true calling" as a critically valued member of our Sales team, where he has contributed to some of TaskUs' largest and most strategic accounts.
Before joining TaskUs, Tyler built his social media consulting business where he advised regional and national restaurant chains on how to leverage social media to grow their businesses. His natural passion for helping a company to achieve its strategic goals is what allows Tyler to connect immediately with those he speaks with and to get them excited about working with TaskUs.
Tyler holds a Bachelor's of Science degree in Public Policy, Planning and Development from the University of Southern California.
When he's not at the office or on business trips, one can find Tyler surfing, doing CrossFit or hanging at the local parks with his dog, Bao Bao. He's determined to try every restaurant on Jonathan Gold's annual "Best Restaurants in Los Angeles List." He considers himself an amateur beer aficionado.
Arjay Angodung.
Vice President of Operations, BGC.
Arjay Angodung.
Vice President of Operations, BGC.
Arjay Angodung serves TaskUs as its Vice President of Operations, BGC in the Philippines. We're lucky to have him!
Throughout his 15 years of experience within the BPO industry managing a variety of verticals and industries, Arjay has consistently delivered meaningful results. He excels in identifying operational and financial opportunities, as well as managing the execution of strategic initiatives that helps him to crush KPIs and goals. Optimizing business results and improving decision-making at all levels of business get him there.
Previously, Arjay held senior leadership roles at PeopleSupport, Inc., Aegis Philippines, Inc., and Teleperformance.
Arjay earned a degree in Applied Corporate Management from De La Salle University.
Arjay is a massive Elvis Presley fan and impersonated the legend in front of several hundred people when he was eight-years-old. He is also a huge Tupac Shakur fan, although good-naturedly he admits, "I can't rap to save my life”.
Nikkole Shamsuddin.
VP of Consulting and Technology.
Nikkole Shamsuddin.
VP of Consulting and Technology.
Nikkole Shamsuddin joined TaskUs in September 2017 as our Vice President of Consulting and Technology. She is responsible for leading our consulting team in building and scaling the CX consulting and technology services capabilities for TaskUs and our customers.
She brings over 15 years of experience in consulting and client services, working across many industries with some of world's largest global brands and technology leaders. A few include Microsoft, Ticketmaster and Accenture, where she led complex global teams of consultants, project managers and engineers. At Microsoft, she led teams focused on business operations, customer delivery and building new customer service offerings for technology acquisitions with a customer service component. Her goal was to support successful integration within Microsoft, scale operations and transform tech teams from one-off business capabilities into scalable enterprise service offerings. While working for Accenture, a leading global management consulting company, she worked with Fortune 500 companies to implement new technology platforms in complex global environments. Most recently, Nikkole built the B2B Marketing team for Ticketmaster, focusing on redefining the way they took their 50+ SaaS products to market for their 12K B2B clients.
Nikkole holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, which has been foundational in developing her interest in technology, but otherwise, her knowledge of titration curves has been put to little use since her time at the University of Washington.
Nikkole and her husband, Sameer, are avid globe-trekkers and lovers of global culture–taking food tours in every country they visit! They reside in sunny Los Angeles and take annual trips to Nepal with an educational non-profit they support, Empower Nepali Girls.
Jeanette Lim.
VP Operations, Anonas.
Jeanette Lim.
VP Operations, Anonas.
Since joining TaskUs in early 2016 as the Vice President of Operations for our site in Quezon City and now, for our site in Anonas. Jean has built upon her 12-year career in the BPO space by overseeing the day-to-day operations of the office that we call Chateau Ridiculous, located in the Manilla Metro area. It's never easy to jump right in and make an immediate difference, but Jean has done exactly that on our largest account.
Previously, Jean worked as a research chemist for seven years before moving into the BPO space, where she has held senior leadership positions over the past 12 years at companies such as Expert Global Solutions and NCO Group.
Jean holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Ateneo de Manila. She earned her COPC certification in 2013.
She enjoys spending time with her husband, family, friends, and three bunnies - Dexter, Lily, and Daisy. She is a ferocious reader and claims to read at least one book per week. She loves to travel around Asia, roams gardens, and listen to music from Enya, Taylor Swift, and Sarah McLachlan.
Josh Nutter.
Business Development Representative.
Josh Nutter.
Business Development Representative.
Josh Nutter joined TaskUs' Sales department in April of 2017 as a Business Development Representative. Bringing three years of sales experience, Josh is excited to contribute to TaskUs’ rapid expansion by helping the Sales team grow their pipeline with new opportunities to pursue.
Josh worked as a Solutions Advisor at HPE in the IT Services division. Although he started in procurement, Josh quickly found his stride in sales of the house and started building his career there. Does building a multimillion-dollar pipeline sound daunting? Not to Josh. His experience, coupled with his holistic and multi-faceted view of the E2E sales cycle, equips him for success in achieving this goal and towards TaskUs’ revenue growth.
Josh holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Supply Chain Management at Texas A&M. He is a proud Aggie and continues to network with Aggies all over the US.
Josh enjoys spending time with his soon-to-be wife and two giant dogs, Bill and Cori. He also enjoys traveling to new places, working out, and cooking–just to name a few.
Robert Hayes.
Senior Vice President, Southeast Asia.
Robert Hayes.
Senior Vice President, Southeast Asia.
Since joining TaskUs in January 2015 as our Site Director for the Philippines, Robert Hayes has delivered expertise and a passion for creating a culture of development, achievement, and growth. He has been pivotal in leading the company's ridiculously rapid growth - from 1,000 to over 5,300 during his tenure (so far). Simply put: he's thrived!
Robert's experience in the BPO industry is phenomenal. In 2007, NCO appointed him to the role of Regional Business Manager. and promptly promoted him later that same year to General Manager of NCO Canada. Por quê? He demonstrated an impressive ability to create efficient and effective business processes and strategies that let the company shine in the market. NCO promoted him in August 2010 to Assistant Vice President of Operations for the Philippines.
At TaskUs, he has demonstrated an impressive ability to personify the company's core values that in combination with his vast BPO experience earned him our Country Manager role in the Philippines. His initiatives include professionalizing departments' tasks, recruiting, and employing top-tier candidates to achieve wow-inducing results across every department.
When he's not thinking of new ways to improve TaskUs, Robert enjoys working out in the gym and spending time with his wife and kids. He supports the NHL's Vancouver Canucks, despite believing that "My team sucks." That's loyalty!
Jordan Yarborough.
Business Development Representative.
Jordan Yarborough.
Business Development Representative.
Jordan joined our Sales team in September of 2017 as a Business Development Representative. She is focused on initiating and developing new relationships with established organizations and emerging disruptors in the Retail and eCommerce industry.
Jordan has a genuine passion for helping clients achieve initiatives that have a direct impact on customer satisfaction and employee retention. She joins TaskUs with a successful track record of generating new business with mid-market companies for both IBM and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. At her most recent position with IBM as a Digital Sales Rep, she cultivated high-value partnerships with new buyers to help them achieve strategic and transformational objectives. (if you want to include this, totally optional: This included human capital management and collaboration solutions that leverage social, mobile, analytics and cloud capabilities). .
Jordan holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management from The University of Alabama and expects to receive her PMP certification in the Summer of 2018. (Roll Tide!)
Jordan lives in Dallas, Texas where you can find her “conducting market research” at NorthPark Center and questing for unique finds in the Design District. Jordan has a (not so) secret passion for interior design, house plants, and a recent affinity for subscription boxes. Her competitive spirit shines through when the board games come out, and the beaches of 30A are her happy place.
Chico Inong.
Vice President of Operations, Cavite.
Chico Inong.
Vice President of Operations, Cavite.
Chico brings 14 years of contact center experience in the Philippines to TaskUs, of which ten are in senior management roles where he oversaw Fortune 500 portfolios across multiple verticals and across multiple sites. His impressive tenures have given him tremendous insight into aspects of Operations such as Sales, Customer Service, Technical Support, Retention, and Financial Services.
He has spent the majority of his career running call center operations. He succeeded by developing high-performing teams through success roadmaps, performance improvement practices, leadership development, strategic planning, and thorough execution.
Chico previously held leadership roles at NCO Group, IBM Global Services, and, most recently, Expert Global Solutions.
He holds bachelor degree in Computer Science from Informatics Computer Institute. Chico is a massive Los Angeles Lakers basketball fan and loves to travel around the world.
Brittany Roderman.
Senior Manager, Client Services.
Brittany Roderman.
Senior Manager, Client Services.
Brittany is one of TaskUs’ newbies, joining the Client Services team in August of 2016. Welcome to TaskUs Brittany! It's great to have you on board!
Brittany comes from a management consulting background where she worked with various clients to improve business processes, manage large software implementations and oversee BPO. She most recently collaborated with two Bay Area startups that she helped to build the teams to achieve sales goals and increase overall revenue to prepare for the series funding.
Brittany holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts. She also attended the University of Hong Kong to focus on her minor in Global Studies.
Brittany enjoys traveling, cooking, competing in triathlons and playing golf with friends. She's always up to explore the unknown by embarking on an exciting adventure. Brittany believes in optimizing her time - she catches up on shows and movies that she missed in her daily life by watching them during long flights.
Carmela Sais.
Vice President of Recruitment - Philippines.
Carmela Sais.
Vice President of Recruitment - Philippines.
TaskUs is thrilled to welcome Carmela Sais to her new role as our Vice President, Head of Recruitment. She leads the recruitment function in the Philippines, and is responsible for strategizing and implementing tactical solutions to the staffing challenges all businesses face daily.
Over the course of her distinguished 24-year career in human resources and talent acquisition, she has held senior leadership roles at Nordstrom Inc., TeleTech, Alorica and JPMorgan Chase. Most recently, she was the Head of Recruitment at C3/CustomerContactChannels, Inc.
She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Management from the University of the Philippines.
Here's the lovely truth: Carmela's brand-new to TaskUs, yet we already know that she's a keeper - any fan of Game of Throne and The Walking Dead is! Additionally, Carmela is a true citizen of the world. She and her family lived in the San Francisco and Los Angeles area for over 15 years, spent a good chunk of time living in Florida and, since 2011, she has lived in the Philippines. In addition to being fluent in English and Tagalog, she speaks several native dialects including Cebuano and Ilonggo. She loves to meet new people and has a passion for mentoring young HR professionals.
Gerente de finanças.
Gerente de finanças.
October 2015: It is a month that will be remembered forever as a milestone in TaskUs' history, for in that 10 th month of 2015, Marky Ma joined the team as its new Financial Analyst. It is rumored that film composer John Williams offered to score his entrance for the moment that he stepped through TaskUs' door for the very first time. We may never know where fact separates itself from fiction. In January 2017, Marky was promoted to Sr. Financial Analyst and then to Finance Manager in 2018.
What we do know for certain is that Marky leads TaskUs' global pricing requests while working with our Sales, Operations, and Client Services teams. He also plays a critical role on our Global FP & A team.
One might ask, "From where did the myth, the man, the Marky come?" Alas, only his bosses at his former internships know for sure. We salute those brave bosses who mentored, trained, and guided him to become the financial superstar-in-the-making that we are proud to have on the TaskUs team today!
Marky graduated from Pepperdine University - a university he considers one of the most beautiful in the United States - with a Master of Science degree in Applied Finance.
In addition to wowing our socks off each and every day, Marky enjoys delicious cuisine, drawing on the weekends, and playing the multiplayer online battle arena video game "Dota 2". He regrets that his solo MMR (matchmaking rating skill level) in the game is "only 4000."
Arbie Senga.
Director of Information Security.
Arbie Senga.
Director of Information Security.
Arbie Senga - the one and only - has dutifully served TaskUs as our Director of Information Security since he joined the company in January 2016. Arbie has had an extensive career in providing top-notch information security - 12 years and counting! His specialties include strategic planning, network/web testing, compliance reviews, implementation, management, team leadership and driving revenue growth.
Before TaskUs, Arbie held leadership roles at SeQure Technologies, Arbitoy Media Solutions, IT Group, Cogmotion, CheQ Systems and Ecommsite Solutions.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (focusing on E-Commerce) from Miriam College in the Philippines.
Arbie is passionate about music; he loves to play the guitar and is a "sucker for heavy riffs and rockin' beats.” When time permits, he enjoys playing gigs and will "jam with anyone.” Music aside, he still makes room on his calendar for mastering video games!
Jon Wouters.
Sr. Director of Corporate Strategy.
Jon Wouters.
Sr. Director of Corporate Strategy.
Jon is TaskUs’ Sr. Director of Corporate Strategy. He caught the startup bug in 2008 as the first hire of an online rewards-for-recycling startup in LA. Jon grew with the company, spearheading the deployment of more than 1,000 recycling kiosks, eventually becoming the Director of Operations for their LA office. Eager for a new type of challenge, Jon is excited to bring his love of people management to the international operations of TaskUs. He was promoted to his current position in January 2017.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Latin American Studies from Tulane University and is a certified Scrum Master.
In fact, one might correctly consider that his personal life is even more intriguing professional one, if one is so inclined to believe – which we do.
Rumor has it that Jon was born raised by wolves. Although, like most wolf pups, he longed for so much more in life than scraps and baying at the full moon. Jon is the first Eagle Scout to originate from his pack. While he took up drumming initially as a means to ward off predators over 20 years ago, he eventually migrated (sans pack) to Los Angeles where he has called home for the past eight years.
When not traveling to Manila, one will find him listening to or playing music. Today – and proving that one can never run too far from one’s roots – he has formed a pack of his very own amazing dog, Dixie, who is beloved at TaskUs. Thus far, Dixie has shown no interest in either drumming nor leaving her pack with Jon.
Genel “Jet” Desiderio.
Senior E-Learning Manager.
Genel “Jet” Desiderio.
Senior E-Learning Manager.
With over a decade of experience in the training field, Jet joined the E-Learning division of the Learning & Development team as a Senior Manager, where she is responsible for marketing our key capabilities to both existing and potential clients. She comes in with a myriad of best practices in the fields of instructional system design, distance education and digital learning.
Her extensive work experience encompasses various roles within the training function. Shortly after graduating from the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA in 2006, she hit the ground running as a Communication Skills Trainer, eventually earning her stripes as a Training Manager in 2008. Since then, she has continued to expand her role and has spearheaded the training, implementation and maintenance of several customer service campaigns for a variety of verticals: Technical Support, Digital Entertainment, ForEx Trading, and Sales and Fulfillment. She received her HPMT COPC Certification in April 2010.
Although Jet has built an impressive career in the BPO industry, her initial career of choice was actually in film. In fact, she was given the opportunity to work alongside prominent producers in the local film industry; however, she decided to explore a different path. And to this very day, she wouldn’t have had it any other way. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in mass communication, major in film, her desire to captivate her audience, evoke emotions and leave lasting impressions proved to be advantageous, in both the film and BPO industries.
Jet grew up watching “The X-Files”–naturally making her a sucker for Sci-Fi movies and TV shows. One of her favorites is a show called “Fringe,” which she says she has “probably” watched (all 5 seasons) more than five times. She likes long drives, hearty breakfasts, amber sunsets, and spending weekends at home–with her twenty-something cats.
Max Ireland.
Sr. Client Services Manager.
Max Ireland.
Sr. Client Services Manager.
Max joined the TaskUs Client Services Team in September 2015 after being inspired by the company's vision, tremendous growth and list of exciting clients. Since joining, he has managed top accounts located across three continents - Australia, Europe (the United Kingdom) and North America (the United States) - and utilized his unique experiences to add value and insight to each!
Max is passionate about customer experience, coaching and using technology to help realize incremental gains in performance for his clients. He brings over seven years of experience to TaskUs from a variety of roles that have supported call centers throughout Australia and the Philippines.
He started his career down under with Australia's largest telecommunications company. Before joining the TaskUs Client Services team, Max was an account manager at a top Australian BPO and helped a variety of businesses to scale and to build their customer support teams.
He is a graduate of Guilford Young College in Hobart, Tasmania. Max recently finished the Data and Analytics course with TaskUs.
A perfect weekend morning for Max involves meditating, good coffee, a long run and a casual game of basketball with friends. He loves all genres of music - helpful in his brief, but rewarding former life as a music industry photographer. Max owns an ever-growing vinyl collection. For those not in the know: vinyl is similar to a digital music file but actually cool. His musical tastes range from Prince to Sublime, yet holds a special place in his collections for Australian artists such as Paul Kelly and The Beautiful Girls.
In short - Max is one cool cat.
Leslie Arambulo.
Director of Client Implementations.
Leslie Arambulo.
Director of Client Implementations.
Leslie Arambulo joined TaskUs in late 2016 as our new Director of Client Implementations based out of the Philippines. Time is always of the essence with new campaigns. Thus, aided by her 17-year career in the outsourcing and semiconductor spheres, Leslie has helped define and make the launch process flow more smoothly.
Her love of people and technology cemented her decision to move out of the international banking scene and into the outsourcing industry, where she has happily worked hard up through the ranks - from agent to senior leader - for companies such as Sykes, Teradyne, and Accenture.
Leslie studied Interior Design at the University of the Philippines (Diliman), and has also held COPC Registered Coordinator, Total Quality Management (TQM) and Project Management Institute (PMI) certifications.
She is a certified Trekker (Star Trek fan) and TV-movie junkie who enjoys baroque and classical music, Japanese manga and anime, and tabletop board games. Her current bucket list pursuit is to attend Tomorrowland in Belgium.
Joe Buggy.
As COO of Taskus, Joe Buggy brings an impressive 32 years of leadership experience from various roles in client services, consulting, account management, service, and customer lifecycle management. In addition to his extensive experience in the outsourcing industry, he also chaired the BPO subcommittee tasked with the development of the stringent best practices criteria for the prestigious JD Power “Excellence in Service & Support” industry award, and he has been a standards board member of the TSIA.
Joe is responsible for TaskUs’ global operations and expansion, strategic initiatives, human resources, IT and client services – just to name a few. Additionally, Joe spearheads global and service line expansion strategy. Joe found his home at TaskUs because, as he sees it, TaskUs is not your “typical” BPO, but rather a disruptive player in an otherwise stoic industry. TaskUs’ focus on employee-centricity and building a world-renowned culture that partners amazing people with innovative technology is truly something special.
Originally from Grand Forks, North Dakota, Joe moved often with his family led by his Air Force father. One location that he’s particularly fond of is Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines – little did he know that his career would make him a frequenter of Manila. Fast-forward to today, Joe lives in Florida with his wife where he enjoys playing golf, woodworking, and reading a good book, not to mention keeping up with his two children.
Rochelle "Roch" Vilo.
Director of Training.
Rochelle "Roch" Vilo.
Director of Training.
Rochelle Vilo joined TaskUs in July 2015 and quickly impressed her colleagues with her passion for excellence, engaging personality, collaboration skills and commitment to teamwork. She is a TaskUs leader and currently serves the business as its Director of Training. She values tying organizational goals into training and employee development initiatives.
She has nearly a decade of experience in learning and development within the outsourcing industry. Her areas of specialization include developing, facilitating and improving organizational development training initiatives that include new hire training, continuous employee development programs, local and global training initiatives and internal communications.
She has spearheaded teams that were responsible for developing, facilitating, and improving new hire training efforts and refresher classes, as well as continuous employee development classes for customer service and technical support programs within the telecommunications, healthcare, collections and sales industries. Her experiences in creating new hire training initiatives include coverage on accent neutralization, communication skills, U. S. culture and geography, and caller experience skills. Within her nine years of training experience (including stints at NCO and RMH Teleservices), she developed and facilitated employee development training programs that were aimed to enhance employees’ key management skills and competencies.
Roch joined TaskUs armed with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts from Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines.
Roch – as she is affectionately known as to her friends at TaskUs – grew up wanting to become a lawyer, but college courses in communication arts led her down a divergent path. A gifted vocalist, she considered vocal coaching before discovering her passion for training. She keeps a diary because she enjoys writing. She enjoys spontaneous, long walks – WAIT! Where are you going, Roch? (Hopefully nowhere for a very long time to come, because TaskUs wouldn’t be the same without you!)
Aaron Shobe.
Senior Manager of Facilities and Growth.
Aaron Shobe.
Senior Manager of Facilities and Growth.
Recently promoted to Senior Manager of Facilities and Growth, Aaron joined TaskUs in September of 2016 as the Facilities and Growth Manager at our newest site in San Antonio. In just a short time, Aaron's achievements have been instrumental in the site's growth to ensure our teammates have one of the best places to work at. In addition to helping with the build-out and design of the San Antonio office, he now oversees all IT, Facilities and Office Management for San Antonio.
Previously, Aaron worked for a medical software development company where he was manager of site operations. He oversaw the development of the office from training, to IT support, to build-out for future growth.
Aaron holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
He enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He is a Facilities and Growth manager by day and a youth pastor by night. He is also a part owner of a small plumbing company in San Antonio.
Rosanna Arceo.
VP of Finance, PH.
Rosanna Arceo.
VP of Finance, PH.
Rosanna Arceo joined TaskUs as our new Director, Controllership and Payroll in March 2016. She leads such functions as accounts payable, account receivables, treasury, financial reporting, payroll and compliance.
She is a seasoned professional with almost 20 years of substantial experience in financial and management accounting, systems implementation and process migrations, project management, internal audit, service delivery finance (focused on activity costing) and operational excellence, as well as tax and statutory compliance. Before TaskUs, she held leadership positions of increasing responsibility and stature in finance at Accenture and Maersk Global Services.
Rosanna graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. Additionally, she is a Certified Management Accountant from ICMA in Australia.
She loves to travel and feels very lucky to have seen places around the world in the earlier part of her career. When she travels, her top agenda items are to taste local cuisines and to visit local markets to understand the lives of the local populace. She loves to experiment in the kitchen by creating her recipes and takes great joy in receiving compliments from her family members that try her creations. On most weekends, one can find her relaxing in Antipolo (just east of Manilla) where she enjoys the cool breezes and green scenery.
Aaron Fischer.
VP Business Development.
Aaron Fischer.
VP Business Development.
Aaron Fischer joined TaskUs in early 2017 as Vice President, Business Development. He is no stranger to the industry with twenty-two years of experience in selling outsourced customer care and sales operations to industry-leading companies such as Capital One, General Motors and Dell around the globe. Aaron spends his time organizing and managing cross functional teams in human resources, training, operations, finance and information technology in the pursuit of new business relationships for the organization.
Most recently, Aaron worked in client services and sales for global outsourced growth companies such as SYKES and SITEL. Throughout his tenures, he has seen significant changes in the type of work and locations that are utilized to serve global brands. He has specifically sold into or ran multiple programs in over ten countries. It was the strategic initiative of market leaders and disruptors to digital channels that brought him to TaskUs, as they are the industry leaders within the digital frontier.
Aaron holds a Bachelor's of Science degree in Journalism from the University of Kansas.
You will not find Aaron sitting still for too long. He has competed in four IRONMAN triathlons and over 80 races across the country! His passion is to train, coach and participate in endurance events that push oneself to the very limit.
Helen Ramilo.
Director of Procurement.
Helen Ramilo.
Director of Procurement.
In late 2015, TaskUs welcomed Helen Ramilo as our brand new superstar Director of Procurement. She is a sourcing, planning, and improvement expert. We're very fortunate to have her on the team!
Before joining TaskUs, Helen held leadership roles in procurement, sourcing, and materials management at J. P. Morgan, James Hardie Philippines and San Miguel Corporation.
Helen attended the Mapua Institute of Technology where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Industrial Engineering.
At TaskUs, she's well known as being an extremely friendly and bubbly colleague. She likes to sing, dance, and style friends for important events in their lives. On weekends, she is active with her church and the Catholic community. She enjoys watching movies, dining out and exploring new places with her family.
Sean Neighbors.
Vice President of Client Services.
Sean Neighbors.
Vice President of Client Services.
TaskUs' Vice President of Client Services Sean Neighbors is a dynamic and strategic thought leader with a zeal for delivering a game-changing service experience. He has more than 20 years of multi-cultural experience that spans from pre-IPO award winning startups to best-in-class Fortune 50 organizations. Previously, he served as TaskUs’ Vice President of Strategic Accounts.
He possesses an almost unfathomably broad foundation of knowledge that he uses to be a vocal advocate for customers and to earn their trust.
He specialized in customer life-cycle management and analysis, global customer engagement and relationship management, omnichannel customer experience design, mentoring employees, transformation and change management, emerging contact channels and technologies, and contact center operations, leadership, and client solutions.
Before joining TaskUs, Sean served in senior leadership roles (totaling 19 years) at Expert Global Solutions, Apparent Networks, and TELUS.
In his free time, Sean explores the beauty of the mountains, forests and oceans of his adopted home on the islands of the Pacific Northwest.
He holds an MBA (with a concentration in marketing) from the University of British Columbia. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Business from the Dominican University of California.
Addi Dela Cruz.
Head of Brand, Environment for Communications, and Design.
Addi Dela Cruz.
Head of Brand, Environment for Communications, and Design.
Addi Dela Cruz is responsible for managing TaskUs' different marketing functions in the Philippines, including strategic partnerships, digital advertising and professional creative services. He works with the company's internal and external clients to ensure that all communication efforts are aligned with and bring value to the brand.
He steps into TaskUs with a holistic background in account management, strategic planning, content marketing, and brand management, mostly from his tenure at a design and digital marketing agency that caters to some of the Philippines' biggest real estate, retail, banking, and pharmaceutical companies.
He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Minor in Creative Writing at Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines.
Outside TaskUs, Addi is a co-founder and the Chief Marketing Officer of a startup animal welfare organization and a freelance writer. Like most Millennials, he lives for new stamps on his passport and the world's best street food.
Sharazad Maricar.
Recruitment Coordinator.
Sharazad Maricar.
Recruitment Coordinator.
Sharazad “Sha” Maricar’s passion for matching the right people to the right job and organization is what fuels her work as a Recruitment Coordinator. She is responsible for meeting our staffing needs by making sure that we attract and hire the best and brightest for TaskUs.
Previously, Sha worked as a Talent Acquisition Specialist for 3 years at Groupon Malaysia before moving to Los Angeles, CA to be closer to In-N-Out. She comes to us with close to 10 years of experience working in diverse industries including e-commerce, banking call centers and technical support centers, so joining TaskUs feels like it is all coming back full circle.
Sha holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Human Resource Management from Wichita State University.
In her spare time, Sha enjoys curling up with her husband, a good book and an excellent burger (in no particular order). She also loves going out to see live gigs and watching horror films while screaming and scaring everyone else in the theater. She is a geek at heart and will bond with anyone who loves Han Solo as much as she does.
John Gonzales.
Strategic Partner Marketing Manager, Content.
John Gonzales.
Strategic Partner Marketing Manager, Content.
John joined Taskus mid-2015 as our Digital Marketing Manager, a role that sits under corporate marketing for our operations in the Philippines. He brings to TaskUs his vast background that includes working in business development, music and entertainment A&R and real estate marketing. In his time at TaskUs, John’s role has expanded to Strategic Partner Marketing Manager, Content, which entails driving TaskUs’ marketing initiatives through partnerships both internally and externally.
Previously, John worked in business development for the biggest real estate developer in the country – SM Prime Holdings, served as marketing communications manager for CBRE Philippines, and was a brand and marketing consultant for a multinational fashion brand – Petrol Denim.
John holds an MBA from QUT and a B. B.A in Marketing from USQ. Fun fact: He is also a licensed real estate and insurance broker.
When he’s not in the office, John is a professional musician and session percussionist, a laundry freak and loves walking around.
Matthew Mink.
Sr. Director of CX Consulting.
Matthew Mink.
Sr. Director of CX Consulting.
Sr. Director of CX Consulting Matthew Mink started with TaskUs back in August 2012. He's "one of the old veterans of the Santa Monica office.” "Old veteran" perhaps, but he's an impactful one with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. He began his new role in January 2016 after previously serving the company as Sr. Director of Implementation.
He's played a significant role in TaskUs' meteoric growth from 500 employees out of 1 site in Cavite, Manila, to the over 5,300 employees around the world today!
Some of his achievements to date include: managing the Client Services department as the business doubled in size from 2013-2014; leading special projects such as the PCI Level 1 Certification of our flagship site during 2015; and currently, he is building our Global Implementation team!
Fun fact about Matthew: Once upon a time, he was one of our clients! With a background in lean processes and Project Management, Matthew was a natural fit for the Operations team at TaskUs. As the only member of the TaskUs Santa Monica team with a degree in Design, Matthew is particularly strong with complex projects and brings a unique perspective to operations with his experience in product design manufacturing.
Matthew also has experience in vendor onboarding, remote team management and consulting with startups such as BetterWorks and GameDesk. His attention to detail is remarkable, and his impact at TaskUs has been resounding. Since Matt has joined the TaskUs team, it became immediately evident that he jumps at any opportunity to tackle a challenge.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environment Design from Art Center College of Design. Matthew is a native of Los Angeles. He's our resident vegetarian and is actively changing the health and lifestyles of his fellow employees for the better. He enjoys health and fitness, all kinds of music and traveling the world. He was recently married. Matthew and his wife are the proud parents of a German Shephard named Annie.
Bonus fact about Matthew: He has a vast knowledge of B action movies from the 1980s to the 2000s. Yep - we're keeping him!
Fortunato "Nat" Co.
Director of Recruitment.
Fortunato "Nat" Co.
Director of Recruitment.
Since joining TaskUs as Recruitment Director in March 2016, Fortunato has become an integral cog in the recruitment wheel to help us uncover the best local talent in the Philippines who can provide top-tier care for our accounts and their customers.
Fortunato considers himself an "all-hands" individual who has a passion for delivery and mentoring. In fact, he managed eight delivery sites for Expert Global Solutions where he worked before joining TaskUs. Before that, he held leadership roles at Sykes Asia, Accenture and Seven Seven Global.
He attended Union County College and is a COPC Registered Coordinator.
He enjoys hanging out with family and friends, and his hobbies include custom cars and photography.
Valerie Ying.
Senior Marketing Manager.
Valerie Ying.
Senior Marketing Manager.
Valerie joined the team in January 2016 and quickly became one of our rising superstars-in-the-making. Formerly the Marketing Coordinator for the team, she was promoted to Marketing Manager in January 2017.
In a rapidly-growing company like TaskUs, no two days ever look (or feel) the same. Valerie, in her role on our Marketing team, has inspired all of us to bring our A-game to the office each and every single day. Her humble nature would likely say otherwise, but she’s an invaluable member of the TaskUs Marketing team!
Valerie is responsible for events, social media, assisting with PR, creating marketing materials, supporting content creation efforts and lending her insight to the daily initiatives that our Marketing and Sales teams pursue in the pursuit of excellence.
Before joining TaskUs, Valerie worked in account management at an advertising agency in Santa Monica where she worked on campaigns for clients such as Public Storage, LAX, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and YP. Additionally, she has marketing experience at various startups in the Los Angeles area.
Valerie graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Southern California (FIGHT ON TROJANS!) with a B. S. in Business Administration and a minor in Psychology.
As a dancer and low-key foodie, Valerie loves trying new workout classes, dancing, cooking, baking and finding (and trying) new restaurants in the area. In addition to her 2-year stint as captain of USC’s Dance Team (Trojan Dance Force), she danced for the NBA in 2014-15 as a Los Angeles Laker Girl, and is currently a 2016-2017 NFL cheerleader on the Los Angeles Rams’ cheerleading squad!
Mary Charlotte Gamboa.
Senior Director of Client Services.
Mary Charlotte Gamboa.
Senior Director of Client Services.
Since joining TaskUs as our new Senior Director of Client Services in April 2016, Mary Charlotte has provided excellent customer experiences to those clients in her care.
While her life's ambition was to become a doctor, twist intervened and led her to her true calling in the outsourcing world. It has worked out pretty well for her, so she thinks she'll stick with it.
Mary Charlotte graduated from the University of Phoenix with a degree in Information Technology and from De La Salle University with degrees in Psychology and Marketing Management.
After spending the past four years in Las Vegas, Nevada, she and her family returned to "the mother country” - the Philippines. Charlotte enjoys spending time with her husband and their four beautiful daughters. Her husband is a television actor in the Philippines. Her favorite past times include shopping, going out to eat with her family and walking.
Ryan Furness.
Senior Accountant.
Ryan Furness.
Senior Accountant.
Ryan joined TaskUs in 2017 as a Senior Accountant for HQ. Being no stranger to a fast-paced environment, Ryan is responsible for ensuring that we continue to close our books on time, providing reporting across HQ, and helping us standardize and streamline our processes.
Previously, Ryan began his career at an ad agency–72andSunny–where he rose in the ranks from Junior Staff Accountant to a Senior Accountant position in the three years he worked there. Being a part of 72andSunny’s growth in the US, Australia, Singapore, and the Netherlands, Ryan is excited to jump right in and help TaskUs reach new heights.
Ryan holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Loyola Marymount University.
A Southern California native, Ryan is down to hit the beach whenever it's sunny out. When he's not soaking up the rays, you can often find this avid sports junkie at a Lakers game, playing softball with his buddies, or in an intense sports-related discussion online.
His love for sports is only rivaled by his love for Korean BBQ and Soju. Grilled meats and alcohol are his happy place.
Balaji Sekar.
Balaji Sekar.
TaskUs is very pleased to welcome Balaji Sekar as its new Chief Financial Officer. He brings 18 years of finance and accounting experience - across three continents - to his new role on the executive team.
Balaji previously held senior leadership roles in finance at Sutherland Global Services, Sutherland Healthcare Solutions, and most recently at PatientSafe Solutions.
He holds an MBA (Finance & Strategy concentrations) from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.
Balaji has lived in nine major cities around the world. While growing up in his native India, he's proud to have learned seven (SEVEN. ) languages! In addition to being the father to one of the smartest kids any of us at Headquarters have ever met, Balaji takes a lot of pride in learning a new skill each and every year.
What's on deck for 2016? Swimming! It's wonderful to see California rubbing off on such a great guy like Balaji!
Gary Miller.
Sr. Director of Information Security.
Gary Miller.
Sr. Director of Information Security.
Many have dreamt of having their own personal bodyguard to protect themselves from the increasingly dangerous world. TaskUs doesn’t have to dream; we have Gary Miller as our Sr. Director of Information Security!
Gary serves as the InfoSec leader who is responsible for the protection of our enterprise systems and managing all matters of IT risk and compliance. It’s not an easy job, but Gary wolfs down challenges for breakfast!
He joined TaskUs in 2015 and was tasked to build the InfoSec function globally. He also focuses on our IT security certification aspirations that include the industry platinum standard – the PCI Data Security Standard.
He comes to TaskUs from PwC’s Risk Assurance cybersecurity consulting group where he advised and assisted clients with reducing their IT risk and increasing their security capabilities. Prior to that, he was responsible for the delivery of managed security services and infrastructure security operations at Dell SecureWorks.
Gary earned a Bachelor of Finance from Miami University. He holds an MBA from California State University, Long Beach. Additionally, he holds a number of professional certifications including CISSP, CISA, CIA, CRMA, CCSA and ITILv3.
Outside of the office, Gary enjoys spending time with his wife and two kids, as well as lifting weights while listening to his favorite cybersecurity podcasts.
Christopher McLaughlin-Brooks.
Christopher McLaughlin-Brooks.
Christopher McLaughlin-Brooks is TaskUs' Chief Information Officer. He is a 20-year veteran of the technology and retail services sectors, and brings a strong track record to the team.
Before joining TaskUs, Christopher served as the SVP of Service Engineering & Operations at YapStone. He has also held senior leadership roles in IT for Parallels, Business Objects, and Yahoo.
He holds bachelor's degrees in both computer science and foreign languages from the University of London. He graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu, and most recently from the Ecole Chocolat, earning a Professional Chocolatier Certificate of Achievement.
He has yet to bring candy into the Santa Monica office. We remain hopeful.
Farzad Mozafarzadeh.
Business Development Representative.
Farzad Mozafarzadeh.
Business Development Representative.
Farzad Mozafarzadeh joined the TaskUs team in August 2016 specializing in inside sales as Inside Sales Manager. Rounding out five years of business development experience in technical and software sales, Farzad identifies new prospective clients and initiates the meetings that eventually become the logos on our client page. He works in the Santa Monica HQ, fitting as he was born and raised in Southern California.
Farzad has made a career out of his writing and communication skills. He got his start selling training for Microsoft software products. In 2015, his trajectory turned towards a SaaS provider of contractor vetting software where his skills caught the eyes of a TaskUs recruiter.
Farzad graduated with two Bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and English Literature from California State University, Fullerton. After entering the training space, he attained specialist certifications in Microsoft Office and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
Believing he lives in a magical land where the rest of the world has converged, Farzad likes eating and drinking at all the recommended places in LA. Ever the inquisitor, he enjoys watching science and historical documentaries. As a fan of instrumental music, he never says no to a live show.
Violaine Duchateau.
Sr. Director, Client Services.
Violaine Duchateau.
Sr. Director, Client Services.
Violaine oversees our NYC office, catering to our clients based on the East Coast and in Europe. She joined TaskUs in December 2016 as Senior Director of Client Services in our San Francisco office where she successfully managed two of our largest accounts, before relocating to NYC.
Violaine began her career in the BPO industry at Webhelp back in her native Europe where she delivered 5 years of day-to-day excellence for the company. Over the course of her tenure, she held roles in both Client Services and Operations, where she specialized in e-commerce and travel clients, with operations in Morocco, Romania and France.
After moving to the United States, Violaine successfully led the Customer Success team at a SAAS (software as a solution) startup in San Francisco. Luckily for TaskUs, she then decided to return to her first love – BPO – where she has been a tremendous asset for our team!
Violaine holds a Master of Science degree in Management from HEC Paris (France).
Violaine loves being outdoors and exploring the Bay Area with her family. She loves all mountain-related activities: hiking, skiing and, according to persistent rumors, snowball fights! Don’t let her sweet nature fool you - she hiked Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with her husband on their honeymoon!
Martin Ayala.
VP Business Development.
Martin Ayala.
VP Business Development.
Since joining us in early 2014, Martin has built an empire of lasagna (sales) within the BPO industry at TaskUs. Owing to his generous awesomeness, we've relied on Martin extensively to lend his extensive expertise and to wear countless hats throughout his tenure with us. However, his favorite role (so far) has been the one in which he currently serves - VP Business Development. He was promoted in January 2017.
In his day-to-day professional life at TaskUs, he hunts for new logos, builds lasting relationships, and closes deals with some of the most ground-breaking logos on the planet Earth!
Owing to his belief that sales is one-half art, one-half science, and one-half deeply connecting with his prospects' needs - we won't tell him that that adds up to three halves if you won't - Martin has masterfully become a perennial top-performer for TaskUs. If you want to talk CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), contact centers and/or food, he is only a short email or phone call away!
In a previous life, Martin worked in a variety of roles in the non-profit and advertising spheres. He earned his stripes in the admin department as TaskUs's Office Manager before he was promoted to Inside Sales at TaskUs. He has been one of our brightest stars ever since. (No you can't have him!)
Martin holds an Associate's Degree in Business Administration and enjoys courses on Coursera and Udemy.
In his downtime, Martin likes to spend quality time with his fiance, family and friends. He loves to travel to new locations and explore delicious restaurants in each locale. When he isn't on the road, you'll find him on the highway enjoying the sounds and sights of Los Angeles. Beep! Beep!
Gary Claydon.
Senior Director of Corporate Applications.
Gary Claydon.
Senior Director of Corporate Applications.
Since joining in March 2016 as TaskUs’ new Senior Director of Corporate Applications, Gary has concentrated his professional efforts on the recruitment, HCM, payroll and business intelligence parts of the business. His focused efforts and dedication have delivered considerable improvements to each one since he was hired!
Previously, Gary held a number of senior finance roles within various industries such as Head of Finance for a below-the-line marketing company and UK Finance Director for a software company, before moving into systems, applications and process improvement.
Gary holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Accountancy from Leeds University, England. He’s a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
Gary has been an Arsenal (English Premier League soccer) fan for over 40 years and enjoys watching them play albeit on TV. He is also a keen Rugby fan, having played for his school and School Old Boy’s. He religiously attends the International Rugby 7’s tournament held in Las Vegas, Nevada every year.
Senior Accountant.
Senior Accountant.
David Oh joined TaskUs in April 2016 as the Senior Accountant at Headquarters in Santa Monica, California. Since coming on board, he has taken on several Accounting/Finance functions to great success. His primary responsibilities are focused on the US domestic financial record books, producing financial reporting packages and improving business process for his department.
Previously, David worked at KPMG – one of the Big 4 firms – for 4 years in its Advisory/Risk Consulting group. While at KPMG, he excelled as its Lead Senior Associate on various client engagements within the Financial Services industry. Additionally, David has extensive experience developing audit plans, documenting processes via narratives and flowcharts, leading SOX improvement projects, testing key controls and reviewing work papers.
David holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting (with a minor in Entrepreneurship) from Lehigh University. He recently became a New York State Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in 2016.
Originally a New York City native, David made the move to Los Angeles in 2015 with a change of lifestyle in mind. He likes to travel and attend music festivals all over the country. David enjoys cooking Korean food at home, as well as trying out new restaurants. He is a photography hobbyist and enjoys discovering fresh perspectives through his art.
Michael Meili.
Vice President of Strategic Accounts.
Michael Meili.
Vice President of Strategic Accounts.
Michael joined TaskUs in December 2017 as Vice President, Strategic Accounts. Michael is tasked with nurturing not only organic growth within the organization but also partnerships that take our operational performance to the next level. His role is dedicated to ensuring prestigious customer care, including back-office support and consulting services. Michael is keen on identifying operational inefficiencies and providing solutions to drive team and organizational success. Michael describes his professional journey as “a wild ride” – a career spanning over 18+ years, 8 relocations and much treasured relationships built. Focused on driving results, Michael has increased company profitability through process optimization, account development and expansion strategies. Michael prides himself on doing the ‘right’ things for the organization with high integrity, targeted diligence and an inclusive team approach.
With senior leadership roles, most recently at Alorica, Michael facilitated Alorica’s success in terms of business growth strategy and key client partnership building for a high-tech Fortune 40 customer. Prior to Alorica, Michael held several roles in operations and client solutions for Novitex, Transcom, General Electric and Xerox (formally Affiliated Computer Services). During this time, Michael led operations for several Fortune 100 clients across multiple locations spanning the globe, bringing a global, strategic vision to every project and organization. Additionally, he excelled in building and nurturing key client relationships to unmatched levels of responsiveness, client service and personal accountability. Which, in turn, improved the sales and leadership teams ability to manage client expectations, expand business and increase profitability.
Michael attended the University of Texas at Austin and is a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt.
A native Texan, Michael has found his love of nature in the mountains of Colorado and now calls Larkspur home. He spends his time with his beautiful wife, Rhonda, and three boys, Michael Jr, Nicholas and Nathan, out in nature and old-school camping with their five (yes, five) dogs: Hershey, Quincy, Lily, Turbo and Maverick. Ultimately, being in nature and enjoying the peace and serenity he finds there is how Michael recharges and stays balanced.
Steven Gray.
IT Director, Americas Region.
Steven Gray.
IT Director, Americas Region.
Steven Gray joined the TaskUs team in November of 2017, as our IT Director for the Americas region. Based in San Antonio, he will be responsible for leading IT support and expansion efforts throughout all of our sites, which is no small task.
Starting his career in the US Air Force as a Tech Controller, Steven has built an impressive resume over the last 25 years in the IT industry. He has held various senior leadership positions at Capital One, Cisco Systems and eLoyalty, where he led Managed Services for Cisco Contact Center and Voice Services.
In his time off, he likes to travel and spend time with his family. Some of his hobbies include hitting the gym (something he’s strived to do since his teens), as well as collecting and restoring classic hot rods – most currently '32 Ford Roadster and a '41 Ford Truck.
Sheila Price.
Gerente de Recursos Humanos.
Sheila Price.
Gerente de Recursos Humanos.
Sheila Price joins TaskUs with over 15 years of Human Resources and Payroll experience. Sheila handles all HR functions at the San Antonio, Texas office. She is excited to work at TaskUs and looks forward to meeting everyone!
Previously, Sheila was the HR Manager at Port San Antonio, where she implemented several items, including the very popular Wellness Program. Before this, she was the HR Manager at Dahill for 10-years.
Sheila holds a Bachelor’s of Science, with a concentration in HR. She also has earned her Professional in Human Resources Certification (PHR) and SHRM-CP.
Sheila enjoys spending time with her husband, family, her godsons and her two dogs, (Bella and Jasper). She loves reading, football and traveling. Interesting fact: She has a twin sister - and she is the evil one!
Diane Tabernilla.
Senior Client Services Manager.
Diane Tabernilla.
Senior Client Services Manager.
Diane Tabernilla joined TaskUs in October 2016 as a Senior Client Services Manager overseeing the North American market for one of our biggest accounts. She brings 14 years of BPO industry experience with specialties in Operations Management, Project Management and Client services.
Diane came from the old school BPO industry and started off as a Customer Service Associate doing sales and technical support. She worked her way up to a Team Leader role for a technical support program handling internet services. By 2007, she had moved up the ranks to a more senior Operations Manager position where she oversaw customer service and technical support for multiple lines of business for Microsoft Xbox.
She has managed voice, back office, inbound and outbound programs and has helped various lines of business ranging from sales, to customer service, to technical support. In 2013, a desire to try something different and expand her blossoming knowledge and skills led her to a career pivot toward project management.
During her three-year stint as a Senior Implementations Manager, Diane built two sites in the Philippines and one in Latin America. She launched over 20 new programs and ramped over 5,000 agents across different sites. She stayed with Etelecare International for 2 years and 12 years with Expert Global Solutions. Her current goal: stay with TaskUs until she retires!
Diane holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from the Colegio De San Juan De Letran and has acquired additional certifications from AMA University. She has plans to pursue a PMP certification in 2017.
Having lived in the Philippines for more than three decades, Diane has developed a love for the ocean. She loves the beach! Should you wish to find her, you would do well to look for her lounging on the shores of Boracay or Zambales - unless she is busy planning a trip to a new beach locale! She enjoys skim boarding and paddle boarding. However, a former "diving trauma" led her to keep things above water!
She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada with her husband and four sons. During the day, she is a busy-bee corporate employee. At night, she enjoys cooking the "best home cooked meals" for her boys. She loves watching TV shows on HGTV and drama series like Dexter, Gotham, 24 and Suits.
Ben Hawkins.
Sr. Manager Consulting Services.
Ben Hawkins.
Sr. Manager Consulting Services.
Ben joined TaskUs on Halloween of 2016 as the Senior Manager of Consulting Services. Ben used his background in consulting and quality management to find improvement projects on both new and existing clients. Ben’s project continues to net millions of dollars of savings annually.
Ben has worked at a variety of BPO’s over his 16-year career and has a passion for finding ways to make his coworkers' and clients' lives easier. His focus at Convergys, Arvato Digital Services, and Sykes has been on performance improvement and customer experience with his last six years spent on achieving COPC certifications.
Ben went to school in the Midwest earning dual Bachelor's degrees in Applied Technology and Business Administration. He earned his first COPC certification in February of 2011 and received his Six Sigma Black Belt in April of 2012.
Ben is an avid PC gamer (with over 400 games on Steam) and enjoys a good tabletop experience with friends and family. He’s an insatiable traveler who can’t seem to see the world fast enough, and he is also the #1 collector of Beanie Babies at TaskUs, having more than 1,200 in his collection.
Zach Haber.
Senior Client Services Manager.
Zach Haber.
Senior Client Services Manager.
At the start of 2018, Zach joined TaskUs as a Senior Client Services Manager, based out of our HQ office in Santa Monica. With a strong background in Operations, he brings a specialized set of skills to the CS team, ensuring client success while providing continued support for operational growth.
Previously, Zach worked in law and consulting before moving into the tech industry. His most recent role was Operations Manager for a fast-growing tech company. Over the course of two years, he opened a fulfillment center in Cebu, Philippines where he staffed and directed over a thousand talented individuals.
Zach holds two Bachelor of Science degrees in Political Science and History with a minor in Business from Pennsylvania State University.
If he’s not carb loading with pizza or In-n-Out, he can be found traveling beaches around the world, hoping to find the perfect spot to surf at sunset. He's a massive food advocate who has a peculiar addiction to ketchup, crushed red pepper and baked goods – but not together. Although he doesn't currently own a pet, Zach hopes to pet every dog he encounters. But after working in our dog-friendly office, it’s likely that he’ll end up adopting one on his own.
Jaime Montiel.
Gestor de projeto.
Jaime Montiel.
Gestor de projeto.
Jaime joined TaskUs in September 2017 as a Project Manager. He comes with 10 years of experience in Project Manager and Salesforce Administrator, holding various roles as the liaison between implementations team and the client to ensure successful project rollouts.
Before TaskUs, Jaime was the Sr. Sales Engineer and Project Manager for Jobscience, a leading software company that provides products for staffing and recruiting companies. During this time, he managed the implementation process from start to finish, in partnership with vendor managers, ensuring a successful rollout and an incredible end-user experience.
Jaime earned a Bachelor in Business at the UNAM in Mexico City and an A. S. in Marketing from City College of San Francisco.
Jaime loves volunteering his time with nonprofit organizations that are close to his heart. Two of his most recent ones include The Arc San Francisco–an organization that provides support for individuals with developmental disabilities, and the Los Angeles LGBT Center–an organization that provides medication and resources for people living with HIV and AIDS.
Mason Jones.
VP Business Development.
Mason Jones.
VP Business Development.
Mason joined the TaskUs team in June of 2017 as VP of Business Development, with a focus on working with new clients in the technology vertical.
Mason's most recent role was Director at Sutherland Global Services for 10 years; however, his career in the BPO industry started more than 25 years ago when he started working in outbound sales contact centers as a college student. After graduating with a BA in Economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, he decided to take a different direction career-wise and pursue his interests in journalism. Mason worked several years as a staff photojournalist for newspapers before coming back to the BPO industry when he started in a senior sales role for Convergys.
Mason lives in Boulder, CO where he spends his free time mountain biking, fly fishing, hiking, camping, packrafting, whitewater rafting, and riding motorcycles (of all kinds). He’s married with two kids, and–staying true to his love for the great outdoors–he describes his perfect family weekend as an overnight river trip on the family's raft with close friends. Mason volunteers with the Boulder Mountain Bike Alliance and rides killer wheelies.
Beso Khidesheli.
Client Services Manager.
Beso Khidesheli.
Client Services Manager.
Beso was born and raised in Georgia (the one in Europe), and moved to the US when he was 15 years old. Ever since then, Beso has been inspired to travel to and live in new places, as he feels like that has been the best way he’s been able to learn and grow.
After graduating from the University of California, Santa Barbara, Beso worked for a San Francisco-based electronics warranty startup called SquareTrade. He started as a sales specialist and soon assumed leadership of the b2b program, helping develop a small 3-month pilot project into a full-fledged inbound sales department and expanding the team across San Francisco, Manila, and Karachi. Now, he joins the TaskUs team as a Client Services Manager based in our San Francisco office.
In his free time, Beso has a lot of different interests but his main form of self-expression is mixed media art. He also likes to write, dance and sing. Fun fact: He has had a couple of exhibitions in Oakland and SF as a visual artist!
Vice President, Global Head of Legal.
Vice President, Global Head of Legal.
Ronak recently joined TaskUs as Vice President, Global Head of Legal to provide leadership over all legal matters for TaskUs globally. At first a programmer turned financial analyst, Ronak speaks a variety of business languages from Java to EBITDA and even legalese.
Ronak started his career at Accenture supporting finance, risk management and legal efforts with clients in social media, travel, life sciences, retail, financial services and other leading Fortune 100 brands. Almost a decade later, he made the tough decision to leave the structured environment of Accenture for a feisty pseudo-start-up making waves in digital marketing at Sitecore.
Ronak holds a bachelor's degree from DePaul University in finance and economics and a law degree from DePaul University College of Law. He has also earned a Certificate in Intellectual Property Law from DePaul University College of Law and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US).
After enduring the brutal Midwest winters and sweltering summers, he said “No more!” and packed up to move West. The core of his successes has been firmly rooted in his commitment to his family. The result has been two healthy children and one on the way. With a growing family, loving wife, and positive outlook on the future, he has already accomplished what he has set out to do when he left Chicago, and the rest is just a bonus.
Bryce Maddock.
Bryce Maddock.
Bryce Maddock is the CEO of TaskUs. He and co-founder Jaspar Weir have grown the business from a team of two to over 7,000 employees since 2008. Not too shabby for a couple of (then) 20-year-old friends from high school, who initially worked out of their parents' garages to get the business off the ground!
Bryce's entrepreneurial streak began at age 19 when he and Jaspar successfully opened & ran Club Access - the first all-age nightclub in Los Angeles - for three summers in a row during their college years.
Post-college, he began his professional career on Wall Street as an investment banking analyst, before co-founding TaskUs in 2008.
Over the course of his professional career, Bryce has been called one of the "Top Twenty Entrepreneurs in Their Twenties" by the Los Angeles Business Journal and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fast Company, Wired, The Los Angeles Times, and Men's Health. In 2012, TaskUs was named "The Next Big Startup" by the New York Stock Exchange, and Bryce had the honor of ringing the closing bell at NYSE. From 2013-15, TaskUs was named "The Fastest Growing Outsourcing Company" in America by Inc. Magazine's prestigious "Inc. 500" list. Most recently, Bryce was named to Inc.'s prestigious "30 Under 30" list in 2016, and nominated for "The Entrepreneur of the Year" award by Ernst & Jovem.
Bryce serves as the Chair of the TaskUs Foundation that pays for the private education of our employee's children in the Philippines, and sits on the board at the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), an organization that provides entrepreneurial education to high school students in underprivileged communities in America.
He graduated from New York University Summa Cum Laude with a degree in International Relations. He lives in Austin, Texas with his girlfriend, Kathleen, and their French Bulldog, Mr. Carter. In his spare time, Bryce competes in marathons and Ironman triathlons.
Meera Rana.
Senior Manager of Contracts.
Meera Rana.
Senior Manager of Contracts.
Meera joined TaskUs in 2017 as Senior Manager of Contracts for our Legal team. She is responsible for negotiating and managing global client contracts for new business while ensuring contract risk mitigation in the process.
Meera joins our legal team with 10 years of experience in successfully leading in-house Contract teams and executing contract and compliance management platforms for organizations such as Convergys, Capgemini and MetricStream, among others. Her most recent role was the Senior Manager for Global Contracts at MetricStream, a GRC Software company. During her time there, she lead a team of contract negotiators/attorneys that guided Sales negotiations and effectively closed contracts with organizations across industries and geographies.
Meera has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Delhi and continued her education in attaining an MBA from Symbiosis Institute, as well as an Associate Corporate Secretary Degree. As of 2015, she is a Certified Ethics & Compliance Professional and a California Authorised Notary Public. In addition to her comprehensive educational and professional background, Meera has contributed to a wide range of organizational legal and corporate subjects, ultimately specializing in Contracts.
A 'Scout Mom' of a 10-year-old Boy Scout, Meera loves to be involved in outdoor scout activities, especially camping and trekking! She is also a proud mom (and currently training) to two parakeets (yellow and blue) named Cong and Maverick. In her free time, Meera likes to get creative with a canvas and paintbrush, think of ways to flower up her garden, pick up a book to read, or go walking around the beautiful Coyote Hills where she can sit at the Bay with the most beautiful view!
Cris Llorente.
Executive Assistant to the President.
Cris Llorente.
Executive Assistant to the President.
The professional life of an executive assistant is rarely an easy one. The hours are long, the demands can seem unrealistic, and the pressures to achieve excellence are non-stop so that the boss can succeed. Since joining TaskUs as the Executive Assistant to the President in early 2016, Cris Llorente has delivered a masterclass in how to excel in such a role.
Cris shines each and every single day at TaskUs. While she accomplishes much of her duties behind the scenes, Cris diligently and successfully executes her tasks so that our President can thrive in his.
Colleagues have quickly come to rely on this fearless warrior for the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today, come on down! Heh, heh. Look at this! Sim! Combination hookah and coffee maker - also makes Julienne fries! Will not break, will not - it broke.
Wait - that's from Aladdin .
Take Two: Colleagues have quickly come to rely on her sharp wit, her commitment to excellence, vivacious personality and being someone that gets things done right the first time!
Before TaskUs, she held a variety of executive assistant and account executive roles across the Los Angeles Metro area.
Cris attended the University of Washington. She has a passion for learning new things that helps make her such a success throughout her tenure at TaskUs.
In her spare time - and as a working mother that's probably more than a little bit optimistic - Cris loves exploring all that Los Angeles has to offer: the beaches, the traffic, the tasty cuisine, the traffic, a relaxing glass of wine, the traffic, physical fitness activities and the traffic. She is the proud mother of a beautiful daughter.
Johnny Follin.
Sr. Implementation Manager.
Johnny Follin.
Sr. Implementation Manager.
In January 2017, Johnny Follin was promoted to Sr. Implementation Manager. He is responsible for implementing new clients, as well as serving as the primary contact throughout the entire implementation process. By developing a comprehensive implementation design and timeline, he ensures that all clients' needs are met and provides recommendations as needed. Previously, he served TaskUs as a Project Manager.
He serves as the conduit between the client and support departments in the Philippines and strives to ensure the implementation experience is a positive and memorable one. His words. Our words: He's a project management rock star!
Prior to joining TaskUs in 2015, Johnny managed a team of implementation consultants at one of the nation's largest professional employer's organization. He brings over nine years of customer support and implementation experience to the TaskUs team.
Johnny holds a BA in Political Science from Point Loma Nazarene University, as well as an MBA from Keiser University. He is also a registered EMT and is a licensed Health and Annuities agent in the State of California.
In his (additional) role as the Chair of the TaskUs Wellness Committee, Johnny inspires the entire team to aspire to live a healthy and active lifestyle! Our waistlines thank you, Johnny!
He is an avid runner and regularly takes dance classes, such as ballet and jazz. An adventurer at heart, Johnny loves to travel and explore the world. In his down time, he volunteers with the LA Conservancy and enjoys spending time with friends, family and his dog.
Brandi Andrews.
Training Manager.
Brandi Andrews.
Training Manager.
Brandi Andrews joined TaskUs in December 2016 as a Training Manager. Located in San Antonio, Brandi maintains the training programs for new and current members. Brandi is currently launching new campaigns, building programs for soft skills, emotional intelligence and continued education courses. She is also assisting with new incentive programs at the new site.
Brandi spent the last eight years working in training and management roles in her previous organization. She created a training program from the ground up and improved the training satisfaction rate 47% peaking at 95% overall. She also maintained an internal auditing team where she streamlined processes that allowed the company to allocate resources elsewhere equaling the amount of ten salaries.
Brandi attended New Mexico State University on an athletic scholarship. She obtained her EMT License and health and nutrition certification. In 2013, she obtained her ITIL V3 Certification and in 2016, Brandi earned her Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and is currently working on her Black Belt. She is also working on an Emotional Intelligence/Personal Success Series and Certification.
Brandi spends most of her time with her family, as she and her husband have six children. She also enjoys travel, photography, self-improvement books, wine tasting and live music. An avid gardener, Brandi spends time raising flowers and recently added a herb and vegetable garden to her resume.
Amy McDonnell.
VP Business Development.
Amy McDonnell.
VP Business Development.
Amy McDonnell recently joined TaskUs as Vice President of Business Development, responsible for the strategic pursuits of the ever dynamic Retail and eCommerce verticals. Passionate about exceptional customer experience, she identifies transformational SaaS and Customer Care solutions for some of the most highly touted retail/eComm leaders disrupting the industry.
Most recently, Amy led N. A. Sales and Client Services Retail, eCommerce, Technology and Manufacturing for WNS Global Services, an end-to-end BPM provider. She has held several leadership roles with top tier BPO organizations over the past 18 years. Throughout her tenures, Amy led the North America Retail Sales and Customer Success organizations for 24/7 Inc., Retail and Technology Sales for ACS, and Wireless Telecom Sales for Convergys.
Amy holds a JD from Widener University and a Bachelor of Science in Justice Studies from Arizona State University, Go Devils!
Amy resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband, the two youngest of “too many” children, and a great collection of shoes and purses. In her spare time you can find her watching baseball (a lifelong Yankees fan), watching her son play baseball or traveling the country for her youngest daughter’s dance competitions. When she isn’t on the move–a very rare occasion–you’ll most likely find her in the pool with a good IPA.
Erik LaFuente.
Gerente de Operações Sênior.
Erik LaFuente.
Gerente de Operações Sênior.
Since joining TaskUs in the beginning of 2017 as the Senior Operations Manager, Erik has built upon his 19-year career in the outsourcing space by managing the day-to-day operations for our office – The Grid – in San Antonio, Texas. Erik drives high performance through the concept of teamwork and dedicated support.
Previously, Erik devoted 5 years working as a Senior Operations Manager for VMC, supporting one of the leading tech companies in the world and managing multiple lines of business with up to 1,200 employees. In the 19 years of working in the outsourcing industry, Erik has gained experience in training, workforce management, and operations departments for companies such as West, VMC and USAA.
Erik has training in Six Sigma methodologies and received his COPC certification in 2012 as a registered coordinator. Erik was an integral part in driving his site to a perfect COPC audit score in their first year while at VMC.
Erik's key role in life is being a great father and husband to his wife and two daughters. As a competitor, he thrives on challenges such as sports, woodworking projects and challenging home improvements.
Aaron Davis.
Site Director, Baja.
Aaron Davis.
Site Director, Baja.
Aaron Davis joined the TaskUs team in September 2017 as our Site Director, responsible for overseeing operations in Mexico–from our initial launch in a holding company's facility, to building our first TaskUs site in Tijuana. No small task, to say the least.
He has 12 years of experience working in contact centers and BPO organizations, spanning the spectrum of roles from agent to site director. The first experience he had working with a contact center in the travel industry planted a seed that lead him to a flourishing 12-year career in the BPO industry. His combined love of travel and exploration lead him to spending two years running a small business in Indonesia, prior to returning to the BPO industry. He has spent a significant portion of his career working internationally, including four years in Mexico and two years in the Philippines. He has held leadership roles with campaigns spanning travel, hospitality and loyalty programs, high tech, B2B support, retail services, and banking. His background is primarily focused on launching support campaigns and building high performing teams into self-sufficient, independent programs.
Aaron’s educational background is as varied as his career, having completed coursework in biology and psychology at the University of New Mexico and Olympic College, human health and behavior at The Evergreen State College, and cellular biology at Arizona State University. He has also completed a six-month program in naturopathic medicine and holistic bodywork, and (briefly) was a licensed massage therapist.
His favorite thing in the world is being Natalia's dad, and he’s happiest when eating anything with his wife's salsa. Aaron enjoys traveling (27 countries and counting!), trying local cuisine, and riding his bike. Despite not having played competitive soccer in over 10 years, he’s still holding out hope for a call up to the US men's national team. He’s pretty confident that it’ll happen!
Mary Ann David.
Assistant Controller.
Mary Ann David.
Assistant Controller.
Mary Ann joined TaskUs in mid-July 2016 as our Assistant Controller in the Santa Monica office. She also assists the accounting department in the Philippines.
Mary Ann worked in public accounting before joining TaskUs. In 2005, she moved to Los Angeles from the Philippines to work at KPMG Los Angeles and then transferred to Green Hasson Janks LLP. She has worked in a diverse range of industries, such as technology, entertainment, manufacturing, distribution and non-profits.
Mary Ann holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Accountancy from the University of the Philippines-Diliman. She is a Certified Public Accountant both in the Philippines and in the United States. In case you're wondering, she's a whiz with numbers!
Mary Ann loves traveling and photography. Each year, she makes every effort to "go on at least one big trip." To date, her favorite travel destination was a Caribbean cruise where she swam with stingrays in the Cayman Islands and visited the Mayan ruins in Mexico! On most weekends, you can find Mary Ann exploring local hot spots, hiking (Griffith Park and Palos Verdes are her favorites), and walking along the Pacific Ocean's waterfronts in Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach!
Jarrod Johnson.
Jarrod Johnson.
Jarrod Johnson recently joined TaskUs as the Senior Vice President of Sales. He is responsible for all aspects of revenue growth and leads all sales executions and demand generation. Jarrod brings over 15 years of experience in services and sales leadership where he worked with some of the world’s largest global brands and technology leaders.
Most recently, Jarrod led Sales & Marketing for FacilitySource, a Warburg Pincus-backed SaaS and Services company that specializes in the Retail Real-Estate Services market.
Previously, Jarrod held multiple senior leadership roles at Xerox Business Services (XBS, formerly Affiliated Computer Services Inc.) in Dallas, Texas. His roles included: Group President, Retail and Consumer Brand Technology Services and Senior Vice President, Sales, IT Outsourcing.
Prior to joining Xerox and ACS, Jarrod held several sales leadership, solutions management and business consulting roles while at IBM Corporation.
Jarrod holds an MBA in International Business from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business and a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Political Science & Religion from Gustavus Adolphus College.
Jarrod has two, grade school-age children with very Italian names (Gaetana & Giovanni). His wife, Deanna DiPizio-Johnson, is the proprietor of the popular Salon Pompeo in Dallas, Texas. Jarrod holds a US patent in the area of retail check-out lane optimization - which he has done little to nothing with whatsoever.
Kyle Ormiston.
Manager, Consulting Services.
Kyle Ormiston.
Manager, Consulting Services.
Kyle Ormiston joined TaskUs in 2016 as an Implementation Project Manager and has since joined the Consulting Services team as a technical consultant. He has quickly become an indispensable part of the team!
Most recently, he served three years as a Software Implementation Consultant for the Reynolds and Reynolds Company where he configured and trained on Reynolds’ software products with 55 organizations nationwide. Before that, he directed the Help Desk for a tech startup, became an Apple-Certified Technician, taught Technology at a private Middle School in Korea and spent four years as a radio talk show host.
It's safe to say that his background is diverse!
Kyle holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Chapman University.
Kyle spent 71% of the last five years on the road. He's visited 27 countries and 40 states. As an avid cook, Kyle loves the challenge of making old family recipes into gluten-free masterpieces. He loves music and theater and usually sees (a minimum of) one show per week.
Stephanie Long.
Director, Client Services and Solution Design.
Stephanie Long.
Director, Client Services and Solution Design.
Stephanie Long joined TaskUs in February 2017 as Director of Client Services and Solution Design. With more than 10 years in the BPO industry, her split role gives her the opportunity to support clients in multiple ways - both as a direct manager and with creative ideas to further our clients’ customer engagement strategies.
Stephanie has spent most of her professional life in communications roles for a variety of Business Services organizations like actuarial services and insurance groups. Taking a role supporting large-scale CRM opportunities, she became addicted to the fast pace of the BPO industry and hasn’t been able to tear herself away since. Most recently she ran the PreSales Team for The Minacs Group (recently acquired by Concentrix), supporting the enterprise in business pursuits.
Stephanie found her way to Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a B. A. in Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising.
Stephanie lives in Green Lane, PA with her husband, two children, a Great Dane named Esther and the cat who hates Esther. When they aren’t racing from activity to activity, she and her family enjoy a good, competitive game of Jeopardy. She is also a proud fan of Neil Diamond.
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Vidas marítimas inspiradoras.
Como se inscrever no Seaman’s Book nas Filipinas?
Postado em 21 de fevereiro de 2016.
Um dos documentos mais importantes antes de qualquer marítimo capaz de embarcar em qualquer navio local ou internacional é o Livro de Identificação e Registo do Marítimo (SIRB) ou vulgarmente conhecido como livro de Seaman. Este livro detalha tudo sobre a informação pessoal básica do marinheiro e o serviço de mar.
Informações pessoais básicas incluem nome, data e local de nascimento, altura, peso, cor dos olhos e cabelos, marcas distintivas, sexo, data e local de emissão e validação.
Informação sobre o serviço de mares, referente ao nome do navio, número oficial, local de registo, arqueação bruta, classificação, data e local de embarque e desembarque e assinatura do capitão.
Veja como obter o recibo do Seaman’s Book (SIRB) em apenas 3 minutos:
1) Visite marinaappointment / marina /
2) Você será direcionado para o site da MARINA, em seguida, clique em SET ANPOINT.
3) Selecione o documento SIRB, DATE e TIME, em seguida clique em NEXT (a próxima data disponível é de 7 dias e melhor selecionar o horário após as 15:00).
4) Digite seu NOME COMPLETO e ANIVERSÁRIO e clique em PRÓXIMO.
6) Imprima o SIRBForm que está sendo enviado para o seu email.
7) Prepare o documento original necessário.
a) Para novo candidato.
& # 8211; Certidão de Nascimento NSO.
& # 8211; Liquidação NBI válida.
& # 8211; Certificado Básico de Treinamento.
& # 8211; Transcrição de Registros (para BS MarE / BSMT)
b) Para Reimensão SIRB.
& # 8211; Liquidação NBI válida.
& # 8211; Treinamento Básico de Segurança / Atualização / Atualização.
& # 8211; Licença ou Certificado do Conselho, se aplicável.
& # 8211; Certificado de Serviço Marítimo.
c) Para SIRB Perdido ou Danificado.
& # 8211; Liquidação NBI válida.
& # 8211; Treinamento Básico de Segurança / Atualização / Atualização.
& # 8211; Licença ou BoardCertificate, se aplicável.
& # 8211; Declaração juramentada de apoio.
& # 8211; Certificado de Serviço Marítimo.
8) Documentos adicionais para preparar:
& # 8211; Fotocópias do NBI, BST, BT Refresher, BT Updating, BT COP, todas as páginas do SIRB, Sea Service Certificate e License.
& # 8211; Pasta Longa Branca / Documentário Selo / Uniforme Branco.
9) Na data e hora marcadas, prossiga para o 5º Nível SM City Manila, na Rua Concepción, esquina Arroceros Street, Manila.
10) Pague pelo Carimbo do Documento (P25) e se esquecer de trazer a pasta longa branca, também estará disponível para (P10) no interior.
11) Vá para AVALIAÇÃO no contador 4 ou 5 para enviar documentos e fotocópias para consulta online.
12) Vá para o CASHIER para pagamento.
& # 8211; Regular (P800) para o lançamento do dia seguinte.
& # 8211; Expedite (P1.500) dentro de 4 horas de lançamento.
13) Pague pelo uniforme branco (P25).
14) Vá para a área de CAPTURA DE IMAGEM e receba o recibo oficial e prossiga para a área LIBERTAÇÃO se o processamento for EXPEDITE. Mas se REGULAR, volte no dia seguinte por volta das 13:00.
P. S. Se você quiser se candidatar para o aplicativo Walk-In do SIRB, esteja presente no SM MANILA antes das 8h, uma vez que eles só podem aceitar 400 candidatos por dia.
Vidas marítimas inspiradoras.
31 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; Como se inscrever no Seaman’s Book nas Filipinas? & rdquo;
olá bom dia po tanung ku lang po kung anu po processo pagi mali sa seamans book .. bala nag kapalit po ung pangalan em apelyido. salamat po ..
treinamento contínuo de cadetes de po kasi kami sa.
olá po gusto ko po sana mag aplicar kaya lang sb nila dapat pode magrecomenda daw po akin ,, pwede po ba kahit ng magrecomenda? pls tanx.
Kahit wala kang recomendo pwede po !! 🙂 Eu recomendo punta ka SM manila por volta das 5 da manhã. 🙂
Bom dia, pwede po ba sa no estrangeiro kumuha ng solas pag longos longos anos na expirar ang solas .. salamat.
Senhor . Pwede po kaya mag aplicar kahit wala pang T. O.R? Avaliação Kahit lang po ipakita?
bom dia po tanong ko lang kaylangan pa n T T T. O k k k k k BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS HRM Graduate kc q sa navio de passageiros ang aplicar ko.
Você pode se inscrever em qualquer curso de 4 anos.
Sim po. Pwede po Sir 🙂
Pergunte ao kolang po. Pwede po ba ko maka aplica-se para o livro do marinheiro kahit HRM grad ako? Balak ko sas para madali maka aplicar sa mga linhas de cruzeiro. Nasa qatat po kasi ako neste momento, então balak ko umuwi ng dezembro 2o16 então magkuha ng seamans book. Obrigado.
Precisa de nomeação mg pa ou mg kahit andar em po salamat po.
Bom dia po. Perguntar ao po po kung kung po kukuha ng seamans book ang hrm graduate? Obrigado po.
Senhor, quanto po magagastos sa pagkuha ng seamans livro?
Se kasama po yung BST eh em torno de 9000 po 🙂
Para o candidato novo que se walang certificado de treinamento básico? Deny po ba ang application?
bom dia, pergunte lang po kung pwede po ba kumuha ng seamans livro kahit wala pa po Formação básica? e panorama e saan po ako pwede mag? obrigado po.
Tente Magsaysay Training Center po. Punta po kayo sa Times Plaza é a ONU. Cerca de 9000 po ang taxa de formação, mais médicos.
oi, di na ba pedi ang andar na renovação do kalaw principal? obrigado.
dia bom! O livro do marinheiro é um livro de um marinheiro de kahit ilang anos na po ang certificado de segurança básica? O certificado de segurança básica pode ser válido? salamat po.
Oi senhor senhor pa po ba yun bst na i pa policial.
Salamat po 2013 pa po yun nag base de terra kasi muna ko. Salamat po ulit.
Oi po! Po po ako mka kuha ng seamans livro 3 yr faculdade lng po kasi ako em tgal na ako nag parada pued po ba?
O que você acha deste curso? Como?
Saan po ba makakakuha ng CERTIFICADO DE TREINAMENTO BÁSICO. ty.
Peça a ajuda do seu filho, faça o pedido on-line, no endereço exato do endereço para contato.
O que você está procurando fazer agora? Não há permissão para ir marinheiro livro em vez de um visto marinheiro pwede ko padin po ba gamitin yun o kelangan ko kumuha ng bagong nbi apuramento para makapag aplicar ng sirb? Salamat é uma resposta.
San poh b nkakuha ng treinamento de treinamento absic? Gaanu poh ktgal un?
sir \ maam ng iisue din po ba ng seamansbook sa marina batangas obrigado.
pergunte q po. ..nagu2luhan lng po aq sobre o vestido s. ..ung iba po nka branco..taz pgdatng sken nka preto ung damit ​​po b porpuso ng preto na png itaas? s po branco? tnkz po. ..hop resposta mag po keo . .
Olá senhor. Eu sou um graduado da AMT. Nakakuha po ako curso de segurança básica no livro de marinheiro em 1999. Di po ako nakapagwork onboard. Ngayon po, gusto ko po magrenew ng livro de marinheiro. Você está entediado em BST? Bago po ba ou renovação / atualização lang po? Obrigado.
Abençoado dia po..jovens irmão ko po graduado ng marinheiro, há muito tempo atrás na po..hindi na po siya nakakuha ng marinheiro & s livro em ang alam ko hindi na rin sya olongapo po kami ..
sayang nmn po napag aralan nya kung hindi nya magamit ..
Pwede po ba makakuha livro do marinheiro di pa po graduado pode assuntos il po pa kasi ako & # 8230; Obrigado po.
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Meu amigo Rich, a quem sou muito grato por me dar uma chance de fazer parte de seu livro sobre mariner, é muito informativo, inspirador, revelador, cheio de idéias positivas e motivação, possui uma mentalidade encorajadora e uma perspectiva de vencedor. É de fato um abridor de olhos que eleva nosso espírito a outro nível e além do horizonte de sonhar sonhos e acreditando que todos eles se transformarão em realidade. ”
- Capitão GERALD SAMARTINO, Mestre Marinheiro.
“Ahoy Engr. Rico! Obrigado por escrever outro livro maravilhoso e muito informativo! Isso ajudará muitos marinheiros, especialmente aqueles que estão apenas começando na indústria, querendo ser um engenheiro chefe ou capitão de sucesso como eu. Um deve ter livro para os marítimos! Que Deus continue a fazer de você um instrumento para tocar as vidas dos outros ao redor do mundo através da ajuda de seus maravilhosos livros! Deus abençoe e mais poder Engr. Rico!"
- Marinheiro comum GLENN MERCADO, MV Asian Sun.
“Obrigado por ter este livro que você escreveu. Isso realmente me ajuda muito a aprimorar meu conhecimento na busca de outro objetivo e, ao mesmo tempo, ajudar as pessoas ”.
- Engenheiro Chefe EFREN RILLERA, MV Asian Moon.
"Como eu gostaria de ter este livro antes, ao invés de criar um livro como um guia para aqueles que o que ser bem sucedido na vida. Mas agora eu fui abençoado por ter aquele livro. Deus abençoe senhor e espere, marami pang makabasa livro mo. lalo na sa mga graduado estudante marítimo. será uma grande ajuda para eles e para nós. Mais poder!
- CHAD ESPIRITU, cantando Marino de Bangkang Papel.
“Um livro incrível, educativo e inspirador. Isso elevará a vida de qualquer pessoa em todas as esferas da vida. É um livro de leitura obrigatória. Para o autor, Rich, obrigado por cuidar e elevar a vida dos marinheiros. ”
- Cozinheiro Chefe RUBEN GRANADIL, MV JRS Pegasus.
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Uma História: a Palavra do Ano do Dicionário.
Palavra do ano.
Nossa escolha de Palavra do Ano serve como um símbolo dos eventos mais significativos de cada ano e das tendências de pesquisa. É uma oportunidade para refletirmos sobre a linguagem e as ideias que representam a cada ano. Então, dê um passeio pela estrada da memória para lembrar de todas as nossas seleções anteriores da Palavra do Ano.
Não foi moda, engraçado, nem foi cunhado no Twitter, mas achamos que a mudança contou uma história real sobre como nossos usuários definiram 2010. Ao contrário de 2008, a mudança não era mais um slogan de campanha. Mas o termo ainda tinha muito peso. Aqui está um trecho do nosso anúncio da Palavra do Ano em 2010:
O debate nacional pode ser resumido pela pergunta: Nos últimos dois anos, houve mudanças suficientes? Tem havido muito? Enquanto isso, muitos americanos continuam enfrentando mudanças em suas casas, contas bancárias e empregos. Só o tempo dirá se a última onda de mudanças pela qual os americanos votaram nas eleições intermediárias resultará em um resultado negativo ou positivo.
Esta palavra rara foi escolhida para representar 2011 porque descreveu muito do mundo ao nosso redor. Tergiversar significa "mudar repetidamente a atitude ou opiniões de uma pessoa em relação a uma causa, assunto, etc." Os editores do dicionário viram o mercado de ações, os grupos políticos e a opinião pública passarem por uma montanha-russa de mudanças ao longo de 2011. E assim, nomeamos tergiversar a Palavra do Ano de 2011.
Em um ano conhecido pelo movimento Occupy e o que ficou conhecido como a Primavera Árabe, nossos lexicógrafos escolheram a tag como sua Palavra do Ano de 2012. Aqui está um trecho do nosso lançamento que dá uma boa explicação para a nossa escolha:
2012 viu as campanhas políticas mais caras e alguns dos eventos climáticos mais extremos da história da humanidade, desde enchentes na Austrália a ciclones na China, ao furacão Sandy e muitos outros.
Ficamos sérios em 2013. A privacidade de todos estava naquele ano, desde a revelação de Edward Snowden do Project PRISM até a chegada do Google Glass. Aqui está um trecho do nosso anúncio em 2013:
Muitos de nós abraçamos as mídias sociais, optando por oferecer informações íntimas e fotografias pessoais no Facebook, Twitter e Instagram; Esta participação robusta ecoa uma observação de Mark Zuckerberg em 2010 de que o nível de conforto do público em compartilhar informações pessoais on-line é uma “norma social” que “evoluiu com o tempo”. Mesmo assim, uma pesquisa recente da Harris Poll mostra que os jovens estão agora monitorando e alterando suas configurações de privacidade mais do que nunca, um desenvolvimento que o USA Today apelidou de “efeito de Edward Snowden”.
Alerta de spoiler: As coisas não ficaram menos sérias em 2014. Nossa Palavra do Ano foi a exposição, que destacou o surto do vírus Ebola no ano, chocantes atos de violência tanto no exterior quanto nos EUA e o roubo generalizado de informações pessoais. Aqui está o que nós tivemos a dizer sobre a exposição em 2014:
Do senso de vulnerabilidade que permeia o Ebola à visibilidade de atos de crime ou má conduta que provocaram conversas críticas sobre raça, gênero e violência, vários sentidos de exposição foram expostos ao público este ano.
A fluidez da identidade foi um grande tema em 2015. A linguagem em torno do gênero e da identidade sexual se ampliou, tornando-se mais inclusiva, com acréscimos ao dicionário, como gênero fluido, bem como o prefixo neutro de gênero Mx. A identidade racial também teve muito debate em 2015, depois que Rachel Dolezal, uma mulher branca se apresentando como uma mulher negra, disse que se identificou como biracial ou transracial. Nossa Palavra do Ano em 2015 refletiu as muitas facetas da identidade que surgiram naquele ano.
Em 2016, selecionamos a xenofobia como nossa Palavra do Ano. O medo do "outro" foi um tema enorme em 2016, do Brexit à retórica de campanha do presidente Donald Trump. Em nosso anúncio, pedimos aos nossos leitores que refletissem sobre este termo em vez de celebrá-lo:
Apesar de ser escolhida como a Palavra do Ano de 2016, a xenofobia não deve ser celebrada. Pelo contrário, é uma palavra para refletir profundamente à luz dos acontecimentos do passado recente.
A palavra cúmplice surgiu em conversas em 2017 sobre aqueles que se manifestaram contra figuras e instituições poderosas e sobre aqueles que permaneceram em silêncio. Foi um ano de verdadeiro despertar para a cumplicidade em vários setores da sociedade, da política à cultura pop. De nosso anúncio de Palavra do Ano de 2017:
Nossa escolha para Palavra do Ano é tanto sobre o que é visível quanto sobre o que não é. É uma palavra que nos lembra que até a inação é um tipo de ação. A aceitação silenciosa do erro é como chegamos a esse ponto. Não devemos deixar que isso continue a ser a norma. Se fizermos isso, então somos todos cúmplices.

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